Weekly Update
Principal's Message
Happy Fall, Happy October!
Learning is definitely in full swing now at West Sound Tech; walking through the courtyards and hallways, you can hear the hands-on engagement happening throughout the building. It is exciting to see the learning move from theoretical knowledge to practice and hands-on experiences. Many of the classes have completed their required safety training components to be able to be in lab/shop and students are enjoying the practical aspects of their learning.
Items of Note:
Parking Passes:
We are continuing to award parking passes to students. If your student received an initial denial on their parking request, please have your student return to the office and ask for an update. Many were denied because of space, but we have found that some space has opened up.
Students approved for parking must also submit the vehicle registration documentation to the main office.
Another note with parking passes - if students regularly show up late and/or leave campus early without prior permission the parking pass will be revoked. Students that drive are expected to stay on campus for their full class time at WST.
Progress Reports from WST:
Monday, October 16, is progress reporting day for WST students. Students will be provided a progress report to bring home to share with parents. In addition, if a student is in jeopardy of failing, a progress report will be mailed home. Please contact your student's teacher if you have any questions.
Questions or Concerns:
Please contact me, Shani Watkins, at 360-473-0550 or via email at
No School Monday, October 9, 2023 in honor of Indigenous Peoples' Day
Updated WST Calendar
WST Students In Action
Cosmetology Students
Construction Students
Culinary Arts Students
Attendance Process
Please remember that there are TWO parts to the attendance process at WST:
At West Sound Tech, we are preparing students for life and careers. Our attendance procedures meet both the preparation for life for students and the state requirements for reporting an absence. While it may seem like this duplicates the process it helps to develop student accountability while also following the law. There are two steps to the WST reporting process, student responsibility to contact the instructor directly and the parent/guardian responsibility to officially report the absence to the registrar.
STEP 1: Student Responsibility
Just as you would in the workplace, students at West Sound Tech MUST contact their instructor if the student is absent. Contact your instructor by either email or phone, just as you would for a job, and explain your absence to the instructor. (EXAMPLE: Good morning Ms. Sanford, this is Geneva. I am sick and will be absent today. I plan to be back at school tomorrow). Many of our teachers now use REMIND, so you may send a message through REMIND to your instructor as well.
STEP 2: Parent/Guardian Responsibility
A parent MUST report an absence in writing or by phone call.
IMPORTANT: Absences MUST be reported to both the student's home school and to WST separately.
Parents, please follow-up a student absence with an email to the registrar:
(ERIN.MCKIERNAN@WESTSOUNDTECH.ORG), a phone call (360-473-0557), or written documentation with the following information:
Parent Skyward Access for WST
Parents/guardians, WST has a separate Skyward access than your student's sending school. Please contact Erin Scott, the WST registrar to access your student's Skyward account to check attendance and grades.
To contact Erin, please email:
WST Fall School and Community Partner Meeting
This Month We Celebrate...
Mission: The mission of West Sound Technical Skills Center is to ensure that all students are prepared for life, career, and college through industry-based, technically rigorous programs.
Vision: To prepare every West Sound Technical Skills Center graduate to be career and college ready, enter the global workforce, and be a successful and contributing citizen through innovative and flexible program opportunities.