RHS Weekly Newsletter
November 3, 2023
New This Week
Student Produced Newsletter
Each week, our students produce a newsletter to share all the great things happening at RHS. Please take some time to read: RHS Student Newsletter - 11.3.23
Science Olympiad Meeting
Our next meeting is Wednesday 11/08 in the HHP Commons @ 2:30pm. Feel free to just show up. If you have any questions, you can contact Mr. Taubitz at scott.taubitz@romeok12.org.
12 Angry Jurors
Romeo Theatre Company presents 12 Angry Jurors this weekend with shows tonight (7PM), Saturday (7PM) and Sunday (2PM). Click the picture to the right for more information.
Press Release: 12 Angry Jurors
Finkel Force
As I am sure many of you are aware by now, an Indian Hills student, Ryder Finkel, has been diagnosed with a rare form of inoperable brain cancer. There now is a "Finkel Force" shirt being sold by FAMS with the proceeds going to the Finkel family. Our Romeo Lions Club has purchased a t-shirt for every student and staff member at Indian Hills so that everyone can show their support for Ryder and his family. It would be amazing to see other schools in the district wearing these shirts as well. If interested in getting your own "Finkel Force" shirt for you and your family, please visit: https://stores.inksoft.com/finkel_force/shop/home
If you choose to purchase a shirt, RHS will be collaborating with Indian Hills Elementary to schedule a Finkel Force day (or days) to show support of Ryder. We'll share more information as the date nears (and FAMS knows how many shirts they need to make).
Counselors' Corner
Now that the school year is up an running, we've heard from several junior and seniors parents that thoughts are now focused on college, career, financial aid, and scholarships. Our counselors have developed a wonderful set of resources for our families navigating the 'post high school' world. Please take some time to visit the RHS Counseling Website (also included in the "Links" section below) as there is some concise, and very well organized, information and resources.
Here is some more pertinent 'post high school' information you may find beneficial:
- All RHS families are invited to register for Discover Macomb events at Macomb Community College. These informative events are designed to familiarize families with different programs at MCC
- The application and information for the Stanley Ian Babinski PRIDE Scholarship was emailed to all senior football players. Completed applications are due in the BEI office by Monday, November 13 at 2:30
2023 Craft Show - Band Fundraiser
The 2023 craft show to support our band program is Saturday, November 11 from 10:00-4:00. More information can be found in the 2023 Craft Show Flyer.
RHS Ski Club
Snow will be falling before we know it -- that means it's time to join RHS' Ski & Snowboard Club! Members will ski or ride at Pine Knob from December - February on Fridays from 3 - 10 pm. Any RCS student, parent, sibling or friend can join the club! Registration closes on Thursday, 11/30. 2023-2024 Club Spirit wear is also available to order until Thursday, 11/30. Please visit www.romeoski.weebly.com for more information, to register, and/or to order spirit wear.
Romeo Restored
Romeo Restored, our school thrift store, will be open for all students during lunches on Tuesdays and Fridays and after school on Wednesdays. If you would like to make a donation, please contact Mrs. Gedert (pamela.gedert@romeok12.org).
Upcoming Events
11/3-5: RTP Production 12 Angry Jurors
11/13: NHS & NTHS Induction Ceremonies
11/22-26: Thanksgiving Break
12/12: Band Concert
12/13: Choir Concert
Class of 2024
Last Call Before Costs Go Up
Graduation will be here before you know it! Only about half of our Class of 2024 has paid their graduation fee and/or ordered their cap and gown. This is the last call before costs go up. If you’re unsure if you/your child has paid, please contact Mrs. Schornack (sara.schornack@romeok12.org) to check.
Link to pay graduation fee - This fee provides the student with 2 tickets for the graduation ceremony and helps to pay for graduation itself. This will also let us know how your name should appear on your diploma. Students that don’t pay this will not receive any graduation tickets nor be able to purchase additional tickets
Link to cap and gown payment - Josten’s will be here Monday, October 23rd during lunch to collect orders or for any additional questions.