Talley Street Update
August 25, 2022

August 10, 2023
Dear Talley Street Community,
I hope everyone is having a great week! CSD’s new superintendent, Dr. Whitaker, is holding multiple “Community Listening Sessions.” There is one this evening at the Elizabeth Wilson Support Center from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. For more dates and times, please go to CSD’s website at https://www.csdecatur.net/Domain/4.
Free and reduced lunch applications are available online now. Please click on the link below for more information. As a reminder, we receive critical federal funding from processing free and reduced lunch applications. It is IMPORTANT for families who may qualify to fill out these applications each school year.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications
Last week, I sent out information about Talley Street’s SLT. Tomorrow, August 11th, is the deadline to express interest and email Mr. Heaton a candidate statement with biographical information and a paragraph explaining why you want to be a SLT member. Mr. Heaton’s email address is bheaton@csdecatur.net. SLT elections will take place on August 24th and 25th.
Please do not park in the Dekalb County Government Complex on Sam’s Street. Dekalb officials have reached out to Talley Street and informed us that they will tow all unauthorized vehicles. I appreciate your help with this matter.
Have a great afternoon!
6 Houses, 1 Talley!
Talley's Cell Phone/Smart Watch Policy
Grown-ups -- We have noticed children bringing cell phones into classrooms (homerooms, specials, etc.) and to places like lunch and recess. Our handbook explains that cell phones are not allowed to be in student's possession during the school day - they must be turned off and secured in backpacks/lockers. If your child has a cell phone out during school hours, it will be confiscated and taken to the front desk, where you can pick it up later.
Watches are as much a concern as they are huge distractions to learning. Your child should not be communicating with you from a watch during the school day. The watches should be set to airplane mode until dismissal.
If your child needs to speak with you during the day, they must notify a staff member who can arrange for that to happen (if it's an emergency). If you need to get a message to your child, please call or email Tara Koski (tkoski@csdecatur.net) at the front desk.
Reminder: Student Absence Notes
Attendance, tardy, and early check out excuses should be sent to both the home room teacher and to Ms. Koski (tkoski@csdecatur.net).
Lost and Found
We will donate lost items every Friday. Please ask your students to look for their lost items daily as they pass our Lost and Found located right outside of the cafeteria. If you need to check items yourself make sure to sign in at the front desk. Be sure to label your child's items with first and last names. We will do our best to return items that are labeled.
Dr. Whitaker's Listening Sessions
Students, staff, family, and community members are welcome to attend any session across the district.
Please click the following link for the virtual meeting on August 16: https://csdecatur.zoom.us/j/92894167992?pwd=TkczWHUvQXFtMHkrOTBRcXJ6aU9VZz09
SEE-Learning at Talley
This year, Talley will be implementing SEE Learning (Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning) curriculum with all students. SEE Learning is a program designed by Emory University to foster the development of emotional, social, and ethical intelligence for all individuals. The first chapter of the program is about Creating a Compassionate Classroom. For more detailed information about this chapter, please read this parent letter. Moving forward each week, we will share some tips for how you can continue the conversation and practice of SEE Learning at home via classroom newsletters.
Talley Street Chorus
Is your 4th or 5th grader interested in joining the Talley chorus? Click below to see the flyer and sign-up!
Talley Street Band - Beginning Band Information
Hello Talley Street Parents/Guardians,
The long-awaited time is FINALLY here!! Time to get beginning band back at Talley. Below, you will find some important information as we begin the interest/sign-up process.
- Interest sign-ups for band will begin August 2nd and will end Friday, August 18th. You can access the link here:
- Beginning Band at Talley will be open to 5th-grade students only.
- Beginning Band rehearsals will be Monday/Wednesday. Schedule is TBD.
- As part of the "sign-up" process, students will have the opportunity to list their top 3 choices of instruments to play. The final decision will be made based on instrumentation needs, the matching tool, and the instrument placement fair. Not sure about an instrument?? Check out the instrument videos here:
- There will be a "fee" associated with band but it has yet to be determined. We will not let this “fee” deter any students from participating in the beginning band program.
As we begin band at Talley, if you have questions regarding band at Talley please feel free to reach out via rthompson@csdecatur.net. Looking forward to a GREAT year!!! - Mr. T
Girls on The Run
It's time for Girls on the Run to start at Talley Street! Teams are M/W and Tu/Th from 2:30-4:00 at Talley starting the week of 9/11 to the week of 12/4. We need coaches to volunteer in order to host teams! Please contact Ms. Bundschu (nbundschu@csdecatur.net) with any questions.
Thank you!
Thank you to all of you who attended and volunteered at our Popsicle social last weekend especially Timothy Cox & Co Realtors for sponsoring. We loved seeing and meeting so many families and high-fiving Titan the Tiger!
Tonight, Thursday, August 10th, at 6 pm
Talley’s house leaders will be presenting on the House System at the PTO’s monthly meeting in the Media Center. This is a great chance to learn about the House System and the PTO. Childcare is provided. If you can’t come in person, please join us via Google Meet. All are welcome!
Room Parent/Caregiver Info
We are still in need of room parents in a few classrooms (see below). Sign up to be one on this google form. If you signed up already, thank you! Email rpcoordinator@talleypto.org with any questions.
Class Fund Info
The Room Parent Coordinators (RPCs) at Talley pool funds school-wide into one Class Fund. This supports all teachers with gifts throughout the year. *This is a gift to teachers, not a PTO donation.* Donate by Sept. 30th at PayPal.me/TalleyTeacherFund
Coming up! Spirit Night at Cremalosa on Aug. 23rd
Decatur Education Foundation Grant Process Opens
Decatur Education Foundation Announces Teacher Innovation Grants and Student Innovation Grants
The Decatur Education Foundation is excited to invite you to apply for a Teacher Innovation Grant for the 2023-2024 school year! DEF's Teacher Innovation Grants are designed to support teachers in the City Schools of Decatur by providing funds for innovative educational experiences. And for the first time ever, we’re offering students the opportunity to apply too! Student Innovation Grants give students a voice in their education and encourage them to explore creative solutions to problems and challenges.
Awards for our Innovation Grants range from $200 to $3,000. The application deadline is August 31, 2023, and the grant awards will be announced on September 14, 2023. For more information and to apply, visit:
Decatur Education Foundation Announces Teacher Innovation Grants and Student Innovation Grants
The Decatur Education Foundation is excited to announce that applications are open for our Teacher Innovation Grants and — for the first time ever — Student Innovation Grants! These grants are designed to support teachers and students in the City Schools of Decatur by providing funds for innovative educational experiences. Awards for our Innovation Grants range from $200 to $3,000. The application deadline is August 31, 2023, and the grant awards will be announced on September 14, 2023.
Last year, we awarded over $35,000 in Teacher Innovation Grants, and this year we want to double it! For more information and to support DEF’s Innovation Grants, visit DecaturEducationFoundation.org. To apply for a Student Innovation Grant, visit: https://bit.ly/DEFStudentInnovationGrants.
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Mini Grants Now Available
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project? Fantastic ideas on how to incorporate farm to school principles into a teaching unit? Or maybe you need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2023-24. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before September 22, 2023. (Link here and on the Wylde Center website > Education > Farm to School)
Decatur Avondale Children's Choir
Decatur Avondale Children's Choir is now scheduling auditions! Contact info@decaturavondalecc.com to schedule.
Youth Lacrosse
Need something fun to do this fall with little commitment? Druid Lakes Youth Lacrosse Association (DLYLA) offers both boys and girls lacrosse for experienced and beginner players. It’s a great way to get ready for the full spring season. Click the link below for more information and registration. Registration closes 8/12/23 and the season starts 8/19/23.
Girl Scouts Information Meeting
Join us to learn about how you can embark on your own Girl Scouts adventure!
Saturday, August 12 at 2:00 p.m.
The Wylde Center - Oakhurst Garden
435 Oakview Road, Decatur, Georgia 30030
Free! Bring your grown-up(s) along.
RSVP: aritchie@gsgatl.org
Social Media and Contact Information
You can find more information on the following Facebook pages:
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
Talley Street PE
And these Instagrams:
For news from our counselors, check out their website:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/.