Rubrics Made Easy With Google Forms
Automate Your Rubrics
Use Google Forms to Create Automated Rubrics
Rethink Your Rubrics
Traditional Paper Rubric
Rubric Using Grid Questions
Rubric Using Scale Questions
Select Grid or Scale Questions in the Form
For the Scale Questions:
- For the Scale type question, begin with adding a SECTION HEADER. I like this better because you can identify your points value for your scale here.
- After you have created the Section Header, Add the SCALE QUESTION.
- When you add the Scale Question, don't worry about adding a question here-you have done this in the section header. Just add your scale by entering the starting point (0 or 1) and the ending point (up to 10) for your scale.
- As an option, you can enter labels for the endpoints of your scale such as “Disagree the most” and “Agree the most”, or “Lowest ranking” and “Highest ranking”
- The user will be presented with a scale of values on which to place their response
For the Grid Questions: (This is typically how most rubrics are set up)
- For the Grid type question, begin by typing in your overall question or directions that will apply to each question in the grid.
- Then choose how many columns you want in the grid (1 to 5), and you provide descriptive labels for each column
- Then enter as many rows as you wish for the grid, and enter a question or statement for each.
- When the user completes the question, they will be presented with a grid of rows and columns and will need to click a single cell to place their response for each row.
When All Data Has Been Entered:
- Make sure you have added a title to your Rubric.
- Decide if you will require the MISD (School Domain) login for this form; uncheck the box if not.
- Select RESPONSE DESTINATION at the top of the page in the menu bar. The default is to create a Spreadsheet. This is what you want, so click CREATE. Notice the title of this will be the same as your Form Title except it will have (Responses) next to it.
- Lastly, back in the Editable Form, decide the options for the Confirmation Page at the very bottom.
- Click SEND FORM.
Examples of Scale and Grid Questions
Tips to Add to Your Form
Questions to add to the form at the beginning:
1. Class Period
2. Name (Do you want last name first?)
Make these Required questions by checking the box at the bottom of the question. That way you don't accidently skip one of these important questions.
Next, Add the Formula to Automate The Grade!
Adding the Formula...It's Easier Than You Think!
Tip Before adding the formula:
I have found it best to get all of my grading completed so all data is in the spreadsheet. You can add the formula before you are finished, but you may have to redo it when more information is added.
To add the formula to your Spreadsheet of Responses:- Calculate how many potential points are available for a perfect score when adding all of points available for each category. For instance, if a student received all 4s in rubric with grading 4 categories, the maximum potential points would be 16. However you have your rubric configured, calculate the total maximum points available.
- Here is the formula you will add: =SUM(C2:H2)/16*100
- Let me identify this formula for you: It is telling the Spreadsheet to ADD all of the points in cells C2 through H2. (The 2 identifies the row number; the letters identify the columns; these letters will be determined by how many items you include in your rubric.) Then divide the total number of points accumulated by the maximum number of points available, then multiply that number by 100 and it will calculate the score.
To Add this formula to the Spreadsheet:
- First, add a column to the far left; it will become Column A.
- Select the first cell in Column A that belongs to a student's graded rubric (this will probably be row 2).
- With that cell selected, you will add the formula to the Function Line in the Spreadsheet.
- With that cell selected, a small blue box appears in the bottom right-hand corner. Click on that box and drag down the column to the last row needing a grade. (Click on the picture provided to refer to these positions mentioned.)
Created by MitCrew
Email: mitcrew@misd.gs
Website: https://sites.google.com/a/misd.gs/mit-crew-marketplace/
Twitter: @mitcrew1