Reardan Weekly
February 2nd, 2024
Remember to Vote!
Reardan Promise Award Winners - First Semester
Artists Being Showcased at Regional Art Show (ESD 101, Spokane)
Bee Pope, Grade 12, Age 17 - "Serenity"
Grey LeSieur, Grade 11, Age 16 - "The Big Picture"
Kayla Vining, Grade 11, Age 17 - "Glass Angel"
Options Program Continues to Grow
Fun Fact: The Options Program is a public school within the Reardan-Edwall School District offering an alternative learning experience (ALE). It became its own school beginning with the 2021-2022 school year and started in September of that year with 28 students. Today, we serve 71 students who are looking for an alternative academic experience than found in traditional school. For more information about joining the Options Program, please email us at or call us at (509)796-2701 ext 5.
Athletics Update
Wrestling Sub Districts:
7:30 am - Doors open to Teams
8:00 am - Weigh in
10:00 am - Wrestling Starts
1B-2A Girls
NE1B & NE2B Boys
Doors Open To Public- Coming Soon
Parking - Convention Center Parking is $10
Bus Parking Info-Coming Soon
Concessions - Credit Card Only / No Outside Food
Ticket Purchases - they go on sale Monday (1/29) - 8:00 am
MS Boys Basketball
February 5 VS Lind/Ritzville
C-4:00 JV-5:00 V-6:00 Smith Gym
February 8 @ NWC
C-4:00 JV-5:00 V-6:00 Smith Gym
HS Basketball Districts
February 3 VS St. George's @ 1pm
West Valley High School-Main Gym
February 3 VS St. George's 2:30pm
West Valley High School-Field House
District Brackets
Reardan Athletic Booster Club Scholarship
Middle School Update
This week our middle school students experienced some changes at lunch. Behaviors were escalating, and our team made the decision to have assigned seats during lunch. Students were grouped based on their first period classes and our posted expectations are that students will sit in their seats, eat lunch, and then clean up their tables before being dismissed to recess. We have adults assigned to each section of the commons who are there to help monitor and support positive behavior choices. Lunch this week has been much calmer and enjoyable for everyone. We will celebrate this on Friday students’ choice of popsicles, fudgesicles or ice cream bars! As students demonstrate the ability to regulate their behavior we will move to assigned tables (students choose their seats at the assigned table) with the eventual goal of allowing students to choose their seats again while still following expectations.
As we moved into a new semester, student electives changed. Mrs. Hamilton’s Family and Consumer Science class played “Question Ball” as a getting to know her and each other activity. Ask your child about their new elective classes, periods six and seven, and see what’s new! We also had our secondary writing assessment this week as a way of focusing on improving student writing skills. Staff will score these assessments and we will use our PLC time on late start Mondays to analyze the data and focus on writing improvement across all curriculum areas.
Finally, students should have brought home ski trip permission slips this week and the 65 students who qualified for the bowling trip for keeping their grades at “C” and above for the first semester of the year should have brought theirs home as well. Email Mrs. Vesneske at if you have questions or need another form. We are really excited to reward those students who are working hard and making good choices! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at or by phone at 509.309.8153. I look forward to hearing from you!
Nutrition Highlight - Hamburger and Fries
NEW: Trail Mix in the Salad Bar!
Elementary Spirit Days
Family Night Out Picture
Movie Night!
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Community News: Youth Football
Safety Patrol Update
Safely getting to and from school is the Safety Patrol's top priority, whether on foot as a walker or as one of our district's bus riders. Students serve as either Crossing Guards or Bus Patrollers to ensure their peer's safety. Last week we added 5 students to the safety patrol after completing their written tests and pinning their badges. We welcome 4 students from the elementary to our Bus Patroller Division and 1 Middle School Student to our Crossing Guard Corps. Please help me welcome Blake King, Haidyn Monek, Anora Monek, and Amber Cobb as Bus Patrollers and Catelyn Landt and a Crossing Guard.