Surfside Shark Bites
Week of October 2-6, 2023
A Note From Principal Frandsen
Hello, Surfside students and families!
For those of you whose students are enrolled in Surfside High School (not Independent Study), the end of quarter 1 is only one week away. This means your student will start with a new set of classes after next week. Regardless of which learning structure your student is in, please take a moment to check Aeries to understand your student's progress academically, as well as their attendance.
Best wishes for a great weekend!
Principal Frandsen
School Wide PINK OUT
Wear PINK on Wednesday 10/11/23. We will be taking an ALL SCHOOL picture at lunch for the yearbook.
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023, 11:30 AM
Federal Impact Aid Cards
Federal Impact Aid cards went home with your students this past Wednesday. Please ask your student for their copy and fill it out. These need to be returned to Surfside by October 14th. The class with the highest percentage of returned forms will receive a DONUT PARTY!!
For our virtual IS students, you will receive yours in the mail with a return envelope. Please mail them back ASAP.
If you need an extra or lost yours, please stop by the office to pick one up.
Thank you
Surfside Clubs On Display
E Bike Safety
Protect Your Student Device - Extended Deadline, October 20, 2023
Protect Your Device
Enrollment for the Device Protection Plan for the 2023-2024 school year is now open and will close on October 20th! This plan offers coverage for accidental damage, theft, and more until June 6, 2024, excluding charger replacement and intentional damage.
El plazo de inscripción para el Plan de protección de dispositivos del ciclo escolar 2023-2024 ya empezó y terminará el 20 de octubre. Este plan ofrece cobertura en caso de daños accidentales, hurto y más hasta el 6 de junio de 2024, y no cubre reemplazo del cargador ni daño intencional.
✏️Shark Nibbles - Surfside Elementary K-5 News✏️
Nom Nom
Shark Nibbles…K-5th Updates
Happy Fall Families!
Note: The deadline to turn in work for Month 2 Attendance was Friday, October 6, 2022. If you missed this deadline, please be sure to drop off completed work in the grey mailbox outside the Surfside office over the weekend. Remember, you must notify any Supervising Teacher if work will be delayed for any reason.
Picture Day Update
It will take about 3-4 weeks to process the photos, for your online viewing. We will keep you posted!
There will be a Picture Makeup day, Tuesday, November 7th.
Federal Survey Cards
Please don’t forget to return these as soon as possible. Families who do not attend in-person sessions were mailed cards with a postage paid return envelope.
Students have the opportunity to run/walk each day during in-person learning to fulfill their PE minutes and build a healthy lifestyle. Many enjoy walking with friends as they talk, or they like to challenge each other to see how quickly they can complete the goal for the day. Every 5 laps around the field, or 10 times around the blacktop, equals 1 mile and they earn a small plastic footprint for their running necklace. At the end of the year, you’ll get to see how many miles your child completed for the year. We’re very proud of their progress!
OUSD Parent Conferences
Families may hear communication from the district about parent conference dates being scheduled in October. This is in reference to the traditional schools and does not apply to Independent Study. Parent Conferences for Independent Study may be scheduled at any time throughout the year, by request.
Looking Ahead
November 10, 2023 Veteran’s Day- no in-person or virtual sessions
November 13, 2023- Work Due Date
November 20-24th- Thanksgiving Break- no in-person or virtual sessions
Important- This Week
Work Turn In: Friday, October 6, 2023. Return any completed work- partial units are perfectly acceptable. Your Supervising teachers will be assessing completed work, virtual and/or in-person attendance, iReady minutes and more to give credit for the attendance month.
iReady All Stars
We are very excited to see students logging into iReady to work on their personalized lessons, which count fully for math credit. These lessons can be used in lieu of, or in addition to, some of the packet pages. Teachers can also assign instructional lessons to match the packet pages. These assigned lessons are more engaging and student friendly than the mini video lessons found on the iReady bookshelf. We will begin highlighting our iReady All Stars after the students have had a full month to work since finishing the diagnostic.
We have been studying different composers this year and some of their compositions in both virtual and in-person sessions. We’ve watched animations, symphonies, movie clips, organists, and pianists perform and show why they are timeless classics. Our hope is that students will continually be curious about different styles of music and want to learn more about it and the composers.
We have studied:
Scott Joplin- Maple Leaf Rag; The Entertainer
Johann Sebastian Bach- Toccata and Fugue in d minor
Edvard Grieg- In the Hall of the Mountain King; Morning
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart- Eine Kleinanacht Musik; The Marriage of Figaro
Final Notes
As always, we are happy to help customize which packet components will be most beneficial for your student to complete and make the most of your Independent Study experience.
All the Best,
Kelly Crouthamel & Anthony Madsen, your K-5th Supervising Teachers
🦈 Shark Snack - Middle School News 🦈
Surfside Educational Academy
Middle School Independent Study Program
Weekly News - 10/6/23
Congratulations on completing Month 2! Month 3 starts on Monday! The Month 2 Workbook should be turned in complete by 7 a.m. on Monday, October 9th. The Month 3 Workbooks are on the blue bookshelf at the front of the school. Make sure you grab the correct grade level and only take one copy.
Parents, please make sure you are checking your student’s workbook and Edmentum assignments. This is one of the longest stretches of the school year and the newness of the new year has worn off. Student engagement often takes a dip, so parent engagement has to prop them up.
If you have not yet signed up for Family Sensei, please do so as soon as possible so that you are able to access the Friday reports. To update your email address please call the front office at 760-901-8600.
Federal Survey Cards were either given to your student (in-person students) or mailed home (virtual students). Please make sure to drop them off by October 13th. Feel free to put them in the grey mailbox where you drop off workbooks.
Have a great weekend!
🖌️Surfside High School 3D Art Classes🖌️
The Surfside art classes are working on some amazing and beautiful concrete skulls for Dia de los Muertos.
Oceanside Public Library - Homework Helpers
Math Tutoring is BACK!!
Surfside College and Career Center
FAFSA 2023/24
Students and families if you are applying for college financial aid for 7/1/23-6/30/24, please complete the 2023-2024 FAFSA form.
If you intend to enroll in college Fall 2024, you will be completing the 2024-2025 FAFSA form in December.
Palomar College Registration
Palomar College will start accepting 2024 Summer and Fall Applications starting on October 1. Checkout the "Steps to Enroll" link below for a Step-by-Step guideline on how to apply to Palomar.
Items will ship directly to you. Go Sharks!!! All items are available to students, families and staff!!!
Seniors...You can also order your Class of 2024 gear!
Surfside Cares - Mental Health Support
National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
We all have a role to play in suicide prevention. When a suicide happens, those left behind often experience deep shock. Even if they knew the person was struggling, they may not have expected suicide would be the result. However, many people who find themselves in a suicide crisis can and do recover.
- Know the Signs: Learn how to recognize the warning signs and how to respond
- Find the Words: If you are concerned about someone, ask them directly if they are thinking about suicide. Why? Asking directly will create that safe space to address any thoughts they are already having. This can be difficult to do, but being direct provides an opportunity for them to talk and connect.
- Reach Out: You are not alone in this. Before having the conversation, become familiar with some resources to offer.
For additional information, visit the Know the Signs website.
Shark News and Updates
Warm Weather - Please Pack a Water Bottle
TriCity Food Pantry Distribution
TriCity Food Panty will be serving the Surfside community once a month this year. Please see the distribution dates and times below:
Friday October 27 at 12pm
O'side Week in One Minute
Surfside Events
Soccer Game vs Pacific View
Thursday, Oct 12, 2023, 03:00 PM
Vista Sports Park, Sports Park Way, Vista, CA, USA
Grad Walk
Come celebrate our Quarter 1 graduates!!!
Friday, Oct 13, 2023, 11:15 AM
Surfside Educational Academy, South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Surfside Educational Academy
Website: surfside.oside.us
Location: 1125 South Ditmar Street, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: 760-901-8600
Twitter: @SurfsideOUSD