May 2022 Newsletter
Contact Information
Mailing Address: PO Box 148 - Thedford, NE 69166
Email: mandersen16@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/centralsandhills/
Location: 503 Main Street, Thedford, NE, USA
Phone: (308)645-2267
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralsandhillsarea/
Membership For 2021-2022 Is Now Open!
In November 4honline transitioned from 1.0 to 2.0. You can click on the link to enroll in the new system https://v2.4honline.com/. If you have any questions, please reach out to Shaniya at s.albertus@unl.edu or by calling the office at 308-645-2267.
Please note, this year the Nebraska State 4-H Office will impose a statewide enrollment deadline date that will assist counties in having a consistent timeline for processing membership enrollments. Once that date is announced from the State 4-H Office, it will be released from the Extension Office.
What does this mean? ENROLL EARLY and don't miss the statewide deadline to be a Nebraska 4-H member! :-)
All leaders and volunteers also need to be enrolled on 4honline. There is no fee to enroll.
Attention: Adult members and volunteers
All 4-H volunteers and staff are required to complete the Nebraska 4-H volunteer screening process. Volunteer screening is done in order to assure a safe, positive, and nurturing environment for all youth involved with the Nebraska 4-H programs and provide protection for the child, the volunteer, the educator, the 4-H Council, the Extension Board, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension.
Initial screening of volunteers and staff will occur when they sign up to volunteer or are employed as an Extension professional. Re-screening for volunteers will be done every five years by district regardless of when the original screening was completed. Volunteers are responsible for covering the screening fee at the time the screening is completed. Currently, the cost of the screening is $5.00. Please see click on the link below for more details.
One of the most widely owned pets is a family dog. There are many benefits to youth taking an active role in pet care responsibilities. Pet ownership has been associated with improved emotional, physical, and mental health. Pets also teach youth valuable lessons in responsibility, trust, compassion, and respect. If you have a family dog, your child could greatly benefit from the 4-H Dog Program.
At your local county fair, there are three classes you can show your dog in. There is showmanship, obedience, and agility. Showmanship classes are judged on handler's appearance (10%), grooming and conditioning of dog (20%), coordination of the dog and handler (50%), and general knowledge (20%). Classes are divided into age divisions. Dog obedience participants are judged on several exercises performed by the dog and owner. The number of exercises varies depending on the division entered. Dog agility is performed with varying obstacles for each level. Youth may not enter this competition if they have not trained and practiced agility due to safety. The number of obstacles and leash requirements change based on experience level.
The dog project also includes a Dog Achievement Program much like the Horse project. Youth are required to begin at level 1 and progress through level 4 if they choose to participate in the achievement program. More information on the achievement program can be found at 4h.unl.edu/dog-achievement-program.
The rules and guidelines are listed under the small animal section of our fair book. Notable rules include the vaccination requirements. All dogs must be immunized for distemper, hepatitis, parvo, and rabies. The Nebraska State Fair Dog Show Vaccination Record Form (SF 263) must be filled out and signed by a veterinarian and returned to the extension office with fair entries on July 1st.
If you are interested in the 4-H dog project and want more information, please contact the 4-H Assistant Shaniya at s.albertus@unl.edu or the local 4-H dog project leader.
Sandhills PASE Team Forming for 2022
Attention Sandhills youth, if you are interested in participating in this state level event with youth from the area, please contact Shaniya at s.albertus@unl.edu! Practices will be held in May and June. Volunteer adult chaperones may be needed depending on team size. The Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) features a variety of state-level animal science contests. The two-day event is designed to help youth explore issues related to the animal industry, discover college and career opportunities, and work with other teens from across the state. Youth have the opportunity to participate in livestock judging, meats judging, and poultry judging contests, as well as livestock skill-a-thon and livestock quiz bowl. Youth can participate in more than one contest or event as their schedule allows. In addition, youth will have chances to explore East Campus, meet with faculty members and current college students, and have fun with friends! PASE is held annually at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus. This year's event will be held June 22-23, 2022.
State and Regional 4-H Events
April 30 Husker Horse Judging School - Animal Science Complex East Campus, Grace Kim at grace.kim@unl.edu
May 1 Husker Horse Judging Contest - Animal Science Complex East Campus, Grace Kim at grace.kim@unl.edu
May 6 Entries due for District Horse Shows, and Fonner Park State 4H State Horse Show
May 7 4-H Invitational Horse Show - Buffalo County Fairgrounds, 308-236-1235
May 12 Cattle Battle - Columbus, Drew Wolfe 402-276-0733
May 20 Livestock Judging Contest - Dawes County Fairgrounds, Clint Phillips 308-430-5343
May 21 Swine Jackpot - Ag Park Columbus, Jill Goedeken 402-276-5838
May 23 Livestock Judging Contest - Nuckolls County Fairgrounds, 402-225-2381
May 25 4-H Horse Judging Contest, Pitzer Ranch Arena, Steve Niemeyer 308-346-4200
May 26 Animal Science Discovery Day - NCTA Campus in Curtis, Elena at elena.stout@unl.edu or Kimberly at kimberly.cook@unl.edu
May 26 Livestock Judging Contest - Colfax County Fairgrounds, Extension Office 402-352-3821
June 4 Small Animal Progress Show - Phelps County Fairgrounds, 308-995-4222
June 6-10 4-H District Horse Shows, contact Grace Kim grace.kim@unl.edu
June 9-11 4-H Horse Camp - Crawford, Dawes County Extension, 308-432-3373 or tessa.reece@unl.edu
June 9 Beef Ambassador Contest and Beef Advocacy Training - Mid-Plains Valentine, 402-450-0223 or ncw@necattlemen.org
June 11 Junior Beef Progress Show - Loup City, Mike Kaminski 308-202-0571
June 12 Lincoln County Horse Show - North Platte, Johna Gartrell 308-530-7809 or Lindee Miller 308-660-5748
June 15 Application/Sign up for Nebraska 4H Livestock Achievement Program - ashley.benes@unl.edu
June 18 Dawes County 4-H Progress Show - Dawes County Fairgrounds, Ryan Sellman 308-430-3634
June 22-23 Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) - UNL East Campus, Shaniya Albertus 308-645-2267
June 23 4-H Plant and Insect Identification Contest - Columbus, Kelly Feehan 402-563-4901
June 25 Platte Valley Dog Show - D&N Event Center North Platte, Amber Willard 308-660-4323
June 25 Sheridan County Progress Show - Sheridan County Fairgrounds, Extension Office 30-327-2312
June 25 Papio Valley 4-H Livestock Show - Springfield, Brett Kreifels 402-444-1799
July 9-13 Fonner Park 4H State Horse Show - Grand Island, Grace Kim at grace.kim@unl.edu
If you have any questions or need more information you can also contact the Central Sandhills Area Extension Office.
Tractor Safety Classes
New!! Hands-On Safety Day: Tractor and Equipment Safety for Young and Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
Young and beginning farmers, ages 13 and older are invited for a day of hands-on equipment demonstrations and tractor driving (14 years of age and over to drive).
May 24, 2022 – West Central Research and Education Center in North Platte
May 26, 2022 – Raising Nebraska in Grand Island
Annual Tractor and Equipment Safety Certification Training Course for students 14 years of age and older
Successful completion of a one-day in-person training (driving exam) paired with an online learning module will result in certification for 14 and 15 year old youth to be employed on farms and ranches.
May 25, 2022– North Platte
June 6, 2022 – O’Neill
June 7, 2022 – Gering
June 8, 2022 – Broken Bow
June 9, 2022 – Hastings
June 10, 2022 – Weeping Water
For more information contact Susan Harris (308—737-9190) susan.harris@unl.edu or Ellen Duysen ellen.duysen@unmc.edu.
Cookie College Workshop with Brenda Aufdenkamp
Ages: 8 and up
Cost: $15.00
Date: July 19
Halsey 8:30-12:00 CT, and Thedford 2:00-4:30 CT
July 21
Mullen 8:30-11:00 MT, and Hyannis 1:00-3:30MT
Please call the Central Sandhills Area Extension Office to sign up at 308-645-2267
Second Year of the Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program
This additional opportunity for enrolled livestock project youth, is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve in their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
The program recognizes Members of Excellence across all 4-H livestock project areas, including: beef, sheep, meat goat, swine, dairy cattle, dairy goat, rabbit, and poultry.
The program consists of two levels that require 4-H members to plan and report a broad range of age-appropriate and project-related accomplishments. For each level, the Livestock Achievement Program provides a list of accomplishments from which 4-H members choose their goals. Each accomplishment is worth a specific number of points. Intermediates, ages 10-13, must complete 100 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Intermediate Member of Excellence. Seniors, ages 14-18, must complete 150 points worth of activities to receive the distinction of Senior Member of Excellence. The Plan and Reports, linked on the webpage, show examples of the project related accomplishments they can choose, or they can identify their own with approval of their local educator.
Applications/Sign up are due June 15th through the application form link on the website. Plan and Reports, as well as Project Records will be due August 10 via the completion form on the website. Youth completing the achievement program and receiving member of excellence recognition in the various species will be recognized during the Parade of Champions, 4-H weekend at the Nebraska State Fair.
For more information or to apply, go to: Livestock Achievement Program | Nebraska 4-H (unl.edu)
Ashley Benes ashley.benes@unl.edu
Brett Kreifels brett.kreifels@unl.edu
Cole Meador cmeador2@unl.edu
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Nebraska Extension in the Central Sandhills
Don't forget to visit our Extension website at:
Nebraska Extension in the Sandhills
PLEASE SHARE WITH US YOUR NEWS so it can be included in our newsletters! Forward any 4-H news, events, or activities to Marcy at mandersen16@unl.edu