February 2025 Newsletter
We Love Our Students and Wildcat Families!
From The Principal's Desk
The New Year has started, and we have been busy on the Wildcat campus. The school hosted Family Game Night, followed by an ELOP board game day on our Monday holiday, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders attended the You Matter Conference hosted by LCOE, the school had a Pep Rally to kick off the boys basketball tournament and finally we ended the month with our annual 7th and 8th grade boys basketball tournament which was a fun weekend for all.
In the middle of all of that we also celebrated the 100th day of school. Students school wide dressed up like they were 100 years old,. The Wildcat made his way around to classes and gave out stickers and 100-day pencils. It's always fun to celebrate this special day. We look forward to the events planned in February.
Our Wildcat Reading Challenge is still underway. Mrs. Foreman's class and Mrs. Malone's class were the December winners and had their chosen celebration incentives earlier this month- a pajama day and lunch with Mrs. Lewis and bookworm cupcakes. There have been almost a dozen students who have read enough words to individually earn a token for the book vending machine and that has been a fun addition to the campus. As of Friday, January 30th our Wildcats have read 40 million words. Great work, keep reading! You're well on your way to our school wide challenge total.
Mrs. Lewis
Feb. 5th & 26th are Minimum Days
No School Feb. 10th & 17th
Upcoming Events
January 29-31- Boys Basketball Tournament
January 13 - February 6 - Pie in the Face Sales
January 29- February 12 - Valentine Gram Sales
January 31 - 100TH DAY OF SCHOOL!
February 5 - Minimum Day
February 7- 2pm Pie in Face Assembly
February 7- Valentine's Dance 6th-8th Grade 7-9pm
February 10 - No School
February 10 - ELOP Day
February 13 - School Site Council Meeting at 3PM in the staff lounge
February 17 - No School
February 18 - School Board Meeting at 6:30PM in the library
February 26 - Minimum Day
Regular Day
8:15 - 2:20 K - 3rd
8:15 - 2:25 4 - 8th
Minimum Day
8:15 - 12:40 K - 3rd
8:15 - 12:45 4 - 8th
Valentine's Day Grams
Mrs. Herman's Class Answers the Age Old Question, "What Is Love?"
Mrs. Herman asked her first and second grade the question, "What is love?" Here are their responses.
First Grade
Archer- "Giving people presents."
Ari- "Kindness."
Ava- "When I get to see my family from all over."
Bently- "Loving our family."
Destiny- "You like the person a lot!"
Charles- "Hugging someone when they are not feeling well."
Emmett- "When someone gets back from home and you give them a ginormous hug like a Yeti."
Elizamae- "When you're married."
Justice- "Love your parents, your brother, and your sister."
Mason- "Spending time with someone when they are lonely."
Tristen- "Spending time with someone when they feel sad."
Warren- "Reading with someone."
Westley- "Giving hugs."
2nd Grade
Alaina- "Giving someone your jacket when they are cold."
Charlie- "Smooches!"
Gwen- "Playing with someone and giving them chocolate."
Lane- "Caring about others."
Harper- "Spending time with your teacher and giving her hugs when she is frustrated."
Arlo- "Liking someone so much."
Parker- "Giving a hug when someone is lonely."
Silas- "Giving someone flowers or a present."
We wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day!
Mrs. Wood’s 5th Graders Debate:
Should Students Be Able to Run Their Own Business?
Mrs. Wood’s 5th-grade class recently participated in a lively and well-structured debate on the topic: "Should students be able to run their own businesses?" Students were divided into two groups—one in favor of the idea and one against it.
Each group spent time researching, organizing their arguments, and preparing rebuttals. During the debate, students confidently presented their viewpoints, actively listened to opposing arguments, and engaged in respectful discussion.
A special guest, our principal, observed the debate and was highly impressed by the students’ level of preparation and participation. “I was very impressed with how well-prepared the students were to have such a well-thought-out debate with one another. All of the students were engaged and participating. They were respectful to one another, articulate, and engaged in the process. I’m glad I was able to see it,” the principal remarked.
At the conclusion of the debate, the class voted on which side had the stronger presentation. In the end, the majority of students voted in favor of allowing students to run their own businesses. Their arguments highlighted the benefits of financial literacy, responsibility, and creativity at a young age.
This debate was a great opportunity for students to practice critical thinking, persuasive speaking, and teamwork—valuable skills that will serve them well in the future!
100TH Day Of School!
January Classroom Attendance Winner
January Wildcat Card Monthly Winners
Wildcat Reading Challenge
Congratulations, Wildcats!
In January you read 40,000 words!
Can you smell what Ms. Sabrina is selling? Smencils are on sale at recess and on Fridays after school with Ms. Sabrina. Five different scents for only $1 each. All proceeds go to benefit the 8th Grade trip this year.
What's Cooking?
Breakfast and Lunches are free to all students for the 2024-2025 school year
Milk & Juice .40
Guest Breakfast = $3.62
Guest Lunch = $5.67