The Pawsome Print
November 10, 2023
Dear Pawsome Families,
November is off to a great start! We had our annual Fall Festival in kindergarten on November 1st. A huge thanks to all the parent volunteers to help make this such an amazing event! We also started our teacher conferences which will continue through this month. If you have not had the opportunity to sign up, please reach out to your child's teacher. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to meet with the teacher and learn about your child's progress so far this year.
We started this week with Daylight Savings and also had a Creative Enrichment program in kindergarten. The Discovery Museum was working with kindergarten students to teach them about Liquids & Solids (pictures below). I had the opportunity to join one class session and it was so fun to see the students engaged in this learning. Our kindergarten student truly showed our Core Values to our guest teacher.
We are out of school tomorrow as we observe Veterans Day. Veterans Day is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
Sara Harvey
Our Loring Garden
Our Second Grade has worked hard to prepare our garden for the winter. I can't wait to share pictures this spring when we start planting again!
Discovery Museum - Kindergarten
English Learners at Loring
I wanted to share this bulletin board that was created by our ELD teacher, Ms. Hanson and the 22 English Learners we have at Loring School this year. Our English Learners speak 7 different languages (Spanish, French, Ukrainian, Tibetan, Mandarin, Russian, and Arabic). These students represent 7 different countries (Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, France, China, Ukraine, and Egypt).
MCAS Dates - Please Mark Your Calendars Now
Please find below the specific schedule for the upcoming Spring MCAS tests. These are the exact dates your children will be taking the exam. It is important that all children be in school during testing. Please try to avoid any appointments or trips that will prevent your child from attending school.
Tuesday, March 26th: 5th Grade ELA
Wednesday, March 27th: 5th Grade ELA
Thursday, April 4th: 4th Grade ELA
Friday, April 5th: 4th Grade ELA
Monday, April 8th: 3rd Grade ELA
Tuesday, April 9th: 3rd Grade ELA
Thursday, April 25th: 5th Grade Math
Friday, April 26th: 5th Grade Math
Tuesday, April 30th: 4th Grade Math
Wednesday, May 1st: 4th Grade Math
Thursday, May 2nd: 3rd Grade Math
Friday, May 3rd: 3rd Grade Math
Thursday, May 9th: 5th Grade Science
Friday, May 10th: 5th Grade Science
Recess Volunteers
We have had a great turn out for lunch/recess volunteers! Thanks to everyone that has signed up. Here is the link if you need it. We hope to see you there!
November Menus
Important Upcoming Dates - Please mark your calendars!
November 10
Veterans Day Observed - No School
November 15
Early Release - Teacher Conferences
November 17
Food Pantry - Orr Class
Bingo Night
November 22
Early Release
November 23 and 24
Thanksgiving - No School
Loring Core Values
At Loring School, we are PAWSOME because we show our Core Values! These values are part of everyday life at Loring and reinforced in the classroom, on the playground and all around school. Students are taught the meaning of each word and how they make us better students and community members. Please continue to have conversations about our core values at home.
Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Best Effort
The Loring Pledge
The Loring Pledge is said every morning during announcements. Loring students embody our pledge and we hope this stays with them not only when they are at school but home as well.
Community Corner
Contact Us
Location: 80 Woodside Road, Sudbury, MA, USA
Phone: 978-579-0870