St Cecilia's News
November 2020
Happy St Cecilia's Day
Many thanks to St Catherine's Class, Miss Morre and Mrs Kolendo for our lovely St Cecilia's Day play this year which told the life of St Cecilia, a lovely tradition for the school.
We will be sending a copy of the play to the parents of the children in St Catherine's via a Vimeo secure link.
Parent Governor Election Voting
If you have not voted please make sure to do so before the deadline. Voting links were sent to you via email from ChoiceVoting, we have also sent a reminder email through their system.
The election result will be published online at 4pm. Many thanks to our three candidates, Mr Arnett, Mr Brookes and Mrs Salinas Nokes. The Governing Body look forward to working with the successful candidate.
Christmas Annual
At £5 per copy, we estimate that at least £2 will go to the school fund. The annuals will be printed and shipped to the school just before we close in December. They will be in full colour with a laminated cover. Orders must be placed before Monday 30th November, payment will then be requested through the Pupil Asset App. Please make payment before Midday on Monday 7th December.
It is much cheaper for us to order the annuals in one large print job, we can support parents with individual orders after the deadline, however these will be priced at around £16 each, so please order on time.
Parent Teacher Meetings
Library Online
We have created a library email account, please remember that we no longer have a librarian, the process of searching for books, verifying queries and replying takes a lot longer at this moment in time.
You can help us by making sure that your child has a place for their library books at home and that they are returned to the library correctly, to the returns box or to their class teacher or TA.
Run for Rudolph - Thursday December 10th
You can see details of the Fun Run in the video from St Raphael's below. Essentially, we hope that you can sponsor the children as they take on a running course around the school whilst wearing reindeer antlers and nose. The staff will be joining them too, it will be a lovely fun morning. (Don't worry - if the weather is poor we will postpone to another day before Christmas.) If you wish to add additional reindeer features to your child's uniform that day, please do.
We don't often ask for sponsorship as we do not want to put families under pressure, especially this year. We hope that you will be able to support the charity as much as you can and many thanks in advance.
You will find more details in the flyer and sponsorship form coming home early next week.
All classes will be running from Nursery to Year 6 - the course will be all around the school site, the distance and number of laps varying by age.
Admission in September 2021 - apply now!
Supplementary application forms are required if you wish to notify us of priority and can be downloaded from our website. Priests are still able to sign the forms but please allow more time for signing and contact your priest for details of the process. Whilst Masses are not being celebrated in public, priests have been reminded to take into account your attendance at Mass over time, not just in recent months since lockdowns began.
Thank you to all of you who have sent your admission form to us already.
For queries on admissions please contact Mrs Saunders at
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Please use the checker at the weblink below to find out more.
Christmas Dates
Monday 7th December
We will start to record our Christmas Carol concert this week, it will be sent home at the end of term via Only children with permission for Vimeo will take part.
Tuesday 8th
Y3 Elf Day
Wednesday 9th
Christmas Jumper (non uniform day) Wear the most Christmassy jumper you can find!
Christmas Lunch
Thursday 10th December
The Rudolph Run
Monday 14th December
Class Christmas parties (non uniform - party clothes)
Wednesday 16th December
The Talent Show
Thursday 17th December
Last day of term for Nursery
Friday 18th December
Christmas Farewell assembly
End of term at midday for Years R to 6.
Parent Feedback - Annual Survey on the way!
We know that this is a strange year, we feel that we are keeping you at arms length in the pandemic, so please put that to one side and try to focus on other aspects of our provision.
We are using many of the questions that OFSTED would use on their feedback form, we have also added several questions. One of these asks for three wishes, if we could change in three ways what would they be? Please bear in mind our incredibly tight budget and the period of austerity that we are about to enter, wishes that do not include too much investment may come true, it can be easier for us to change our policy or practise rather than invest at this time.
The Governing Body are considering expanding childcare next Summer through a private contractor on site. One of the questions relates to this, we are not sure on the level of demand and would appreciate your feedback.
The Google form will not take too long to return and thanks for your thoughts, we appreciate your time and look forward to the feedback.
SEND in Sutton
Have a good weekend
Best wishes,
Vince Burke
Head Teacher
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Phone: 020 8337 4566