Biddeford Intermediate News
October 27, 2021
Message from the Principal
Happy Wednesday BIS families,
It has been a busy couple of weeks at BIS. Our school is learning about healthy choices throughout Red Ribbon Week and we are wrapping up our One Book, One School theme. Our students will celebrate by watching the movie "Wonder"!
The weather is quickly changing but our students are enjoying jumping in the leaves. Our goal is to get students outside for fresh air as much as possible so students should wear layers and be prepared for fluctuating temperatures in the classrooms and cool weather outside.
Breakfast/Lunch - Due to some delays with supplies, there is potential for breakfast and lunch menu items to change without notice. Thank you to our cafeteria and nutrition staff for taking care of our students!
Parent-Teacher Conferences - Parent-teacher conferences start next week! Conferences can occur in person or virtually and time slots are scheduled through your child's homeroom teacher.
Date Reminders:
- October 29 - Wear Red Day to honor Red Ribbon Week
- November 3 - Early Release & Parent-Teacher Conferences
- November 9 - Picture Retake Day
- November 12 - Kindness Day! Wear bright rainbow colors!
- November 23 - Early Release
- November 24-28 - Thanksgiving break, No School
Lindsey Nadeau
Biddeford Intermediate School Principal
Celebrating Red Ribbon Week
BIS is taking part in a national initiative called Red Ribbon Week. Red Ribbon Week promotes and encourages students to choose to be drug free. RRW was established to honor D.E.A. Agent Enrique Camarena who lost his life in the fight against drugs. Today, the program continues across the U.S. to celebrate living life free of drugs and harmful substances. The national theme this year is “Drug Free Looks Like Me”. This year's theme will help amplify the campaign's mission to encourage children, families, and communities to live healthy, happy and drug-free lives. It also serves as a reminder that we are all empowered with shaping the communities around us through positivity, bravery and strength. Students and staff are encouraged to wear red on Friday, October 29th to wrap up our week-long event!
At BIS, we will focus on the many aspects of maintaining healthy bodies and healthy minds.
Announcements will be made every day during Red Ribbon Week with important messages for drug prevention. In addition, school-wide lessons will touch on the importance of self-care and developing healthy coping skills. By working together to deliver a unified message, we can help our children grow up safe, healthy, and drug free.
We are encouraging families to have open dialogues at home with children of all ages, and
discuss issues like peer pressure, making healthy choices, and establishing strong, healthy coping skills. In last week's Thursday Folder, there were some great conversation guides from Mrs. Guay to support these conversations!
Nursing Update
Influenza Vaccination
Influenza (flu) remains a virus which we encourage families to consider annual vaccination. For any students or family members who have not yet been vaccinated, you can schedule an appointment at your doctor’s office, local pharmacies and clinics (click on CDC’s VaccineFinder), or there is a Drive-Thru clinic each Wednesday from 3-6 PM at MaineHealth Care at Home, 15 Industrial Park Road in Saco, through November 10th.
Art to Remember
This semester, our school is participating in a unique fundraising program with Art to Remember that gives you the opportunity to purchase keepsake items with your child's artwork on them. The best part is that every keepsake order supports our school. In the coming weeks, your child will receive an order form with an online order code. Keep your eye out for this form, head to ArtToRemember.com and search for your child’s name, enter their online order code, or upload artwork from home and start shopping!
Halloween Safety Tips
Keep these tips in mind to help ensure your children have a healthy and safe Halloween:
Contact Us
Email: lnadeau@biddefordschools.me
Website: https://biddefordme.sites.thrillshare.com/o/bis
Location: 335 Hill Street, Biddeford, ME, USA
Phone: 207-282-5957
Facebook: facebook.com/biddefordintermediate