Waunakee High School Warrior Weekly
Week of Monday, September 25 - Friday, September 29
Superintendent Search Survey
Your Feedback is Valuable
The Waunakee Community School District Board of Education (BOE) has initiated a search for its next Superintendent. It is important that the successful candidate be someone who has the combination of credentials, experiences, leadership skills, and personal traits that students, staff, families, and our community expect and value.
Engagement Survey
Take our Superintendent Search Survey. The survey will close on Friday, September 22, 2023.
English: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KGHWXZ5
Spanish: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/7GD5J5S
Together, we are confident that we can find an exceptional leader to continue to guide our school district towards excellence.
We appreciate your participation!
From the Library Media Technology Center (LMTC)
The LMTC will be open for students who wish to sign out for half of their study hall beginning next week. A maximum of 3 students per half from each study hall section (unless you're in the Small Aud or Cave) may sign out to come. You may use this opportunity to stretch out and study, find and read books or magazines here, get research assistance, visit a peer tutor, work on class projects such as video and audio recording (we have green screens and a recording room), use our Cricut crafting machine, or study with friends from other study halls. Reminder: only drinks with lids or caps are allowed and no food is allowed.
Peer Tutors
Our Peer Tutors are now open and available before school and during school. For more information, please visit our website to learn how to best access and use them for assistance.
Our teachers and library lessons will include further discussion throughout the year about the advent of new AI tools like ChatGPT. As a reminder, our updated student handbook policy regarding academic honesty and plagiarism addresses this specifically to help guide you as you write and study. Academic Honesty: “Use of generative AI programs such as ChatGPT by students on graded assignments is prohibited, except with the express permission of the teacher, in which case the use of AI must be cited by the student. Unauthorized use of AI on graded assignments by the student will be treated as an academic honesty violation.”
What is the point of homecoming in high school?
Well, it is a way for students to come together and show their support for their school and their community. Homecoming week is a time for students to have fun and create memories that will last a lifetime. Homecoming is also important because it brings together alumni and the community.
To order class shirts, please see the links below. If money is a barrier, please see your counselor, social worker or Associate Principal as soon as possible.
The deadline for this order is Sunday, September 24th by midnight.
What: Dodgeball! Seniors vs. Juniors
When: October 8th, 5-7 PM
Where: WHS Old Gymnasium
Juniors & Seniors, please order your Dodgeball Shirt Here
Homecoming Assembly Speaker
Our Homecoming Assembly Speaker will be at the High School on October 12th to present two sessions during the following times: 8:25-9:15 AM and 9:30-10:20 AM. Watch upcoming newsletters for more information.
October 14: Homecoming Dance, 8:00-11:00 PM
All students in Grades 9-12 may purchase a Homecoming Dance ticket(s) through GoFan. The promo code is your student ID number. Any student bringing a guest from a different school, must turn in a completed guest form. Guest forms can also be picked up from the front office. All forms must be submitted on or before October 6th.
The goal of class officers is to organize and facilitate activities for the enjoyment of their classmates. Class Officers for the 2023-2024 school year include:
- Seniors: Charlise Smith, Amanda Comins, Vincent Chou, and Sadie Grabarski
- Juniors: Kylee Griffin, Ellen Dotzler, Reagan Terry, and Cooper Yecoshenko (not pictured)
- Sophomores: Alex Malich, Mason Spear, Aiden Glynn, and Audrey Meudt
- Freshmen: Natalie Cook, Claire Van Beek, Kennedy Christian, and Rachel Lin
Help support Waunakee DECA & FBLA through the purchase of a Bucky Book. The Bucky Book offers 50% OFF at hundreds of businesses and you only need to redeem a few coupons, (and in many cases, just one), between now and September 30 of 2024 to recoup your contribution while you are supporting our organizations.
Still have last year's book? It's valid until September 30, 2023. Get Bucky Book 32 now to continue using what you may have already used plus many other 50% OFF coupons from car washes, groceries, golf, pizza, fast food, car maintenance, pet food, carpet cleaning, shopping, home services, and so much more. The Bucky Book makes an excellent gift to anyone in the Madison area!
BONUS! You will also receive a bonus flyer for Kwik Trip 50% OFF coupons for car washes, beverages and groceries valued at $20. NEW for 2023! Hy-Vee has added an additional bonus flyer along with a bonus coupon for Par Bar right here in Waunakee. All these additions pay you back for the cost of your Bucky Book!
PLEASE NOTE: If you want to purchase a book and pick it up at the high school, please email sandrameinholz@waunakee.k12.wi.us or colleenserum@waunakee.k12.wi.us. Scan the QR code below or click here to purchase directly from Bucky Book and have it shipped to you!
Thank you for your support of Waunakee DECA & FBLA!
Raise it to the Rooftop: A Grand Piano Fundraiser
Save the date to hear some great music, eat good food and support the k-12 music department!
FORMATA's RAISE It To The ROOFTOP - Music, Food and Fun!
WHO: The Waunakee Music Boosters have changed their name to the Waunakee Family Organization for Music and Theater Arts (FORMATA). They are partnering with the Friends of Waunakee Performing Arts to host Raise It To The Rooftop: A Grand Piano Fundraiser.
WHERE: The Lone Girl, 114 E. Main St. Waunakee
WHAT: Featuring performances by music teachers and students including Ms. Sussanah Herrick and her band Finding North, Mr. Mike Steen and his band Whiskey Farm and the Waunakee High School Jazz Combo, Ice Cream Truck
WHY: Enjoy a night of music while supporting our vibrant music and theatre programs through financial support, advocacy, volunteer opportunities and helping with the purchase of a Yamaha S6X concert Grand Piano for the Performing Arts Center.
WHEN: Sunday October 8, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
DONATE TO OUR ONLINE AUCTION? Waunakee Formata is also hosting an online auction from October 6-8. We are looking for individuals who are willing to donate auction items. All funds raised will go toward the new grand piano for the PAC. If you would like to make a donation, please complete the 2023 Donation Auction Form. If you have any questions, please email Christina Metzger. Donation items are due Monday, October 2nd.
Supporting our Families
Webinar for Dane County Parents, Guardians, and Students
Supports for Students at Edgewood College
Tuesday, October 24, 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Learn about the differences in applying, qualifying, creating and using support after high school graduation. Common accommodations, alternatives to full-time courseload with on-campus living, and suggestions for developing self-advocacy will also be shared. This information also applies to other post secondary settings. Students with a physical or mental diagnosis, English Language Learner need, 504 or IEP plan, or a temporary health condition such as a concussion may qualify for support.
The webinar will be led by Patrick Godar, Director of Disability and Accessibility Services at Edgewood College, pgodar@edgewood.edu. Note: after the Webinar a recording will be available at EC DAS
Attention Families of Students in 9th Grade
Dear Families,
Waunakee Community School District (WCSD) is committed to supporting all students’ wellness and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). During the 2023-2024 school year, WCSD Student Services staff will facilitate universal screening for students in grades 5, 7, and 9. The screener, also referred to as a brief questionnaire or survey for grades 7 and 9, is called the BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BASC-3 BESS). It takes about five to eight minutes to complete. The 9th grade students will complete the screener during advisory or contact time this fall.
The BASC-3 BESS is a tool that asks students to broadly rate their own skills in the following areas: Behavior and Emotional Risk Index, Internalizing Risk Index, Personal Adjustment Risk Index, and Self-Regulation Risk Index. This screener also includes questions to identify potential internalizing or externalizing mental health concerns. Because of this, the screener is confidential but not anonymous.
Our student services staff may follow up with students and their families when a screener indicates an elevated concern.
If you would like to opt your 9th grade student out of participating in this screener, complete the following Google form or contact a WCHS School Psychologist no later than Friday, September 9 at 3:45 pm. Students may choose to decline participation at the time the screener is administered. Lastly, upon request, a hard copy of the screening survey is available at your child’s school.
Please reach out if you have questions.
Megan Galdes and Marion Moffett
School Psychologists, Waunakee Community High School
Hello Freshmen
The school counselors will be holding Meet and Greets with our freshmen. Looking forward to getting to know and supporting our freshmen this year!
Sophomores & Juniors
Registration is currently taking place for the optional Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). The test will be administered on the morning of October 17th (A-day) during 1st & 2nd blocks. Interested students should register in the counseling office by September 29. A fee of $25.00 will be added to your Infinite Campus account. Contact Mrs. Varney at katherinevarney@waunakee.k12.wi.us with any questions.
Madison College Free Application Workshop
Seniors, if you are planning to attend Madison College, you're encouraged to attend this application workshop on Tuesday, October 10th from 9:00-11:00 AM! Application fees are waived for students who apply during this great opportunity. Please stop in for a pass or register in FlexiSched under Mr. Landis. If you have any questions please stop by the Counseling Office.
Juniors & Seniors
A college representative will be available to meet with juniors and seniors in the Counseling Office during Contact Time on Thursday, September 28, 2023: St. Norbert College. To attend, students must sign up in FlexiSched under the Counseling Office on Monday, September 25.
Offering Boy's Volleyball Open Gym
There will be an OPEN GYM for boys who are interested in playing the game of VOLLEYBALL!
Come out and join the fun at the Waunakee Intermediate School Gym on Saturday, September 30 from 2:00-3:30 PM. This is a FREE, no cost obligation, day of Volleyball!
If you have questions, please contact Sean Gehrke at Seankylene@gmail.com
Assessment Dates for 2023-2024
PSAT/NMSQT: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 | 7:55 am-12:00 pm
Optional - Sophomores / Juniors
No make-up date
ACT: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 | 7:45 am-1:30 pm
No School (Frosh, Sophomores, Seniors)
Accommodated window: March 12-22, 2024
Forward Exam: Wed., April 3 & Thurs., April 4 | US History & AP US History Class
PreACT: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
PreACT: Thursday, April 18, 2023 | 8:00 am-11:25 am
3 Hr Late Start (Freshmen, Juniors, Seniors)
LINK (155 minutes test time + 15 minute break)
**NOTE: Students with multi-day testing accommodations will need to be at school for both testing days.
Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM): WI test window March 18-April 26, 2024
AP Exams: May 6 - 17, 2024 | AM: 7:45 am-12:00 pm | PM: 11:45 am-4:00 pm
See detailed course listing below
Late Testing - May 22-24, 2024
Student ID Badges / Picture Packets
Student Reminders
It is the responsbility of every student to carry and use their student ID badge. Students who leave the building on release, an appointment, lunch, etc., are required to use their badge to access the doors upon return. Students should not rely on the door system to be buzzed in by staff.
It is important that all students should have a photo taken so a badge can be produced. The picture will also be used for the Infinite Campus system.
Students in Grades 10-12 needing a new ID badge must complete the Student ID Badge Request Form. A recent picture must be available to access in Infinite Campus for producing a new badge. Badges are printed on Monday and available for the student to pick-up on Wednesday that week.
The last picture day for High School students/staff will be October 2nd from 7:30 AM - 2:30 PM.
Address: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee, Wisconsin, USA
To contact the High School, please call: (608) 849-2100
To reach the Attendance, press 1; Health Office, press 2;
Counseling, press 3; Main Office, press 0