Ms. Monaghan's Message - April 16
Challenge, Inspire, Empower, & Serve
Important Upcoming Dates
April 26: Diocesan Day of Prayer
April 30: Spirit Day; Donut Sale for Camp Savio
May 1: First Communion
May 5: May Crowning at School Mass
May 7: Student Council Lock-Out
May 14: Talent Show, Picnic on the Playground, 8th Last Day
May 17: Field Day (8th is invited to join us)
May 18: DARE Graduation @ 1:45; 8th Grade Graduation @ 7pm
May 19: Last day of School; Noon Dismissal
May Crowning - May 5th
The children of St. Patrick School will crown Mary after processing to the Grotto with flowers. This year, the faculty and staff have selected two students, Brian Nguyen - 8th grade and Annelise Ruzicka - 2nd grade, to crown Mary during this ceremony.
We invite all school children to bring flowers to give to Mary on this day! Parents and grandparents are invited to join us as well.
Student Council Lock-out
When: Friday, May 7th 3:30 - 7:30. (Weather Permitting)
Cost: $25 for 1 child, $15 for each additional sibling.
What: Hot dogs, games, smores and fun!
Proceeds: Annual Parish Auction
Watch your email for sign-up information. Open to any children ages 5-14, but you must be pre-registered to attend!
Field Day Volunteers Needed
On May 17, we will be holding a "St. Patrick School Color Run Field Day". Students will participate in a Color Run/Walk along with a variety of fun activities throughout the day. We are making some adjustments to this day to ensure the health and safety of our students, and we need YOUR help! To make this event work well and run smoothly, we will need a lot of volunteers. You can sign up for a certain block of time - or sign up for the entire day. As we get closer to the date, more detailed information will be sent out to volunteers.
Please sign up to volunteer by clicking HERE.
*** Please note that all volunteers must be Protecting God's Children certified. This process takes place online right now, so you've still got time to get your certification. Contact Becky Orr at borr@stpatrickkc.com if you need help signing up for the Protecting God's Children class.
Student Council Raffle Donations Needed
Marvel basket - any Marvel - themed items
Craft basket
Summer Fun Basket
Movie Basket
Sports Basket
We appreciate you support!
Register for Summer Child Care Below
Summer Camp - Ages 3-5
Register Below for St. Pius X Athletic Camps
2021-2022 School Calendar
The Ravine Movie - Showing at B&B Theater in Liberty!
Are you ready to explore and question your own views on faith, hope, forgiveness and the afterlife?
On a typical weekday morning in a peaceful suburb of Akron, Ohio, the town awakens to discover that Rachel Turner and her son, Evan have been brutally murdered during the night. A short while later, Danny Turner is found in his car at the bottom of a ravine, after having taken his own life. Any explanation as to why a loving father and husband would suddenly commit a series of such heinous crimes has gone to the grave with the accused. The mystery only deepens as the details of the murders emerge, and evidence of premeditation as well as Danny’s hidden past are revealed.
Subsequently, Rachel’s closest friend, Carolyn Bianci, sinks into a deep depression, while her husband, Mitch, copes with his despair by attempting to uncover the facts of the crime. Eventually they encounter Joanna Larson, a fascinating woman who possesses extraordinary spiritual gifts. Through Joanna, the truth about the events that took place the night of the murders are unveiled. The answers Mitch and Carlolyn get are beyond their human understanding.
Inspired by true events, The Ravine is a story of faith, forgiveness, and most of all, the restoration of hope – even for the most seemingly unredeemable among us.
The Ravine is a feature film starring Eric Dane (Greys Anatomy), Teri Polo (Meet The Parents), Peter Facinelli (Twilight) and Leslie Uggams (Empire).
Box Tops For Education
Learn more by clicking the links below to read or watch a video!
Protecting God's Children Certification
- All live Protecting God’s Children for Adults (PGC) workshops continue to be suspended due to COVID-19.
- Employees and volunteers required to complete PGC are instead required to complete 2 online training modules in VIRTUS®:
- Protecting God’s Children® Online Awareness Session 3.0
- Mandated Reporters: Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse
- VIRTUS® has automated the assignment of these modules for all brand new VIRTUS® users.
- Contact Sherry Huffman at huffman@diocesekcsj.org to sign up today!
Health Room News
Covid -19 Policies and Procedures
In accordance with the Diocese of Kansas City St. Joseph, we will continue the Covid-19 polices and procedures that have been in place this school year. This means, our students will continue to wear masks appropriately throughout the day when working in close proximity to others. It also means, we will continue to socially distance in the classroom and lunchroom and will follow the same health procedures listed below.
These procedures have kept us in school and no one wants to risk that at this point in the year! We appreciate your support with this as we finish up this interesting school year.
Daily Health Check
If your child is attending "in person" classes, we ask you to complete a daily checklist each morning before leaving for school.
My child has a temperature over 99 degrees.
My child has had diarrhea in the last 48 hours.
My child has a sore throat or flu-like s symptoms.
My child has vomited or shown signs of nausea in the last 48 hours.
My child, or someone in our family, has been exposed to Covid-19.
My child has traveled somewhere currently on the travel ban list in the last 10 days.
I have given my child fever reducers, cold medicine, or other over the counter meds to reduce symptoms of illness within the last 48 hours.
Daily Health Symptom Check
* New cough
* Difficulty breathing
* Loss of taste/smell
Moderate-Risk Symptoms:
* Fever (>99 degrees) or chills
* Congestion/runny nose
* Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
* Sore throat
* Headache
* Muscle or body aches
Please note: If your child has 1 High Risk symptom OR 2 + moderate risk symptoms, he/she will be sent home and allowed to return after 48 hours symptom free and with a doctor's note stating he/she is safe to return to school.
These are very strict guidelines provided to us from the Clay County Health Department that we must follow in an effort to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. We appreciate you partnering with us to ensure we follow these policies and procedures each day!
St. Patrick School
Email: kmonaghan@stpatrickkc.com
Website: www.stpatrickkc.com
Location: 1401 Northeast 42nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-453-0971
Facebook: facebook.com/St.PatrickKC
Twitter: @StPatrickKc