The Diley Digest
February 8, 2024
February Calendar
February 7: PTSO Meeting 6:30 pm
February 8: No School (Professional Development)
February 9: No School (Professional Development)
February 15: PM Conferences
----------------Ridgeview In-Person Scheduling Meeting for Families
February 19: No School President's Day
February 20: PM Conferences
----------------Ridgeview Virtual Scheduling Meeting for Families
A message from Principal Koch
As we get further in the 3rd quarter it is good to remind our students about our expectations with their academics and behavior. The past week we have seen an increase in student behavior. The behavior that has been demonstrated has been physical altercations, disrespect/threats to peers and staff, and inappropriate bus behavior. I know the weather and cancellation of school has created a change in our student's routines at school, however, we will continue to stress our expectations daily and within the teams.
This is also about the time of year (usually February thru April) were students start to get behind on their studies and work. It amazes me all the things our students are involved in. This is a great thing for our students as they get to have wonderful experiences outside of school. However, it can also cause anxiety and stress. It is important to create routines at home and setting a schedule to help our students learn how to manage their time. It can also be beneficial for our students to record their assignments/assessments in a calendar. This could aid in helping a student stay organized and up to date with their work.
We would like to thank all of our families with their help in stressing our expectations for our students and your continued support. It is very much appreciated. Thank you
Are you ready for i-Ready Challenge
The “Are you ready for i-Ready” challenge will begin on February 5th, 2024 and end on March 8th, 2024.
We will be using the video game Super Mario Brothers as a theme this year. Just like a video game we want to LEVEL UP! The challenge is to add a little fun into our learning while also growing on the things we can improve on individually. During this time, teachers will be having data chats with your student(s). Your student will be asked to make goals based on their i-Ready data and areas they need to work on. This may also include behavior and or turning in missing assignments. The whole intent is to grow and prepare us for the State Testing starting in April.
How is the challenge going to work?
The challenge will incorporate a building and team goal. Goal number one is the building goal. The building goal is for the building to have an average of 90% participation from our students in completing their required i-ready lessons per week. If the building reaches the 90% participation goal all students will have a movie day with PJs! The second goal will be a friendly competition between the teams. The team with the highest percentage average of lessons passed at the end of the challenge will win a treat to go along with the movie. This goal is not based on the amount of lessons passed. It is based on the quality and the highest score of the lessons passed per team. Last year we did a total amount of lessons passed and we felt students were spending way too much time on i-Ready. This year we want to focus on the accuracy of their answers and not rushing to finish. We want our students to get something from i-Ready. i-Ready is like all things in life, you get out of i-Ready what you put into it. This goal focuses on the accuracy of the students' lessons.
How can you help?
Throughout the challenge we will be sending weekly messages with information about i-Ready and resources that can help your student at home be successful. This is a great time to talk with your student and see how i-Ready is going. Make goals together based on your student’s typical and stretch growth projections. It could provide you and your student a chance to have some fun with the challenge by creating goals and challenges at home. But the most important thing we all can do is encourage our students to keep trying and persevere even when the work is challenging. This is when learning really takes place. Below you will find some resources for i-Ready.
i-Ready Resources
Looking for more information about iReady? Please click on the iReady family support document below:
Additional Resources:
Video - I-Ready for families
I-Ready Center for families (different languages available)
Quarter 3
Dear Families,
For our 3rd quarter our primary focus is on “Everything is Possible and Passion First”. Students will be actively engaged in lessons that focus on finding what they are passionate in and focusing on what they need to do to achieve those dreams.These lessons will not only be discussed in their SEL specials class, but also in the classroom each day.
Students will also review and practice building wide expectations when they return from winter break. This is a great opportunity to review expectations after a long break and to refresh our brains on what is expected. Winter break also gives students a time to get some rest, so they can be refreshed when they return to school. Please use this time to look through their book bags. Do they have enough pencils, paper, or coloring supplies? Having the right tools (supplies) provides the opportunity for students to be successful in school.
Our 3rd quarter incentive will be making our own sensory bottles! If you have any empty water bottles, please send them to school with your child. We will wash them and use them for this incentive. Thank you!
Everything is Possible and Passion First
Our next meeting is Wednesday February 7 at 6:30pm at MacKenize River Restaurant. Please email dileyptso56@gmail.com if you plan to attend.
We need your pictures!!!
Do you have pictures of your students from events this school year (1st day of school, Lynd’s Fruit Farm, spelling bee, etc) send them to our yearbook committee at yearbookdiley@gmail.com.
Click on the picture below to order your yearbook today!
There are a lot of clubs that have started and or getting ready to start. Please check in with the supervisor and or your student for the dates the clubs will be held after school. Most clubs require a permission slip returned with a signature form the parent/guardian.
The Counselor Corner
2024/2025 Junior High Scheduling
The month of February and March begin our journey into looking into the courses our students will take next school year. In the upcoming weeks, students will be presented with information regarding scheduling courses. For Lakeview Jr. High students and families, there will be a virtual meeting and Q&A session on Wednesday, February 21st, starting at 7:00 pm. On Thursday, February 29th, there will be an in-person meeting and Q&A session starting at 7:00 in Lakeview’s Cafeteria. For Ridgeview Jr. High students and families, there will be an in-person meeting and Q&A session on Thursday, February 15th, starting at 6:30 in Ridgeview’s Gym. On Tuesday, February 20th, there will be a virtual meeting and Q&A session starting at 6:30 pm. If for some reason you are unable to attend either meeting, you will be able to use the link for the virtual meeting to review the recorded presentation. Please continue to monitor upcoming communications with more details and links in regards to scheduling.
The Counselor Corner
Click here to see February's Bulletin Board: https://rb.gy/l84wrt
Family Resources
Diley Middle School - PBIS information
PBIS Challenge:
Students will learn to strive for their passions and learn that anything is possible if the just believe. They will engage in activities that focus on these areas during SEL lessons this quarter. On March 21st we will make sensory bottles for those that meet the criteria.
During the second quarter, students will be able to earn an ice cream sundae social by meeting the following criteria:
No more than ONE missing assignment in each class.
Having no more than ONE assigned ISS consequence
And NO OSS consequences
Health Corner
5th Grade Hearing and Vision Screening
This month we will be performing vision and hearing tests for all our 5th grade students.
District Office News
Language Assistance Plan
Language Assistance Plan Please click on the links for more infromation.
1. Notice to LEP Parents of Free Language Assistance: (NOLA) poster, NOLA - for use
Needs to be shared from each schools and classrooms
Most frequently encountered languages - Spanish and Nepali
2. Eligibility for Assistance - parents or guardians could have a need in any language domain
3. No Special Verification Needed
4. Identification of Parents in Need of Language Assistance and Related Centralized Database
Families that require language assistance have a Phone flag in IC
New for 2023-2024 - language questions included in the annual enrollment for all families
5. Reports and Logs Regarding Services to LEP Parents
The district will maintain a list of who needs language assistance
The district will maintain reports of assistance provided
Click the Buttons Below for Important Documents
PLSD Bilingual Family Liaison Information
23-24 PLSD School Year Calendar
Keep informed!
Follow Diley on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DMS_Proud?s=20
Follow Principal Koch on Twitter:
Follow our PTSO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2085717574996931
Is social media not your thing? You can find all sorts of information on the Pickerington School District's website located at: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/
Diley Middle School
Assistant Principal: Amanda Stemm
Secretary: Heather Ferns
Office Assistant: Stacy Gallion
Counselor: Gina Neilson
Nurse: Rhonda Carmel
Health Assistant: Robin May
Email: heather_ferns@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/diley-middle-school/
Location: 750 Preston Trails Drive, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: 614-830-2900
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Diley-Middle-School-401947110003982
Twitter: @DMS_Proud