Bulldog Bulletin
Friday, February 23, 2024
What's New?
1. March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day! Here is how ROMS is celebrating...
ROMS is celebrating Down syndrome Awareness by collecting NEW fun socks to wear on World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st. People with Down syndrome have a 3rd copy of their 21st Chromosome. We will mismatch the socks and sell them for $6 during grade level lunches the week of March 18th-31st!
Donations will be accepted until March 1st. Donations will be accepted in a box at the front entrance of ROMS or you can easily click the amazon link and mail them straight to the school!
All proceeds will go to GiGis Playhouse which provides therapeutic and educational programs free-of-charge to people with Down syndrome.
2. Drama Club Show Information!
Alice @ Wonderland!
March 8th - Evening: Doors at 6:00, show at 6:30
March 9th - Matinee: Doors at 2:00, show at 2:30 Evening: Doors at 6:00, show at 6:30
March 10th - Matinee: Doors at 2:00, show at 2:30
Secure your seats now for this unforgettable adventure! Online ticket sales are open, and you can purchase your tickets early, at a discounted price, by clicking here. Don't miss the chance to witness the creativity and talent of our students as they transport you to a world where anything is possible. Tickets will also be available at the door.
Bring your family and friends to Royal Oak Middle School for an evening (or afternoon) of theatrical wonder. Let's make memories together in Wonderland!
Tickets will also be sold at the door
Non-School aged kids are free
$5 for students
$10 for adults
3. NWEA Testing Winter Window Grades 6-8
Starting Monday, February 26, we will begin NWEA MAP testing for all grades. Our target goal is to complete as many tests as possible by March 15.
4. Almost Time for Spring Conferences!
Our Spring family/teacher conferences are coming up on Thursday, March 14th (1-3 PM/4-7 PM). We will be utilizing My Conference Time to schedule virtual conferences. Schedules will be visible to parents on Thursday, March 7th at 5:00 PM, where you will be able to schedule when to meet with your students' teachers. Each parent will be able to sign-up with their student's teacher for one 5-minute time slot. If needed, teachers can connect with families after the conference to schedule a more in depth conversation.
Again, parents will be able to access the conference schedule on March 7th at 5:00PM. at https://www.myconferencetime.com/roms/
5. Order Your 2024 Yearbook Today!
Yearbook students and staff at Royal Oak Middle School have dedicated countless hours of work. The result? One INCREDIBLE yearbook that captures all the best memories. Few copies remain, so order yours now!
Spread out the cost of your order with an interest-free Jostens Payment Plan.* The power is in your hands.
6. ROMS Student Council will be hosting a coin war February 26th through March 1st. All proceeds will help fund our fleece blanket project. Blankets will be made and donated to Common Ground, a nationally recognized comprehensive crisis service agency. Prizes will go to the top three 1st Hour classes who donate the most money. Please only bring in coins (no bills).
7. Jimiri Youth Leadership Spring Program
This spring the Jimiri Youth Leadership Program is again running a youth leadership program for middle-school students at the Wright Museum, from April 14 through May 19
If interested, please let Mrs. Meldrum know!
- Jimiri promotional video.
- Middle-School Student poster (also attached below in case the link doesn't work)
- Student application form.
8. ROHS Open House and Personal Project Exhibit: April 2nd at 6:30 PM!
9. Royal Oak PAC March Meeting Information
ROPAC March Meeting - 3/19 at 6:30 PM on Zoom
The Parent Advocacy Committee's March meeting will be held March, 3/19 @ 6:30 PM on Zoom (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83350937382). Our topic will be transitions, and we will be welcoming guests from Royal Oak Schools to speak on IEP and 504 Transitions (between schools, programs, etc). To join our mailing list for meeting reminders and other updates, complete this quick form: ROPAC Email List
ROHS Open House for the Class of 2028!
March PAC Meeting!
From Student Council!
Royal Oak Schools Food Service is Hiring!
2024 Girls 7th and 8th Grade VBall Schedules
2024 Wrestling Meet Schedule
Important Message for ROMS Students and Families
We have students at ROMS that have severe food allergies to peanuts/nuts. It is important that our students avoid bringing snacks with peanuts/nuts into their classes in order to prevent a life-threatening allergic reaction. If possible, please choose a different alternative for snacks for your students. Thank you for pitching in to help ensure our students safety and well-being!
Outdoor Recess Update
We will still be holding outdoor recess as long as it is A) not freezing temperatures and B) not raining and/or extremely wet. Please help your student remember their warm clothes, gloves, and hats. We have noted that crocs slip VERY easily on snowy fields! Winter boots would be the best option.
If any family is struggling to provide their student with warm winter gear, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of our secretaries, administrators, or counselors.
CharacterStrong Week #7 is February 7, 2024
The CharacterDare!
In session 5, the CharacterDare process was introduced. The goal is to give students practical ways to put the concepts we are discussing into real-life action. After it is first introduced, each session will include a reflection on the “Past Dare” (the one they were asked to complete before this session) and the “New Dare” (the new challenge they are being given before we meet next).
Tip 1: The Dares are invitations, not requirements!
Tip 2: The power is in the discussion.
Tip 3: You can vary how these conversations take place! Full group, partnerships, individual journaling, etc.
Tip 4: Write the challenge down someplace where students can see it. This will serve as a helpful reminder and support next session’s CharacterDare debrief.
Hello Bulldog Families from the ROMS counseling team-
We would like to introduce ourselves to you;
Sanja Thelen (6th grade counselor---A-K)
Carrie Laurence (6th grade counselor---L-Z)
Michael Betman (7th grade counselor)
Samantha Ellis (8th grade counselor)
As the second semester is beginning and classes are underway, the counseling team will be going into classrooms and providing information and instructions on career development through Xello.
Xello helps students complete interactive career, personality, and learning style assessments to help them better understand their interests, skills, and strengths. Each activity encourages reflection, helping students connect who they are with relevant career pathway options. All students will have the opportunity to explore Xello at school and can continue their exploring at home. ROMS makes Xello available to students anytime. Ask your student to show you their Xello profile at https://www.royaloakschools.org/students/xello.
If you have any questions please contact your child's counselor.
Creating Confident Females at ROS
Studies have consistently shown that many girls and young women struggle with feelings of low self-confidence. This unfortunate trend seems to persist across various aspects of life, including academics, body image, and career aspirations.
In the realm of academics, girls often exhibit lower levels of confidence compared to their male counterparts. They may doubt their abilities and hesitate to take on challenging subjects or leadership roles. This lack of confidence can impact their performance and limit their academic achievements.
Body image is another area where girls often feel inadequate. Unrealistic media portrayals of beauty standards, combined with societal pressures, can lead to body dissatisfaction and a decrease in self-confidence. This can have long-lasting effects on mental and emotional well-being.
Furthermore, many girls struggle with confidence when it comes to career aspirations. They may underestimate their skills and downplay their ambitions, leading to a smaller presence in traditionally male-dominated fields. This self-doubt can hinder their pursuit of fulfilling careers and limit their potential for success.
It is crucial to address these issues and foster an environment that empowers girls to believe in themselves. By promoting self-acceptance, resilience, and a growth mindset, we can help girls develop the confidence they need to thrive and reach their full potential.
Click on the link below for the first-ever, large-scale national 2023 survey designed to develop a deeper understanding of the thoughts, experiences, behaviors and attitudes of teen girls throughout the U.S:
Reserved Parking: Van Accessible Parking Spaces
Families: We do have a family that needs to load up their student and a wheelchair. Please be mindful if you are parking in one of the two VAN ACCESSIBLE parking spaces at ROMS. These are reserved for people that need to load a wheelchair. We will be adding more handicapped parking spaces to accommodate additional need. Thank you!
Thanks to the Michigan School Meals Program, a state-funded program that allows all students to receive meals at no cost for the 2023-2024 school year, breakfast and lunch will be free to all students. Second meals are not free and will be considered ala carte. High school and middle school second lunches will be charged $3.00; elementary school second lunches will be charged $2.60. Adult meals are not covered under the Michigan School Meals Program.
Although all students can receive meals at no cost, it is still vital that eligible families fill out a free/reduced meal application: A school’s eligibility for federal Child Nutrition Programs such as Summer Food Service Program and others is based on free and reduced-price eligibility. Students and families may qualify for other program fee reductions based on their eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Federal and state education finding uses free and reduced-price eligibility.
Please complete the 2023-2024 online application on our website under Free and Reduced Meals Information. Paper applications will be sent out this month and available at the district office and in all schools in August.
If/when your school begins offering ala carte items, please note that they will not be free and must be paid for with cash or through your student’s pre-paid food service account. Ala carte examples are bottled water, chips, cookies, and milk. Unfortunately, milk by itself is not free. To get milk, a complete meal must be received or can be paid for separately. Elementary students must continue to pre-order lunch one day ahead. Last-minute decisions to eat an elementary school lunch can result in shortages for other students that did order in advance.
No Dogs Allowed on ROMS Property
Technology Help
District Chromebooks
Self-Service Password Manager
The Service Desk
This page contains important information regarding district technology. Please click the links below to learn more.
The distinct uses Canvas as its Learning Management Platform. Learn how to download the app, create an Observer account, and more.
MISTAR is the district’s Student Information System. Learn how to log into and navigate the Parent Portal.
All students in first through twelfth grades in Royal Oak Schools have the option of receiving a district-issued Chromebook to use for their time in the district. Learn more about requesting a Chromebook, troubleshooting common issues, and more.
Learn more about signing up for Self-Service Password Manager (recommended for 6-12 students) and recovering forgotten Network passwords.
If you are having technical issues with equipment or devices, a parent or guardian may contact the Oakland Schools’ Service Desk.
OK2SAY Reporting
>>Call 8-555-OK2SAY (855-565-2729)
>>Text to 652729 (OK2SAY)
>>Email OK2SAY (OK2SAY@mi.gov)
>>Visit the website (https://www.michigan.gov/ok2say)
Royal Oak Middle School
Email: kristin.meldrum@royaloakschools.org
Website: https://www.royaloakschools.org/our-schools/royal-oak-middle-school/
Location: 709 North Washington Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, USA
Phone: (248) 541-7100
Twitter: @krimeldrum