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Haunted Houses for Sale!
Creating silhouette houses
I can:
- Apply my understanding of the color wheel to the background of my haunted house.
- Blend tints and shades of a particular color for an interesting background.
-Create a silhouette of a haunted house to put in the foreground of my blending back ground.
-Discuss and understand unity in art.
Unity in Art
A principle of art, unity occurs when all of the elements of a piece combine to make a balanced, harmonious, complete whole. Unity is another of those hard-to-describe art terms but, when it's present, your eye and brain are pleased to see it.
Here are some examples that show unity!
How do the colors in this piece make it pleasing to look at?
American Gothic- By Grant Wood
What are some things that you notice that are the same in this piece?
The Great Wave- By Katsushika Hokusai
Although The Great Wave is a simple piece how does it show unity?
Haunted House for Sale
We will be creating haunted houses by practicing what we know about color and blending colors together as well as practicing what we know about unity.