Ruhkala Announcements & Schedule
Week of May 1st through May 5th
2022-2023 Ruhkala Yearbooks
PTC's Staff Appreciation Message:
Ruhkala Families, Our PTC is gearing up to THANK our RUHKALA TEACHERS and STAFF. The week of May 8-12 we will celebrate them with a special treat each day. We serve them breakfast, lunch, coffee, and snacks. Our teachers and staff work so hard for all our students so they deserve a week of being spoiled!! If you would like to contribute to the week please read through the sign-up. All items need to be in the office by Friday, May 5th. Thank you so much in advance!!
Save the Date - Ruhkala's OPEN HOUSE
PTC's Parent's Night Out/Silent Auction Event Cancelled
The PTC is sad to announce that the Parent's Night Out/Silent Auction fundraiser has been canceled. Unfortunately, ticket sales were extremely low, and it no longer made financial sense to host the event. Those who purchased tickets will be issued a refund in the next few days. You will receive an email notification once the order has been canceled and the refund will appear on your credit card statement within 2-7 business days.
All classroom baskets and donations from local businesses will still be auctioned off. The PTC is planning to set up auction tables at Open House on May 11. Additional details to come.
PTC's Spirit Night
Click on Picture to Access Spirit Gear
To Clear Absences:
Please contact Ms. Schrader (at rschrader@rocklinusd.org) in order to clear absences.
Office Sign In
Weekly Schedule
Note on the Schedule: CAASPP Testing
- VAPA: Ms. Leavitt
- Articulation Monday Early Dismissal: TK Dismisses at 1:10/K-6th Grade Dismisses at 1:20
- VAPA: Ms. Gardetto/Ms. Whitcroft
- P.E. with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- PTC Spirit Night: Pizza Factory
- Sixth Grade: Walk through the Ancient Civilizations
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- P.E. with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- Fifth Grade: Science Day
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- May 10th: Field Trip Sixth Grade to CSUS Aquatic Center
- May 11th: Minimum Day - RU Open House
- May 12th: Field Trip Second Grade to Bishop's Farm
- May 12th: Field Trip Third Grade to Rocklin History Museum
- May 15th: Minimum Day - Report Card Preparation
- May 17th: RU Band Concert
- May 19th: Field Trip First Grade to Placer Nature Center
- May 19th: PTC's End of the Year Dance