2nd@HES Learning Guide
From the Desk of Mrs. Johnson & Mrs. Martin Vol. 1 Issue 22
Week of February 8 - 12 , 2021
This week we will continue with the hybrid model. Please check the information below to see which days you report to school. Please be sure to check this newsletter daily because things will be added.
Cohort A
Cohort B
Students in cohort B will report to the building on Thursday and Friday. Cohort B Students will login from home on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Student Spotlight
Reminder: Log in to Teams by 7:40am EVERY DAY! Do NOT click meet. Wait until you see the Join button on your screen. Join the meeting that is started by Mrs. Martin or Mrs. Johnson.
HES News
Library Book Check Out
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser (Jan. 25 - Feb. 19)
Click on the link to watch the World's Finest Chocolate Video. https://www.wevideo.com/view/2027695897
Super Hero Reading Challenge
Click on the link to upload the books that you have read https://padlet.com/marystaley1/h80ver6xzkgllidl
Week at a glance: What are we learning?
We are learning how to do a week long author study to analyze and critique the author’s structure of their books.
Success Criteria
We will know we have learned it when we can look at a multitude of books by the author Gail Gibbons and understand the structure she uses to create their books.
We are learning how to...
· Create an opinion writing stating our opinions on which sport is the best.
· Use facts to support my opinion.
Success Criteria
We will know that we have learned it when we have a final 3 page writing that states our opinions of which sport is the best and use details and facts to justify our opinions.
We are learning how to identify shapes that show halves, thirds, and fourths.
Success Criteria
We will know we have learned it when we can…
• Tell whether a shape shows equal or unequal shares.
• Tell whether a shape shows halves, thirds, or fourths.
• Explain how we know a shape shows halves, thirds, or fourths.
Asynchronous Lessons for Wednesday, Feb. 10th
Science (8:15am - 9:15am)
1. Watch the Flocabulary Video. https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/714a9273-b4e5-4adc-9f16-ad784efa341d
2. Watch the video and complete the questions. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mc2OcflqA0eiK-33pL7Y3Y2GtTJur4NLiDC2-Y-tjn9UMklCU0ZDT0I1ME1USE1aVE9ETFM0MUM4UC4u
3. Go to Clever. Go to Raz Kids. Go to Assignments. Listen to, read, and take a quiz on the book titled “Simple Machines”. Once you have listened, read, and taken the quiz the book will disappear out of your assignments list. MAKE SURE YOU DO ALL 3 things to make your book disappear.
4. Imagine what would happen if simple machines disappeared. What would a day be like without simple machines? Upload a video or voice recording on padlet explaining what you think a day would be like without simple machines. https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/ihc8nvmyft4dm7pm
Brain Break (9:15am - 9:30am)
Health (9:30am - 10:00am)
The Digestive System
1. Watch the video and answer the questions. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=mc2OcflqA0eiK-33pL7Y3Y2GtTJur4NLiDC2-Y-tjn9URThPNk9IUVA2QzBTTjMzTk5VR0JJMU5MQy4u
2. Go to www.getepic.com . Read the book “The Digestive System.” It has been assigned to you. After you read the book complete the quiz at the end. Class code: pbi1331
Brain Break (10:am - 10:15am)
Social Studies (10:15am - 11:15am)
You will have Monday February 15, 2021 off to celebrate President’s Day. Today in Social Studies you will be completing FOUR activities/assignments learning all about President’s Day.
1. Raz Kids Book
Go to Clever. Go to Raz Kids. Go to Assignments. Listen to, read, and take a quiz on the Level L book titled “Presidents’ Day”. Once you have listened, read, and taken the quiz the book will disappear out of your assignments list.
2. Flocabulary Forms
3. Raz Kids Book
Go to Clever. Go to Raz Kids. Go to Assignments. Listen to, read, and take a quiz on the Level L book titled “A President’s Day”. Once you have listened, read, and taken the quiz the book will disappear out of your assignments list.
4. Writing
After completing the assignments on the Raz Kids book “A President’s Day”, use the choice board to CHOOSE ONE to write and draw. Upload your writing and drawing into the Padlet.
President’s Day Padlet: https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/l48x8z5ge009lo0o
Make up Work (11:15am - 11:45am)
Lunch and Recess (11:45am - 12:15pm)
Related Arts - Guidance (12:15pm - 1:00pm)
1:00pm - 2:00pm Dreambox / MyLexia / Raz-Kids
MyLexia for 30 minutes
If you do not have MyLexia, Go to Raz-Kids Level Up
Important Links for the Week
Make sure all work is completed and turned in no later than Friday, February 5th.
ELA Links and Assignments
Shared Reading Padlet: https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/7fm0d5frpxrvkq28
Gail Gibbons Reading Workshop Padlet: https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/mfo4xshnyd071kk2
Sports Opinion Writing Padlet: https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/isqhatnhdlhsn3v7
Math Links and Assignments
Related Arts
1. https://sway.office.com/wJZVVDS3kgE2GPLo?ref=Link
2. https://padlet.com/elemhopkins1/hvog989bi6ui2cjx
Tuesday - P.E.
Wednesday - Guidance
Thursday - Spanish
Friday - Art
Personalized Learning Opportunities
Click on the links below to access your PLOs
Big Ideas Math- https://www.bigideasmath.com/BIM/login
- To access your log-in, use your login information provided to you by your teacher.
Dreambox- https://play.dreambox.com/login/6g3f/8chs
- To access your log-in, use your login information provided to you by your teacher.
Reading A to Z- https://www.kidsa-z.com/main/Login
- To access your log-in, add your teacher's name (phamilt1 / djohnson45 ) and find your name and add your password (5-digit student id).
Any other resources, be sure to refer to your Usernames and Passwords Sheets for library resources and your Password Sheets for ELA and Math!
2nd Grade Teacher Contact Information
Dates to Remember
- February 15 - No School