Maungatapere School
Newsletter 15th June 2023
From the principal
From the principal
The highlight of last week was the Mathex Competition at Whangarei Boys High School. Whaea Rachael and I transported the Y5/6’s in to the WBHS auditorium for the annual maths problem solving competition. There was a last minute shuffle of teams through sickness, which was very disappointing for some and brought tears to the eyes of some reserve competitors. This event is highly prized by our students with a mathematical passion.
The teams came from the far north, down to the Northland/Auckland boundary. Each year group was represented from Y5 to Y10. Y5 = 29 teams, Y6 = 38, Y7 = 42, Y8 = 48. The teams of 4 sat at desks in rows, with senior WBHS students as markers sitting at the front by the stage. Each team was given a pencil or pen, a blank workings sheet, with one member a designated runner. The team school names were displayed by the overhead projector, in the form of a live bar graph for scores. The crowd counted down from 10, with a roar from the packed auditorium as the competition commenced. The noise only subsided long enough for overall winners to be announced. Runners, ran in a loop around their desk rows, to pick up a question sheet with one mathematical problem on it. They raced, jostled and a few fell over to get the question back to their team. Once answered the runner returned to the marker, who either ticked it as correct and gave the next question sheet, or replied incorrect. The race was either first to correctly complete all questions, or to get the most correct with the least attempt, within the half hour time limit. Strategy came into play with risking a passed question.
Whaea Rachel, myself and Fraser Chapman (a board member who I rang for feedback) were
spectating, and all agreed that it is a very cool event. The children loved it. It was a healthy competition where students were highly competitive, but just plain enjoyed the buzz of maths.
I asked the Maungatapere students about their thoughts…
‘Love doing maths / great teamwork / exhausting and hot as the runner / exciting / we worked well as a team / got into a rhythm / nervous at the start / everyone was contributing’.
Results – our teams didn’t make the top 3 places, and we are waiting on final results to be sent out, but we feel our teams were in the top ten of each event.
- Y5 completed 14 questions correctly passed on 2
- Y6 completed 13 questions correctly passed on 3
- Y7 completed 18 questions correctly passed on 1 and were on the last question
- Y8 completed 16 questions correctly passed on 2 and were on the 19th question out of 20
My final comments as principal are that these teams were absolutely buzzing with excitement, loved the event and maths was the winner on the day. Well done everyone, we were proud of your achievements and your fantastic attitudes.
Basketball Hoops
The other standout has been the large crowds of students shooting basketball on both courts. There is a constant cacophony of ball bouncy and chatter outside my office before and during school times.
Thank you to our wonderful Parent Teacher Association (PTA) for the healthy fundraising events in the past, that allowed for a quick decision to fund the purchase of the poles and installation costs.
A big thank you to Dave Davis-Colley from Northland Basketball, for his expertise and advice and funding of the backboards and hoops. I know he will be very happy to see the buzz of basketball.
School Awards
Lincoln Pederson Rm4 Outstanding resilience in all areas of his learning.
Maddi Cooper Rm 2 For always being organised for her learning and her fantastic focus when working independently.
Room 5's turn to shine!!
whats coming up!
15 June Talent Show Finals
20 June Year 7/8 Science Road Show
21 June Ag Day Assembly
28 June Matariki Festival
30 June End of Term 2
17 July First Day Term 3
18 July WGHS Deans Visit
18 July WBHS Deans Visit
28 October Ag Day
Matariki Rock Painting
Matariki Festival
During week 9 & 10 the whole school will be involved in a Matariki Intensive, with a Matariki Light/Lantern Festival evening for parents on Wednesday 28th June. The Y5/6 classes will be coordinating a hangi dinner for our community, as part of annual EOTC fundraising, and the PTA will be supporting the evening in special ways.
This open evening is about school community, sharing the terms learning and meeting each other.
On Wednesday 28th June we are holding a topic sharing evening, which will include a hangi dinner. Orders close for hangi orders on Wednesday 21st, next week. Those who are not ordering hangi are encouraged to bring along a picnic dinner. Dinner will be on the top covered court - you may wish to bring something to sit on.
Our senior classes are going to be involved in supplying and preparing hangi parcels, as part of their fundraising for 2024 Senior EOTC events.
The programme will begin at 5:30pm and will conclude at 7:30pm.
Keep your eyes open for a flyer outlining the programme, that will be coming out soon.
PTA News
Maunga Mayhem Committee Meeting
Next Monday 19th June 7pm
Please email: maungataperepta@gmail.com if interested in coming along to show your support to keep this awesome event running in 2024
WGHS Open Evening - Deans visit to Maungatapere 18th July 2023
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool