September 2023

BRACE NEWS October 2023
A Warm October Welcome
Happy Fall!
Dear Brace Students and Families,
September has flown by and the first month of school is already completed. Fall is one of my favorite seasons and I love watching the leaves and landscapes change color. Fall also means winter is around the corner and I do not look forward to colder temperatures.
Although we offer the bulk of our learning online, we still have a variety of activities going on in our classrooms for our in person learners to join in and attend. This past month students and staff (and some families) joined us in a smudge, presentation, and some Metis Art as part of recognizing and acknowledging residential school survivors on Orange Shirt Day. Ms. Cardinal will continue to offer beading and Art activites Wednesday afternoons at the school. We also have a number of Augustana students who are volunteering at BRACE this semester.
The semester is in full swing! We are almost half way to our first report card, so just a reminder to all students to be checking assignment due dates and deadlines. Check emails regularly for any important updates. You can access all of your marks in PowerSchool and in Moodle; paper report cards will not be sent out this year. Last year we piloted a paperless system which had rave reviews! School marks are continuously updated and live for students and parents to access via PowerSchool. Don't forget if you can't come into the school some days, all of your material is available online. It is important that whether you are in person or online, you should be working 4-5 hours a day on school work to stay on track if you are a full time student! Students who are not active in courses will be withdrawn.
I want to wish all of you and your families an amazing upcoming Thanksgiving weekend, and hope that you are able to connect with friends and family, enjoy their company, and express how thankful you are that they are in your lives. We are very thankful we have the opportunity to educate and support everyone at BRACE. Happy Thanksgiving!
If you have any questions, please contact me and reach out.
Melanie Buckley
BRACE Principal
Follow us on Social media!
Moments at BRACE
Brace Classroom
Taking a break: A masterpiece is finished
Metis Dot Painting
Upcoming Dates/Events
BRACE Upcoming Dates
October 5- Early Dismissal (Staff Meeting)
October 9- Thanksgiving Monday (No School)
October 31- Halloween (Dress up if you'd like to)
Nov 1- Professional learning Day (No School)
Nov 13-17- Fall Break (No School)
*Please remember BRACE is open late on Tues/Wed evenings from 5-7:30pm and we are closed on Fridays.
Nutrition Program
BRSD 2023-24 Printable Calendar
October Menu
Career Counselling News
FSLW Support
Accessing Moodle for your BRACE courses
Here's the link to access the BRSD Moodle Site.