Wolverine Wednesday Weekly
GHMS Updates and Notes (11/29)
Principal's Corner
Importance of Daily School Attendance:
I want to emphasize the significance of daily school attendance during these final weeks. Consistent attendance is not just about meeting a requirement; it's an investment in your child's academic success. Every day matters, and each missed class can mean a missed opportunity to learn and engage with valuable material.
Finish Strong Academically:
Our students have worked tirelessly throughout the semester, and now is the time to channel that effort into finishing strong. Encourage your child to make use of after school tutoring, reach out to teachers for clarification, and collaborate with peers. This collective effort will contribute to a positive and enriching learning environment.
Final Semester Exams: Wednesday, Dec. 20-Friday, Dec. 22:
The culmination of the semester will be the final exams for 7th-8th grade students taking place from Wednesday, December 20th, to Friday, December 22nd. 6th grade students may have a final test or final project in place of the final exam depending on the teacher. These exams or projects offer students an opportunity to showcase their understanding of the material and demonstrate the skills they've acquired. A successful performance during this period can significantly impact their overall academic standing.
Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and a successful conclusion to the semester!
October Students of the Month
Congratulations to our OCTOBER Students of the Month! The announcement is a quite delayed due to extensive deliberation between the teachers on the many choices of students demonstrating October's theme: PERSEVERANCE.
6th Grade
Gael Garza demonstrates perseverance by diligently completing all of his assignments, and has perseverance in integrity by always going above and beyond in all that he does.
7th Grade
Jazmine Wainwright shows perseverance by maintaining a consistent positive attitude and regularly participates in class.
8th Grade
Raelynn Grudzinskas exhibits perseverance through consistently completing her tasks in a timely manner, and habitually helps her peers deepen their understanding as well.
Discount for Godwin Gold Status Students
The Stray, a local café located at 4253 Division Ave - is offering a 15% discount on purchases from now until the end of the year to any student who shows their ID with the Gold Status sticker on the back.
Transportation Changes
Until further notice, bus 89 will be picking up and dropping off students who ride bus 88 and 89. This may cause some slight delays.
Also, BUS 92 BLUE is being replaced by BUS 87 until further notice.
Upcoming Testing
Starting next week, students will take a reading and a mathematics MAP Growth test. A MAP Growth test is a summary of how your child is performing academically. These tests and scores help teachers check student performance by measuring achievement and growth. Teachers use results to tailor classroom lessons and set goals for students.
MAP Growth tests are unique, and they adapt to your child’s responses to measure your child’s skill level. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn—whether it is on, above, or below their grade level.
The specific schedule is listed below. Please do your best to ensure your child is present on these days.
Tuesday, Dec. 5= 8th Grade Reading
Wednesday, Dec. 6= 8th Grade Math
Thursday, Dec. 7= 7th Grade Reading
Friday, Dec. 8= 7th Grade Math
Tuesday, Dec. 12= 6th Grade Reading
Wednesday, Dec. 13= 6th Grade Math
Students may bring a water bottle and should bring a book to read when they are finished. cell phones and electronic devices should be turned off and stored in student in their backpacks. Backpacks should be left in their classrooms or lockers.
Adios Lost & Found!
Save the Date!
Join us on Thursday, December 14th from 4:30pm to 6:00pm for our Wolverine Winter Fest! We will have fun games and prizes, a photo booth, t-shirt screen printing, snack station and other fun family activities.
¡Únase a nosotros el jueves 14 de Diciembre de 4:30 a 6:00 p. m. para nuestro Wolverine Winter Fest! Tendremos juegos y premios, un fotomatón, serigrafía de camisetas, estación de bocadillos y otras actividades familiares.
Attendance Matters!
Punctuality and regular attendance are life skills that lay the groundwork for personal and professional success. Being punctual not only demonstrates respect for others' time but also cultivates a sense of responsibility and accountability.
Ways you can encourage this life skill:
Prep for Tomorrow - Lay out clothes and pack the backpack the night before and establish a consistent bedtime and wake-up time to start the day smoothly.
Plan Transportation - Set a timer and create a backup plan in case things go awry.
Plan ahead for Vacations & Appointments - Inform the school about planned vacations early and whenever possible, schedule medical appointments outside school hours to minimize disruptions.
Extended Absences
We strongly encourage families to plan travel and events during scheduled school breaks. However, we understand that sometimes pre planned events may coincide with the school calendar year. In such classes, we kindly request that you notify the school office by phone or with a written note, providing the exact dates of your children's anticipated absence. Subsequently, teachers will need to complete an extended absence form to ensure that appropriate measures are taken to support your children's learning during their time away. In some instances, a meeting with school administrators may be necessary to collaboratively establish a plan for academic success during the absence. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these procedures, and as always, we aim for students to have fewer than 5 absences in a school year to maximize their educational experience.
FREE Health Resource
This resource is available for anyone over the age of 18. Click the image to expand it and read more.
FREE COVID Tests in Office
If students have a fever, vomiting or diarrhea, they are asked to go home.
If students or staff are COVID positive and asymptomatic or well enough to return to school (No fever for 24 hours), a well-fitting mask is encouraged. Nothing is required.
If your child tests positive, please notify the building office. We are still required by health code to report positive cases as a communicable disease.
We have free COVID tests in the office, available for all interested staff and parents.
Fall Edition of "Godwin at a Glance" - District Newsletter
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Contact Us
Email: susie.yoder@godwinschools.org
Website: https://ms.godwinschools.org/
Location: 100 Wexford St SE, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GodwinMiddle