Elementary School Counselors
Resources to help students deal with Anxiety and Stress
Go Noodle is Awesome!
One way you can help elevate anxiety and stress is doing exercises. Go Noodle in the classroom as a teacher and as a counselor during my morning Power UP. The kids love it! The whole family can get involved!! There are so many activities from getting up and getting moving to calming and mindfulness. Try it out!!
Mindfulness Activities
Mindfulness and SEL Webinar
NearPod Mindfulness Superpower K-2
Kids Explain Mindfulness Video
Mindfulness and the brain- presentation by Kelly Thompson, School Psychologist
Relax Your Mind Spotify Playlist
How and Why To Teach Your Kids Mindfulness
Video of my favorite mindfulness techniques- 17:45 seconds
Wisconsin's Jonathan Taylor finds his edge through yoga | College GameDay
Anxiety and Stress Management Resources
Juana Loya- Buffalo Jones
Email: jloya@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-7322
Jennifer Armstrong-Florence Wilson
Email: JArmstrong@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-7437
Deb Travers-Edith Scheuerman and Georgia Matthews
Email: dtravers@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-7354
Karen Thornton-Victor Ornelas
Email: kthornton@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-8057943
Ana Castaneda-Abe Hubert
Email: Acastaneda@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-8415
Betty Palomino-Gertrude Walker and Plymell
Email: jpalomino@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-7632
Lupita Sotelo-Jennie Wilson and Jennie Barker
Email: lsoteloserrano@gckschools.com
Phone: 620-805-7776
Charity Saddler-Alta Brown
Email: CSaddler@gckschools.com
Phone: 785-805-8415