The Dolphin Whistle
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Hispanic Heritage Month Resources
Bullying Prevention Month Resources
Phone: (240) 740-1020 Fax: (301) 601-0392
School Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm
Mrs. Lara Fisher, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mrs. M. Deneise Hammond, Principal
Ms. Sheia Jennings, Registrar/Attendance Secretary
Mr. David Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Mrs. L. Orinda Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Padma Radhakrishnan, Administrative Secretary
Good evening, Waters Landing family,
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Please find links above to a video about Hispanic Heritage month, the National Museum of the American Latino's virtual exhibits, a read aloud about the Latina artist Frida Kahlo, a link to a video where Disney channel actors share about their Latino heritage and a link to instructions on how to make a Worry doll, Today is the last day of Hispanic Heritage month, but at the Landing everyone's heritage is important all year long!
October is National Bully Prevention Month. Mrs. Felipe taught lessons about Keith Haring last week and offered students the opportunity to create anti-bullying posters using his style of art. Haring’s pop art emerged from the New York City graffiti subculture of the 1980s. Look for some of those posters to be on display in the hallways soon as a reminder of how important it is for us to stop any bullying that is happening at the Landing. Please talk to your student(s) about the importance of letting an adult know if they experience or see another student being bullied. There are two videos linked above to help with that message. Wednesday is Unity Day, so there is also a video about Unity Day, which is Wednesday. Everyone should wear orange to show that we are unified in our efforts to stop bullying.
Our Drop, Cover and Hold On drill was postponed last week. We will be sharing the new date soon. . Here is the video students have watched about Drop, Cover and Hold. This video also includes information on evacuation and shelter. If you have any questions about emergency drills, please let us know.
SGA Elections have been postponed. Several of our Grade 5 students who are running for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and public relations coordinator are still working on their speeches and posters. We want to provide an opportunity to any Fifth Grader who wants to experience running for an SGA office to do so.
We are starting a PODS (Positive, Outgoing, Dads and Dad Figures, Serving Students) organization at the Landing. PODS will increase the presence of positive make role models throughout our school. Please see the flyers and link to sign up if you are interested below.
Mother FIgure Monday and Father Figure Friday are coming soon. These are opportunities for mothers, mother figures, fathers, and father figures, who are important in the lives of our students, to visit classes to see how and what their students are learning. Please let us know you are coming by clicking one of the links below:
There is an inter-agency Workgroup that is developing an out-of-school-time strategic plan for the County. They are inviting community members to collaboratively drive this effort, especially those under-resourced and under-engaged communities like our newly immigrated, families of youth with special needs, and those families in communities socioeconomically impacted by systems of racism. Please see the flyer below and click here to get involved.
Have a fabulous week!
With Dolphin pride,
Mrs. Hammond, Principal
Mrs. Nelson, Assistant Principal
Mr. Kim, Assistant School Administrator
Wake Up Waters Landing!
Community Resources
Save the Dates
16 Whiz Kids Academy Lego STEM After School Club, 4:00-5:00pm, Room 103
16 Food Pantry
16 Dance Club, 4:00-5:30pm, Gym
18 Unity Day
18 Food Pantry
18 Dance Club, 4:00-5:30pm, Gym
20 Father Figure Friday Let us know you are coming.
20 Soccer After School Club, 4:00-5:00pm, Gym
23 Mother Figure Monday Let us know you are coming.
23-26 Anti-Bullying Spirit Week
-Monday “Take a step in the right direction and say NO to bullying” CRAZY Socks:
-Tuesday “Put name calling to BED” pajamas
-Wednesday ‘The future is brighter without bullying” Each grade level wears a different bright color.
-Thursday “Everyone Counts” jersey or a shirt with a number
-Friday Fall away from bullying - Fall colors
27 Fall Festival Parties
27 Trunk or Treat, 7:00-8:00pm
31 School-wide Pep Rally
7 PTA Meeting
13 Mother Figure Monday
14 Staff PLC, 8:15am
17 Father Figure Friday
20 Early Release Day - Conferences
21 Early Release Day - Conferences
22-24 School Closed -Thanksgiving Break
28 Boosterthon Fundraiser Dance-Fit Kick-off assemblies