Hornet Herald
News and notes for the week of 4/11/2021
Principal's Message to Hornet Families for the week of April 11th, 2021
This past week's testing administration went off without a hitch. Our testing team of Mr. Estes, Mrs. Romero, and Mrs. Patel put together a masterful plan to accommodate all of our testers and on campus learners. We also had a chance to see our Tennis Hornets pick up five victories Thursday afternoon at Small Middle School. We are now looking forward to a strong finish to the school year. The final 6 weeks term of the year begins on Monday and we look forward to creating a GREAT Learning experience for all scholars on campus and remote. We encourage all families to think of this last week as the first week of school because we want to end the year on A high note with the same energy and intentions of a new school year. Please assure scholars have close to perfect attendance to ensure the best learning experience is possible. We as an administrative team and staff are currently planning out our summer calendar and campus improvement plan for next year. We will keep you all informed of the process as we go. We also welcome your feedback and support as we complete these tasks. This week we will have both Tennis and Track & Field on Full display. Come out to support our scholar-athletes! New guidelines for attending events are below in the announcements. Thank you all for a great first few months in Austin ISD and all of your support, this truly does not work without you. #BEGREATmentality
BTO/Stafffing Update as of 4/11/2021 - We are in the finalizing stages!
- We had enough campus flexibility to avoid placing any of our teachers in the AISD priority pool
- Fewer staff members than last year (We will have 67 teachers on campus)
- 2 additional special education teachers
- campus based dyslexia teacher (officially added to the BTO this past week!)
- 1 additional counselor
- Funding .5 of an English instructional coach position from Title I funds
- Funding the other .5 of the English Instructional coach position from local funds
- Funding 100% & 85% (The other 15% will be paid from local funds. This was previously at 90%, we had to decrease the amount to secure our 1% of title I funds for parent engagement) additional teachers from title I funds to maintain Mathematics & Reading double block for struggling learners (This will help close the achievement gaps on our campus)
- Funding Summit K12 Language Acquisition and TELPAS Prep Program to support growing population of Emerging Bilingual Students in our school.
- Funding 85% of AVID teaching position from College Career Military Readiness Funds & the other 15% from local funds. (This adds another teacher to our campus' total teacher bank)
- Funding Communities in Schools and the Campus Parent Support Specialist from Local Funds (These services help our students and families by supporting in areas that are not academically related)
2021 STAAR Information - 7th Grade Writing Exam Recap
130/168 Testers
- 28 testers were online
- we used 16 rooms & 18 teachers
Great job of planning by Mr. Estes, Mrs. Patel, and Mrs. Romero
Smooth testing environment
235 students in the school, The most this semester
May STAAR Information
Thank you to all of our families who completed the Kealing Middle School STAAR survey (Spanish Version). There is still time for those who have yet to complete the survey. Please submit your family's decision by Friday, April 16 to assist Kealing Staff with planning for administration.
A few items to remember:
- All students must wear a face mask covering their nose, mouth and chin while in the building
- All STAAR assessments must be administered in person according to TEA requirements.
- Algebra I EOC will be administer online and in person on campus. We have additional devices for students who were not assigned a district device
- All other assessments will be administered by paper on-campus.
- Successfully passing STAAR for 8th grade students to be promoted to high school has been suspended for the 2020-21 school year
- Breakfast and Lunch is provided
- Students may return home at the conclusion of testing (approximately 12:30) to finish the day remote.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Estes (timothy.estes@austinisd.org) or Mrs. Romero (christina.romero@austinisd.org).
Popcorn Social For Great Attendance & Celebrating Library Appreciation Week!
Upcoming Dates - B Week!
Monday - April 12th B Day
Tuesday -April 13th - A Day
Wednesday -April 14th - B Day
KMS Track meet at Burger Field or Nelson Stadium @ 6p
Thursday - April 15th- A Day
KMS Track meet at Burger Field or Nelson Stadium @ 6p
KMS Tennis @ Gorzycki Middle School @ 6pm
Friday - April 16th - B Day
Saturday - April 17th
April 23rd will be an instructional A day
Kealing PTA Elections Coming Up!
Please join us on Thursday, April 22 at 7pm
We will be electing the new Kealing PTA Executive Board for 2021-22.
You may nominate yourself or nominate someone else.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Questions? Email President@kealingpta.org
Join by Clicking This link : Kealing PTA Meeting Link
Summer School & Enrichment at Kealing Middle School
Dates: 6/14 - 6/30
Hours: 9:00a - 1:00p
Educational Delivery: Hybrid( Face to face & Virtual)
Location: Blackshear Elementary School (We are having our HVAC Systems repaired at KMS)
Transportation will be provided
The calendar for Summer Enrichment Programs is still being developed, more information is coming. So far we have:
6th Grade Summer reading - June and 1st week of August
Summer Band - Date: TBD
Orchestra Camp - 8/2/2021 - 8/6/2021
6th Grade Orientation - Dates TBD
7th grade orientation - Dates TBD
Pre Algebra Camp- 7/5 - 7/30
STARBASE Camp - 6/28 - 8/2
Young Scientists Reading Camp - 7/5 - 7/30
Guidance for Attendance at Athletics & Fine Arts Events
As Austin Public Health eases restrictions to Stage 3, and we have more of our community
vaccinated, we are given more flexibility, while still being safe, to carry out *non-UIL events.
To provide caregivers with an opportunity to view their student's activities, we are allowing
Athletics and Visual & Performing Arts events in a healthy and safe environment, as follows:
● All audience members will be masked and socially distanced.
● Audience members will be allowed up to 25% of venue capacity.
● Audience members will be screened and temperature checked before entry.
● The support staff will be available to help enforce physical distancing requirements and
mask usage.
*AISD follows UIL recommendations for music and theatre; only student performers are allowed
(no audiences).
These guidelines are subject to change based on public health and safety conditions.
Sign up for our 4th Garden & Grounds day - Saturday April 17th
Please sign up for Saturday April 17th for the 10 am to 11:30 am shift or the Noon to 1:30 pm shift via this link: https://signup.com/go/XJuJRWj
We will be "beautifying" the monarch butterfly garden with some art that would be wonderful for all students, including neurodivergent friends and younger siblings. We will also be pruning and clearing out some of the front of the school to give a warm welcome to our students that are starting to come back for class and exams. And of course we will be turning compost, mulching, pulling weeds, watering and getting dirty! Come join us!!
Start a REAL business this summer!
PE Waivers - deadline for Fall
LASA Girls Lacrosse
Email skylermj5@gmail.com if you have any questions or if you're interested in receiving direct information regarding next season.
Free Minds application is open!
If you’ve been thinking about returning to school, Free Minds is calling your name! A program of Foundation Communities’ College Hub, Free Minds offers a free two-semester college course in the humanities for adults looking to start a new chapter.
Free Minds offers a supportive environment for adult students. Classes will be two evenings a week between August and May. Tuition, books, childcare, and support services are provided at no cost to students. Faculty from UT and ACC lead students through classes in literature, philosophy, history, art, and writing. Students who complete the course earn six credit hours from ACC.
If you’re ready to make a fresh start in the classroom, please consider applying.
You are eligible if you:
1. Are at least 18 years old
2. Have a high school diploma or GED
3. Don’t have a college degree and haven’t been enrolled in a degree program in the past two years
4. Have demonstrated financial need
5. Possess the ability to read challenging books in English
6. Are ready to commit to attending class regularly and complete all assignments
Prospective students can apply online by July 9, 2021 by visiting FreeMindsAustin.org. For any questions, please email freeminds@foundcom.org or call 512-610-7961.
AISD Mental Wellness for Families Smores
We are excited to announce that our third 2-sided flyer with mental health resources/strategies
will be distributed to parents/families during Austin ISD food distributions next week. We plan
to create a new Mental Wellness flyer/Smore every two weeks. These
resources are part of a collaboration between Child Study Systems, Social and Emotional
Learning, Health Services, Family and Community Engagement, and Austin ISD Communications.
KMS Track & Field
Even in the before times, there are no tryouts. Just come out to practice 🙃
Physical Form- https://www.austinisd.org/sites/default/files/dept/athletics/2020%20Physical%20Form%20English.pdf
Covid waiver- https://www.austinisd.org/sites/default/files/dept/openforlearning/docs/Athletics-COVID-Waiver-8-2020-Rev.pdf
We have created a blend tile for participating athletes and families and your emails will be added by the end of the week. If you have other questions please feel free to contact Coach Gardner.
Let’s get ready to meet, defeat, repeat 💪🏽 Go Hornets!
Bike & School Day - May 5th
Join Bike and School Day on May 5. AISD’s transportation and sustainability teams have partnered with Ghisallo Cycling Initiative for students to learn about biking, engage in physical activity and celebrate sustainable transportation in Austin.
Students can participate by using the Bicycle Skills Challenge at Home program, a guided lesson plan for students to learn and practice bicycle safety and riding skills. The program is a modified version of the advanced bike rodeo clinic that the Ghisallo Cycling Initiative provides through AISD physical education programs. The dual-language, 30-minute program in English and Spanish can support both synchronous and asynchronous instruction.
SIgn up for the KMS Bike & School Program here!
Schools will be selected by receive free bikes and helmets to raffle to participating students.
Students learn bike safety and riding skills so they can safely bike to and from school, for fun and recreation, or to get wherever they want to go.
The fun, interactive lessons are aligned with TEKS and can help youth engage in physical activity and improve their health!
How to participate
Contact cycleacademy@ghisallo.org to confirm participation and receive the materials. Ghisallo Cycling Initiative team members will drop off bikes and helmets to selected schools.
Ensure the students complete the knowledge quiz through BLEND or preferred learning platform or collect answers in the classroom.
Questions? Contact cycleacademy@ghisallo.org.
Virtual Volunteer for Junior Achievement at Kealing
Coach Hinojosa and the Tennis team won 5 matches this past week! Come cheer for us Thursday at Gorzycki Middle School @ 6pm
Assistant Principal's & Director Appreciation Week!
Who's Kealing It?
iReady testing opens 1/25.
AISD Curbside Meal Site
AISD to Continue Free Meals through the 2020-21 School Year
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) recently announced an extension of current school meal programs through the 2020-21 school year. Through the federally-funded program, all Austin ISD students will receive free school meals through June 3, the last day of school.
For students participating in remote, off-campus learning, free 7 day meal packs will be available each Thursday at more than 40 curbside locations throughout Austin. While Austin ISD plans to continue curbside service as long as needed, meal sites are subject to change as more students transition to on-campus learning.
Curbside meal sites and more information can be found here
Austin ISD COVID-19 Dashboard
Austin ISD is committed to putting health and safety protocols in place that will prevent the occurrence and/or spread of COVID-19. However, we must be prepared to quickly and effectively respond to and communicate a lab-confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 at a school or other Austin ISD facility.
The Austin ISD COVID-19 Dashboard will be updated by noon each Tuesday, starting the week of Sept. 21. All lab-confirmed positive cases on campuses will be communicated directly to the campus community. Individuals who may have been exposed will be contacted directly and provided information on the next steps, including a quarantine timeline if needed.
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Hornet Herald - find and subscribe on the website
Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/KealingMS/
Twitter - @KTXHornets