Boevers Schoolwide Title 1 Plan
Parent & Community Stakeholder Involvement
Boevers Mission Statement
We strive to create a community built on success and responsibility. We will provide a safe place where students can develop through positive interactions with students and teachers. We strive to help students become problem solvers, goal setters and dream achievers.
Boevers is a Community School in the Union Public Schools District. According to the October 1, 2019 child count, 88.67% of Boevers students qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch services. The Boevers student population is ethnically diverse.
With almost 90% of the student population qualifying as Economically Disadvantaged, all students are at-risk and will benefit from the strategies and services provided through the Title 1 Schoolwide Plan.
In conjunction with the Union District Strategic Plan, The Boevers community works collaboratively to develop and provide a high-quality education for our students. The site leadership meets quarterly to review academic data, attendance data, school budgets and plan family events. The site leadership team involves staff, parents and members of the community in the decision-making process.
Annual Title 1 meeting 21-22
Needs Assessment
The Title 1 Site Team gathers quarterly to analyze academic achievement data, attendance data and review the budget.
In August, the team gathers for the Annual Review. The team reviews the Title budget, progress made towards Schoolwide Goals, as well as problems or concerns.
Demographic Data
Due to redistricting, total enrollment at Boevers dropped for the 2019-2020 school year from 522 students in 2018-2019 to 424 students. According to the October 1st, 2019 child count, 88.67% of the student population qualified for free or reduced lunch.
14.9% of students qualified for special education services.
55.4% of students enrolled are English learners.
5.8% receive services for Gifted and Talented.
Federal Race/ Ethnicity:
56% Hispanic
15% White
10% Black
8% Multi-racial
7% Asian
3% American Indian
1% Pacific Islander
Academic Data
Students took the STAR Reading or STAR Early Literacy assessment, and STAR math assessment twice this school year during a normed testing window, once in the fall, once in the winter (some students were assessed more frequently for the purpose of progress monitoring). The charts below display the percentage of students in each grade level who met the grade level benchmark. The spring testing window was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. No data is available for the end of year window.
Every grade level showed growth. STAR growth is significant, because the STAR is a nationally normed, standards-based assessment. Maintaining a consistent score, therefore, is showing growth at the nationally average rate. Our students grew by more than the average amount, as shown in the graphs.
However, a large percentage of students were still below benchmark in reading and math.
The Union CRT is a criterion-based test. Students are assessed each of the first three quarters of the school year in grades three through five.
Questions measure proficiency on language arts standards. Growth in percentage of questions answered correctly shows growth in proficiency on the standards. Students in grades three, four, and five showed improvement each quarter by answering a greater number of questions correctly.
Although each grade demonstrated growth, no grade had reached 60% answers correct.
Subgroup Analysis of ELA CRT:
Analysis of subgroup data shows that the only group whose rate of growth was less than the grade level average across all three grades was the IEP group, although this group still did show improvement. This is the group of students who receive the greatest support and most resources, but also has the greatest educational needs.
*Sub-groups with less than five students were not included in analysis.
Math CRT Data
The Union CRT is a criterion-based test. Students are assessed each of the first three quarters of the school year in grades three through five.
Questions measure proficiency on math standards. Each quarter, new standards are added to the assessment.
Students in third and fifth grade made adequate progress, showing steady growth and mastery of new objectives. The graph below displays the percentage of questions answered correctly by each grade level. The data from fourth grade continues to exhibit a need for focused instruction on second semester standards.
Subgroup Analysis of Math CRT:
Analysis of subgroup data for math shows that no one group stands out across the grade levels as having a significant difference in growth. Even fourth grade, whose progress mastering the objectives was slower than third or fifth grades, showed an almost equal distribution within groups.
*Sub-groups with less than five students were not included in analysis.
Subgroup Analysis OSTP and State Report Card, 2019 ATSI (Additional Targeted Support and Improvement):
ACCESS test data
ACCESS stands for "Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners." It's a test that's given to students from kindergarten to grade 12, to assess their progress in learning English. The test is administered by the WIDA Consortium, and it meets the government's requirements for the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). This act sets forth standards for monitoring a student's journey towards English proficiency.
Due to the global pandemic, ACCESS scores are not available for the 2019-2020 school year. However, the scores below are from the previous two years, and show progress in percent of students who have gained proficiency in the English language.Attendance Data
Attendance data for the 2019-2020 school year continues the trend of higher rates of absenteeism in the early childhood years. Students who are chronically absent miss more than 10% of their school days. 18% of Boevers Pre-k students were considered chronically absent this school year.
We continue to educate families regarding the value of missing less than five days of school each year through school publications, parent meetings and at Goal Setting Conferences. During Goal Setting Conferences, teachers share attendance and tardy data with families, then set attendance goals for the upcoming quarter. The Boevers Parent Liaison has also worked with families to provide resources and assistance for families facing hardships that may keep students from attending school.
Parent Survey
A parent survey was distributed in English and Spanish through the Remind App in April, 2020. Response rate was high with more than 50% of Boevers families responding.
When asked “What do you like most about Boevers?” An overwhelming number of families responded that they most appreciate the teachers and staff, as well as the individualized care.
What could we do to improve Boevers?
· More after school programs
· Put more attention to the student's needs and level
· Communication with parents
· More Family involvement opportunities
· I would like to see Boevers have a reading lab in a math lab for the kids who are struggling with reading and math
· Less kids for classrooms and more reading tutoring.
· More counselors but LOVE the ones that are there!!!
· Nothing
· Character building for the children. Bullying and togetherness.
· Add different languages programs.
Computer or tablet at home:
75% of families surveyed indicated they have a computer or tablet at home.
Reliable Internet Service:
87% of families surveyed reported they had access to reliable internet service.
How connected do you feel to the school? 1, not connected to 10, very connected:
How connected do you feel to other Boevers families?
How well does your child’s teacher meet your student’s academic needs?
Do you feel that homework improves your child’s academic success?
Do you feel that Boevers is a safe school?
Student Strengths:
Individual student growth in all content areas.
Connection to teachers and staff.
Strong family support.
Student Needs and focus areas:
1. Increase percentage of students reaching proficient or above in the area of reading by 10%.
Metric- Renaissance STAR Reading and Early Literacy Assessment
2. Increase percentage of students reaching proficient or above in the area of math by 10%.
Metric- Renaissance STAR Math Assessment (1st-5th Grade only)
3. Increase the percentage of EL students to reach Functional English Proficiency.
Metric- Access Test
Staff Strengths:
Low staff turnover for the last three consecutive years.
100% of certified staff have three or more years of teaching experience.
Continuing to build capacity in content knowledge and EL practices. 15 ESL certified teachers.
Strong collegial support amongst teaching teams.
Leadership consistency and experience of administration team.
Staff Needs:
1. Ongoing and embedded PD in the area of math instruction.
2. Ongoing and embedded PD in small group reading instruction.
3. Ongoing and embedded coaching cycles for targeted EL instruction.
Evidence Based Strategies
We will work toward these goals identified from the needs assessment by continuing our work with data teams to identify students who need more instruction or are not making progress. Administration and staff will stay current with evidence-based strategies to work towards closing the achievement gap. Teachers will work to implement instructional strategies learned from coaching cycles with the EL Coaching Lead and the Instructional Coach. The resources already available to fulfill these goals are early intervention, school-wide digital data wall, Instructional Coach (511 salary), EL Coaching Lead (511), Language Arts Specialist (511), coaching cycles (511 sub days and stipends), collaboration time built into the schedule every Friday, after-school programs (511), tutoring (511) and visibility and availability of administration. We will host fall and spring Goal Setting Conferences, which will provide opportunities for families and school faculty to sit down and plan action steps needed to reach individualized academic goals.
Boevers site team has reviewed our focus areas together and looked at how our vision for reform can meet the needs of these students specifically. The site based Instructional Coach will continue intentional, embedded PD in mathematics. This work includes enhancing teacher clarity, ensuring that learning intentions, questions, activities and assessments are all in alignment with the standard. The coach and the teacher will collaborate in a variety of ways; planning, modeling, guided co-teaching, debriefing and reflecting on data and student outcomes. In this process, the students will also be given clear learning intentions and success criteria helping them understand exactly what it is they need to do/learn.
We will implement EL strategies to help our English Learners access the curriculum as part of our District Plan, Structured English Immersion. Our weekly data team meetings will focus specifically on students who are not making adequate progress. The team will collaborate to identify additional strategies to impact individual growth. Interventions will be provided by the classroom teacher, Language Arts teacher (511), Paraprofessional under the direct supervision of a certified teacher (511), the reading specialist or a special education teacher. Title 1 (511) will be used to pay teachers and support staff.
Title 1 (511) funding will support small group instruction through the purchase of tutoring materials such as an online leveled book subscription, additional low level/ high interest texts for tutoring, supportive software purchases and reading manipulatives.
Extended Learning Time:
After-school tutoring may be provided for students working below benchmark (511). A combination of RSA (367) funding and Title 1 (511) will be used to pay teachers and Paraprofessionals under the direct supervision of a certified teacher.
We will track attendance weekly and make action steps, coordinating with the family, to improve poor attendance.
The STAR test is given in Math and Reading at least 3 times a year. This data, along with running records and classroom common formative assessments are reviewed at data meetings to identify which students are still struggling with specific concepts. Students are identified and an action plan is made to address specific skills in small groups. The Response to Intervention process is implemented for all students. Tier 1 instruction includes all grade level instruction and assessments provided to all students. Students who are below benchmark receive an additional layer of instruction (Tier 2) in a small group with the classroom teacher or a reading specialist. Students who have not made adequate progress with Tier 2 interventions are discussed at quarterly Child Study meetings. Teachers bring their CFA data, STAR results, attendance data, observations, ACCESS scores and running records to the meeting. The team reviews the data and determines appropriate instructional next steps for the student. The team may also determine further diagnostic testing is necessary. The nationally normed Aims Web assessment tool may be used to identify specific instructional gaps and to qualify a student for Tier 3 intervention and weekly progress monitoring.
Teachers and students will use iPads (K-2) and laptops (3rd-5th) to enhance assessment and learning in the classroom. Applications such as Apple Classroom, Seesaw, RAZ Kids, Imagine Learning and Dreambox Math will increase time on task and allow greater individualization for our students. Each teacher has a Smart Board or Smart TV in his/her classroom. Instruction is interactive and hands on with these tools.
Teacher Inclusion in Data Decisions:
High quality, in-depth, and continuous teacher and staff professional development focus on staff planning and study groups.
The Data Teams Experience; A guide for Effective Meetings by Angela Peery identifies five steps that should take place when data teams meet:
1. The team collects and charts (or displays) the data.
2. The team analyzes the data and prioritizes the needs.
3. The team sets a SMART goal.
4. The team determines the instructional strategies they will implement in order to raise student proficiency.
5. The team determines results indicators.
Boevers data teams meet weekly during Friday collaboration.
Student Interventions:
Listed below are specific student academic interventions:
1. Student Data Gathering- All students' STAR, Literacy 1st Assessments, Independent Reading Level and District benchmark assessments will be charted and monitored for progress. Data is discussed during data meetings and at Child Study meetings (UBEST) in order to incorporate differentiated instruction and intervention for all students not mastering academic achievement standards.
2. Response to Intervention-
1) Parent/Teacher Referral for Tier 3 brought to Child Study Team (UBEST) after Tier 2 data collection has revealed lack of adequate growth.
2) Student enters Tier 3. Receives daily intervention session in small groups of 1-3 students. Weekly progress monitoring with Aims Web assessment tool.
3) Data is reviewed by Child Study Team at 5th and 10th data point.
4) Team recommends action based on data.
Student making progress- continue with Tier 3 interventions.
Student not making substantial progress, complete REDS.
3. Scheduling- Daily schedule structured to minimize non-instructional activities and daily distractions.
4. Zero's Are Not Permitted- Students who have not completed assignments are provided time during or after school in Power Hour (homework club) to successfully complete. Parent notification is required. Power Hour is funded through 511 and instruction in reading and math is provided by a certified teacher.
5. Family Reading/Math Nights- Boevers will sponsor activities for families. Family Events teach parents/guardians how to focus student reading within the child's Independent Reading Level and provide materials to use at home. Title 1 (511) funding is used to pay teacher stipends for family nights.
6. Summer Programming- Summer programming is provided for K-4th grade students and funded through Title 1 (511), RSA (367) and the Boevers Activity Account (8801). Our goal is to bridge the summer reading gap and provide opportunities to read with direct instruction, preventing summer loss. Summer Programming may involve, Summer Reading Academy, tutoring, open library times and family engagement events.
7. Systematic Behavior Plan Process (Behavior UBEST)
Tiered Approach: Tier 1 Teacher determined classroom management plan, Tier 2- individualized behavior plan developed and implemented by classroom teacher, Tier 3- behavior plan developed and implemented by UBEST leadership team.
PBIS approach to support students with highest behavior needs.
Data tracking, review meetings, intervention adjustments based on data.
Classroom behavior supports provided by administrative team and full time Behavior Coach (623).
8. Counselor Peer Groups- Counselor will establish peer groups of students struggling with social and family issues. Counselor will meet weekly with students to discuss strategies for coping with those specific issues and how to maintain academic success.
9. School-Based Therapy, Partnership with Family & Children’s Services- Two full time school-based therapist will support the most at-risk students during the school day, providing individualized therapy for identified students and families.
10. Tutoring- Students performing below benchmark may be offered reading and/or math tutoring by a certified teacher (511) or a paraprofessional (367 or 8801) under the direct supervision of a certified teacher. Additionally, 511 funds may be used to provide additional tutoring support during the school day by a certified teacher.
11. Boppin' Bobcats- Identified group of students stay an hour after school to learn musical numbers, which they perform at school for parents and students as well as off-site for our community partners.
12. Computer based intervention program- Imagine Learning and Dreambox Math.
13. KCAT- Identified group of students arrive before school and prepare daily broadcast for the entire school. The broadcast may include announcements, weather, state and national remembrance days and educational information.
14. Safety Patrol- Identified group of student leaders arrive before school and stay after school to assist staff with safe arrival & dismissal of school.
15. Vision, Hearing & Dental Screenings- All students are screened during the 1st semester to identify any student needs. Parents are provided information and resources for students needing corrective action.
16. Two, full time certified teachers will provide interventions during the school day. Both teacher salaries are funded through Title 1 (511). STAR Literacy assessments, as well as running records and Literacy First assessments will be used to determine students who are working below benchmark. Certified specialists will push into the classroom to partner with classroom teachers for reading and math instruction. Pull out instruction will be provided for students who need Tier 2 interventions for reading and/or math in a less distracting environment.
Professional Development
The focus of our professional development plan this year will be reading, math and English Language Development. Teachers will participate in ongoing professional development with structured follow-up training focusing on scientifically evidence based instructional strategies with an emphasis on vocabulary development, differentiating their instruction for all students, utilizing assessment/data as tools for decision making, grade level teaming to produce continuity of input, and student centered strategies. Our instructional coach will use the Jim Knight coaching model to individualize development for teachers.
These are the activities that will take place for grade level teachers and specialists in 2020-2021.
1. Coaching Cycles specifically designed for individual teacher and students needs in regards to reading, writing, word study, math and acquiring English proficiency (511).
2. Fall will consist of coaching in the areas of teacher clarity, classroom management, building classroom community, setting routines, formative assessment, goal-setting and creating action plans for specifics students' literacy growth or mathematic development, as well as using the ACCESS score to group EL students by domain and need. Teachers will have sub days provided (511), allowing the instructional coach and teacher to meet and plan personalized instructional goals through the Jim Knight coaching model.
3. Spring will consist of individualized coaching cycles (511) that respond to specific teacher needs; math concept development (unit design), intentional interactive read aloud, student engagement, EL strategies, integration of foundational skills into the balanced literacy framework, classroom management, building classroom community/ social-emotional work, goal setting, etc.
4. Book studies addressing reading, math and EL focus areas may be purchased to support individual teacher growth (511, 367 or 8801).
5. All grade levels will meet weekly to plan for their grade level using State Standards and formative assessments to differentiate.
6. Teacher leaders may also travel out of state to attend a professional conference that addresses our areas of focus (511, 538).
Teacher Retention
Weekly collaborations are held on Wednesdays and Fridays to support individual student literacy growth, as well as teacher growth in content knowledge and effective teaching strategies. Teachers work with the Title 1 Instructional coach to analyze data. Individual needs are determined and appropriate action steps developed. Individual goals are set and specific strategies are shared among the student support team. Assessments are administered to determine effectiveness of strategies. Based on the data, students continue to work on their goal with different strategies or a new goal is set.
Union Public Schools recruits highly qualified staff through partnerships with universities including Oral Roberts University, Oklahoma State University, University of Tulsa, University of Oklahoma, and Northeastern State University. Administrators and principals attend job fairs and conduct interviews Feb.-May.
Human Resources posts job openings as soon as they are available on the Union website. Once teachers are hired, they work closely with each school's instructional coach to learn about and develop content knowledge in Union's curriculum. Lead teachers help mentor new teachers throughout the year. Union Public Schools has negotiated a retention stipend for returning teachers for the last twenty years. Additionally, The District offers higher education reimbursement for employees, as well as an Employee Clinic with exceptionally low co-pays.
Boevers offers a supportive, professional community with low teacher turnover, as well as a strong culture that supports positive collegial relationships. The social committee plans ongoing staff activities to build and maintain community.
Coordination & Integration
Federal, State and local funds are used to provide support for all students, parents and staff within the school-wide site. These funds are allocated based upon the state, local and site plan, which are driven by the input from all individuals affected. The district plan is supported by the Board of Education, PTA and community patrons.
The funds below provide the following activities/services:
Title 1 (511):
Our Title 1 funds are used to provide two certified academic specialists and an instructional coach to help students and staff with strategies to improve academic achievement. Our funds are also used to staff a parent liaison who works with all families and students to coordinate after-school programs and help families break down barriers that may prohibit their child from reaching his/her full potential. Title funds are also used for tutoring during the day and after school programming involving reading and math instruction, as well as summer programming designed to decrease the summer slide.
The skills to be taught within the group are determined through ongoing formative assessments such as Literacy First, running records, etc. 511 funding will also be used to purchase professional development reading materials and instructional manipulatives. 511 funding will support teacher training through the use of subs and coaching cycles.
Title II-A (541) Districtwide Curriculum Specialists
Title III-A (572) Site ELD certified teacher, bilingual materials, translation series, districtwide professional development to provide evidence-based practices that will increase EL student achievement. ELD teacher also provides professional development through EL coaching cycles.
Title X Homeless (596)- Homeless Liaison services, transportation, supplies/materials to remove all barriers.
IDEA Flow-through (621) Special Education student services, include teachers.
IDEA Early Intervention (623) Behavior Tech
Reform Strategies:
The following is a list of evidence based programs, supplemental programs, alternative programs, special services programs, and extracurricular programs currently being implemented.
Math: My Math is utilized in grade levels K-5. The Title 1 Instructional Coach will also work in collaboration with each grade level to plan and implement math units designed around essential standards and concept development.
Phonics and Spelling: Literacy First based Phonics/Spelling, as well as Benchmark Advance curriculum.
Reading: Benchmark Advance in conjunction with Oklahoma State Standards, as well as Literacy First resources.
Science: Discovery Science, Project Lead the Way utilized in all grade levels.
Social Studies: TCI is utilized by K-5th Grade.
Language Arts and Writing: Writers' Workshop model based upon Lucy Calkins & The Teacher's College at Columbia, University. Supplemental Programs
Reading: RSA tutoring, Tier 2 and Tier 3 small group interventions. Reading Strategies interventions by Jen Seravallo for Tier 2 and Tier 1.
Computer Programs: Accelerated Math, Math Facts In a Flash, Destiny, One Drive, Microsoft Office Suite Applications, Imagine Learning, Reading A to Z Kids, Seesaw, Zoom.
Alternative Programs as used by the Counselor: Steps to Respect, Second Step, Same and Different Series 2nd, Kids on the Block Puppets, Cyber Bullying.
Evaluation & Plan Revision
The site leadership meets quarterly to review academic data, attendance data, school budgets and plan family events. The site leadership team involves staff, parents and members of the community in the decision-making process.
The Boevers Leadership Team has developed multiple strategies to gather feedback from stakeholders and assess the needs of the community. An annual family survey is distributed at the end of the school year. Data is collected and entered onto an Excel spreadsheet. The leadership team uses the information to analyze program effectiveness, involvement/ participation and to assess ongoing needs of the school community. Additionally, the data informs decision making for the following school year.
Academic data is analyzed routinely during built-in collaboration every Friday morning.
A digital data wall is created for each grade level. With this tool, adequate progress is tracked in the areas of reading and math. Data meetings are scheduled with the Title 1 Instructional Coach, Principal, Reading Teachers and Classroom Teacher each quarter. If a student is not making adequate progress, the team develops an action plan targeted for the student’s individual needs.
The team also reviews student data during regularly scheduled Child Study meetings called UBEST. Through the RTI process, students in need of additional intervention are identified and receive appropriate services.