Walkerton Elementary School!
Dr. Fuller's WES Updates!
September 15th, 2023
Boomer Rocks The House at Walkerton Elementary School!
(Next Week) Spirit Week Starts Monday!
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
For many, cancer is something that hits very close to home, and winning the battle with cancer takes an entire team made up of family, friends, and community.
Next week our WES Student Council is sponsoring a Spirit Week to raise money for the Beacon Children's Hospital Oncology in South Bend.
Monday- Hawaiian Day!
Tuesday- Neon Day! Wear Neon Colors!
Wednesday- Back to the Future Day! (80's Day)
Thursday- Matchy Match Day (Pick a friend and dress alike)
Friday- School Color/Hat Day
To participate, students should bring $1 for that day, and the money raised will be donated to Beacon Hospital in support of childhood cancer awareness.
Our goal this year is to raise $1,000 to donate to Beacon Hospital! Let's go WES!
(New) Falloween 5K is in Two Weeks!
Falloween is just around the corner, which means that our Falloween 5K and Mile Fun Run is not far behind: The Falloween 5K will be held on Saturday, September 30th!
If you are interested in joining, please click HERE for more information!
(Reminder) Falloween is Coming Soon!
Falloween is back for another year on September 29th, 30th, and October 1st at John Glenn High School!
For more information on all things Falloween, please click HERE to be directed to the website or scan the QR code below!
Firstly, if you are interested in joining the WES PTA, please click HERE for the information form.
New This Year: Sponsor-a-Day! If you would like to sponsor a day at Walkerton Elementary School, please click HERE for more information. The way it works is that each day of the school year, you can be a sponsor (1 Day = $1, Day 46 = $46, etc.). Each week, we will shout out those who have sponsored, with all of the proceeds going to our WES PTA to help fund all of the wonderful events they host throughout the year!
Why Do Sight Words Matter?
Important Times to Remember!
Office Hours: 7:00-3:30
Doors Open: 7:45 AM (Bus Riders and Car Riders)
Breakfast Served: 7:45-8:00 AM
Tardy Bell: 8:05 AM
Dismissal Begins: 2:40 PM (Car Riders)
Dismissal Begins: 2:45 PM (Bus Riders)
Arrival and Dismissal at WES!
- Bus Riders: Students riding the bus will enter at Door #6 at 7:45 AM.
- Car Riders: Students who are car riders or walkers will enter at Door #1 at 7:45 AM.
- Click HERE for the map of our car rider procedures.
- Parents, a few reminder about car riders:
- Please form a DOUBLE LINE (BLACK LINE) as you enter at the far end of the parking lot: This process will be very similar to the double line at the McDonald's Drive Thru!
- The Double Line will end and merge into a single line (BLUE) all the way to the front of the building at Door #1.
- Please do not let your child(ren) exit your vehicle any sooner than the sidewalk (Green Arrow).
- Walkers: There will be a crossing guard to stop traffic so that our students may cross the street safely. Please talk with your child(ren) about the importance of listening to the crossing guard, as she is there to keep them safe.
- Bus Riders: Buses will be dismissed at a time starting at 2:45 PM from Door #6.
- Car Riders: Car riders will begin exiting the building at 2:40 PM from Door #1.
- Walkers: Please see the above information for Arrival.
When To Stop For a School Bus!
Important Documents to Start the School Year!
Construction at WES!
You may have heard that WES is going to have some construction happening this year, and that is indeed correct!
WES is looking to improve various areas of our building, starting with new heating and cooling systems in our classrooms! Construction will not happen before the first day of school, but will happen throughout the upcoming school year.
But don't worry! Classrooms will be moved around so that there will be no students or staff in classrooms where work is being done.
JGSC is finalizing the construction bidding process, and once that happens, I will be able to provide more details on (1) when construction will start and (2) what rooms will be affected during certain times.
More details coming soon!
Boys and Girls Club Information!
The Boys and Girls Club is back at Walkerton Elementary School this upcoming year!
Public registration is open TODAY on their website at bgcsjc.org.
Please send any parent questions our way - register@bgcsjc.org.
The First Day for Before and After School Care at WES will be Monday, August 14th.
Job Openings at John Glenn School Corporation
Breakfast and Lunch Menus for August and September!
Upcoming Events!
Spirit Week (Fundraiser for Beacon Hospital)!
Monday (18)- Hawaiian Day!
Tuesday (19)- Neon Day! Wear Neon Colors!
Wednesday (20)- Back to the Future Day! (80's Day)
Thursday (21)- Matchy Match Day (Pick a friend and dress alike)
Friday (22)- School Color/Hat Day
$1 per day to participate. Money raised goes to Beacon Hospital!
Monday, Sep 18, 2023, 08:00 AM
Walkerton Elementary School, Washington Street, Walkerton, IN, USA
6th Grade Volleyball @ North Liberty
Monday, Sep 18, 2023, 04:30 PM
North Liberty Elementary School, School Drive, North Liberty, IN, USA
JGSC School Board Meeting!
Tuesday, Sep 19, 2023, 07:00 PM
John Glenn School Corporation, IN, USA
Falloween Weekend Begins!
Falloween Weekend Begins!
Friday, Sep 29, 2023, 04:00 PM
John Glenn High School, John Glenn Drive, Walkerton, IN, USA
No School- Falloween Monday!
No School on Monday, October 2nd!
Monday, Oct 2, 2023, 08:00 AM
Walkerton Elementary School, Washington Street, Walkerton, IN, USA
Dr. Fuller's Thoughts!
As I sit back and look at the first 27 days of school, I can't help but think of how fortunate and blessed we have been to be back in school with our kids!
Every day each one of us is presented with a choice:
Do we attack the day or do we let the day attack us?
If you wanted to, you could simplify this choice into an equation: E + P = O
The 'E' stands for the EVENTS in our life, the 'P' stands for our PERCEPTION of those events, and the 'O' is the OUTCOME.
We can't stop the EVENTS in our life from happening, both good and bad. Things will happen TO US that we have no control over, but it is our PERCEPTION of those events that will determine our OUTCOME. If we perceive the smallest event as negative, the outcome of that event will most likely be...well, negative.
If we choose to attack the day with positive energy, regardless of the events that get thrown our way, we can turn events that are outside of our control into positive energy.
We all experience potholes and roadblocks along our journey, but it is how we respond to those events that determines our happiness.
I have loved this little parable ever since I first heard it:
A man goes to the local village to visit a wise man. He says to the wise man, "I feel like there are two dogs inside me. One dog is the positive, loving, kind, and gentle dog, and the other is this angry, mean-spirited, and negative dog, and they fight all the time. I don't know which is going to win."
The wise man thinks for a moment and says, "I know which is going to win. The one you feed the most."
Every day we have a choice to feed either dog, and whichever dog we feed will be the dog that resides within.
Let's attack each day and remember to always feed the positive dog :)