Ross Round Up
Engage. Empower. Educate. Every Day.
Feb. 9, 2024
This upcoming week is Kindness Week, which is a perfect focus for Valentine's week as we honor students who have showed Kindness on the announcements daily and host dress up days together. See the picture below to participate in the dress up days with us. Kindness week pairs perfectly with our February value, Compassion!
On Valentine's Day, teachers have planned fun Valentine's activities for their classes. For more information, reach out to your classroom teacher. We'll make sure to post a YouTube video and pictures on Facebook.
Thanks for the love you share with us in many ways, including through $5 teacher gift card donations! We've given them all out to teachers at this point--if you'd like to donate some more, feel free to send them in with your students to turn into the office. We love sharing our love with staff for all the hard work they do for students each Wednesday.
Principal Tripp
Over 100 Students Met Their Leadership Goals!
Penny Wars is Here!
Upcoming Events
- Feb. 5-16--PTA Penny Wars
- Thursday, Feb. 15--Board Game Lunch Club
- Thursday, Feb. 15--NAEP Testing for randomly selected 4th graders
- Friday, Feb. 16--Friendship Bracelet Lunch Club and Student-run School Store
- Wednesday, Feb. 21, 5:00-6:30 pm--KSD 5th-12th Grade College and Career Fair
- Thursday, Feb. 22--Art Lunch Club and IBOB Recess Club
- Friday, Feb. 23--Student-run School Store and after school Dungeons and Dragons Club (permission slips required)
- Wednesday, Feb. 28, 9:00-11:45 am--AVID Showcase (Schools from all around come and see how Ross teachers and students use AVID to learn and grow)
- Wednesday, March 6--5th grade registration--middle school counselor visit 5th grade classes to give students information on choosing electives in middle school (watch for information coming home in your 5th graders back pack that day with information on who to reach out to at the middle school if you have questions)
- Wednesday, March 13--5th grade registration due back to school--middle school counselors visit 5th grade to collect their elective registrations
- Friday, March 15, 7:45-8:45 am--AVID in Action Family Breakfast (free breakfast and family fun event with AVID activities, raffle prizes, and more!)
Construction Updates
At the front of Ross, a gate is being installed as some of you may have seen over the last few days. The gate is to support a safe transition onto the Ross campus. Last year, our school district applied for a grant called "Securing Our Future" that was awarded to the Kuna School District. The gate is one of many projects being completed in our district. Over the next few days, the panels will be installed. Thank you for being patient with us while our team navigates the changes at the front of the building. I'll continue to provide updates through teachers and newsletters.
Who are we at Ross?
Each day at Ross we will:
Engage. Empower. Educate.
Our dream is to:
Ignite a passion for lifelong learning and personal growth so students will be successful in college, career, and life.
Our school values are:
We treat others with dignity and respect. We are ethical and humble in our actions. We are COMPASSIONATE.
We hold tight to our convictions. Decisions are made to make the lives of others better. We are LEADERS.
We are stronger and better when we work together. We are a part of a beautiful and diverse COMMUNITY.
We are bold, we take risks, we are flexible and willing to step out of our comfort zone. We are INNOVATIVE.
Ross Elementary
Email Principal Tripp: mrtripp@kunaschools.org
Website: https://www.kunaschools.org/ross
Location: Kuna, Idaho, USA
Phone: 208-922-1011
Facebook: facebook.com/rosselementarykuna