The Star News

Be sure to join your school's PTA and stay connected to learn about resources and upcoming events. Your school is also a great resource for any questions. We also encourage you to follow Roanoke City Public Schools on social media, visit our website at rcps.info, and scroll to the bottom of the newsletter for important upcoming dates!
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools!
RCPS Teacher of the Year
RCPS Staff Celebrate 2022-2023 School Year During Convocation
School Board Recap
Superintendent's Corner
RCPS Family,
Welcome back to school! We have much to celebrate as we begin the 2022-2023 School Year, and I know this celebration will continue throughout the school year as our students set and achieve their goals.
Throughout the summer, RCPS staff prepared for students' return. From our custodians to our teachers, I want to thank all staff members for working hard to ensure our buildings are safe, clean, and happy places for our students to thrive.
Our community is always so supportive of our students, and this was especially apparent in August during Load the Bus and Back to School Extravaganza. The community wrapped its arms around our students, providing school supplies and other needed resources, ensuring our students could start the year off right. We are so thankful for the individuals and community partners who support our students and RCPS!
Since the first day of school on August 23rd, our students have been engaged with high-quality instruction, with an emphasis on literacy. Our schools are also creating safe and welcoming environments to support learning and provide other needed resources to ensure our students have what they need to succeed. Soon, schools will hold Back to School Night and other events. We encourage all parents/guardians to attend these events to learn about the opportunities for families to become engaged and involved with their student's school.
Throughout this school year, I hope you will join me in celebrating the students, staff, and community members who exemplify the “We Are One” rallying call. I have launched the Superintendent's Challenge Coin as a special way to honor those in our RCPS community who are going above and beyond, and I invite you to nominate those who you feel are deserving of this honor. We have many heroes in Roanoke City Public Schools, and we need to give credit where credit is due. Click here to learn more about this recognition and to nominate someone.
Thank you for your continued support of Roanoke City Public Schools. Let’s have a great school year! #RCPSProud
Verletta B. White
Save the Date
Labor Day Weekend
Friday, September 2, is a non-student/non-teacher day; 12-month staff will report. Schools and offices will be closed Monday, September 5 for Labor Day. Students will return to school on Tuesday, September 6.
Mayor's Cup Football Game
Patrick Henry and William Fleming will play each other during the annual Mayor's Cup football game on Friday, September 16 at 6 p.m. This year's game will be held at William Fleming High School.
School Highlights
Hurt Park
Virginia Superintendent of Public Instruction Jillian Balow recently visited Hurt Park Elementary while in town for another event! Superintendent Balow took time to read to students and visit with division and school leaders.
Fishburn Park
Fishburn Park Elementary stopped by Central Office at the beginning of August to give Superintendent White some fresh flowers and veggies from their school garden! We are so lucky our students are able to receive hands-on experience in our school gardens!
ROTEC students can do it all! Carpentry students built shelving units last spring for Branch Group's new construction zone at Kids Square. This is another example of how our students receive hands-on experience while helping the community!
Parent & Community Engagement
Join Your School's PTA!
The start of the school year is the perfect time to join your school's PTA, which provides an additional way to be involved with your student's education. Please contact your child’s school for more information.
Calling All Dads!
Do you want to visit your student's school once a month and engage in a character-building session? Join All Pro Dad! Stronger father-child relationships are the key to improving your student's grades, creativity, and behavior. Can we count on YOU? We currently have new chapters in 7 schools. Let’s make your student's school an “All Pro Dad” school. Contact your school for more information about joining an existing chapter or starting a new one, or contact Dr. Anthony Frazier at (540) 853.1359 or afrazier@rcps.info.
Upcoming Events in Roanoke
Family Wellness Webinar: Family Wellness Roanoke, supported by Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, is hosting a free online webinar for parents/guardians of children with special needs or other health challenges. The webinar, "Siblings: What About Me?" will be held at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday, September 10th. Register for this workshop and others by clicking here.
Henry Street Musical Festival: September 17th from 1 to 10 p.m. at Elmwood Park. This is a community event presenting an array of diverse regional and national live entertainment, educational forums, and exposure to African-American heritage as expressed through the performing arts, crafts, cuisines, customs, merchandise, and children’s activities.
Welcoming Week in Roanoke: From September 9th through September 18th, the City of Roanoke is leading a campaign designed to bring communities together and celebrate diversity. During the week, dozens of partner institutions across the Roanoke Valley will come together to welcome newcomers, with a particular emphasis on international populations and community members with diverse backgrounds.
Be sure to update your contact information with your student's school to ensure you are receiving mass notifications. In addition, let the school know if you have moved.
Are you looking for a job that allows you to be on the same schedule as your child? Apply to become an Instructional Assistant, Bus Driver, Bus Aide, or Food Service Worker! Other part-time and full-time positions are also available. Visit our website to learn more.
- Your child's school is a great source of information. They always welcome you to contact them directly with questions. Visit rcps.info/schools for school contact information.
- Missed an edition of The Star News? Access previous issues here!
Roanoke City Public Schools
Roanoke City Public Schools serves approximately 14,000 students in grades pre-K through 12. RCPS provides an inclusive and equitable, student-centered culture that empowers lifelong learning. Through meaningful, relevant, and engaging learning opportunities, RCPS will empower all students to dream, excel, and meet their full potential to benefit our city and its citizens.