TMHS Wildcat Choir
November 27-December 2
Pop Show Auditions Results
Pop Show audition results will be shared this week.
Worlds Finest Chocolate
If your student still has chocolate boxes checked out, please encourage them to bring the box to school to sell the chocolate and turn in their money. All money is due by December 15th.
Pre-Area Auditions
Pre-area auditions are this week, Tuesday, November 28th! Students will need to meet in the choir room immediately after school for us to leave on the bus. Registration will begin around 4:00pm at The Woodlands High School.
PRE-AREA AUDITION: The Pre-Area Audition is Tuesday, November 28th at The Woodlands HS (6101 Research Forest Drive, 77381). Students should arrive no earlier than 3:45 pm. Registration will not open until 4:00 pm and will close promptly at 4:30pm, at which time cuts will be given. Students not registered by 4:30 risk not being allowed to audition. Students must remain at the contest until after they sightread. If a student does choose to leave after they sightread, they will not be allowed back for results.
ARRIVAL: Students can enter through the front doors at TWHS and head straight to the cafeteria, which is where registration will be. TWHS Choir will have signs up to help direct you where to go.
WARM UP: After the cuts have been distributed a brief 5-minute warm-up will take place with everyone in the cafeteria. Students will then go to their respective audition rooms and sing through cuts twice with everyone auditioning on their voice-part.
LINE UP: Once singers return to the cafeteria, we will get judges in the rooms and begin lining up singers.
In the cafeteria, students will be lined up in groups of 5. When students are called, they will be sent eight at a time (S1, S2, etc) straight to another warm-up room for five minutes where they may sing any vocal exercises they like (just not the audition material).
There are no electronic devices allowed at the audition. This includes smart watches.
There are no musical instruments allowed at the audition.
Please be sure that your chaperones and parents know that they can use electronic devices but may not allow students to use them. Remind them to use a safe distance when operating a device in proximity of students.
Please bring money to support TWHS Choir by purchasing items from their concession stand! They will be serving chick-fil-a and pizza for dinner. We will also have a large assortment of candy & chips with water, soda and tea to drink. Outside food should not be brought unless a student has dietary restrictions.
If your student was called up as an alternate to the mixed choir, that was only for Region Weekend (not the Pre-Area Audition).
RESULTS: Results will be announced at the conclusion of the contest.
4:00 - 4:30 Registration
4:30 Cuts are distributed
4:35 Warm Up in Cafeteria
4:45 Cuts twice with each voice part in room (10 minutes)
4:55 TWHS students ready to take auditionees to their rooms.
5:00 SINGERS #1 Line up and depart for warm-up room
5:15 1st singer auditions
SIGHTREADING: After the singing round, all singers will then sightread. Students will sightread using the same badge number as the singing round.
(SATB) Himne
(SATB) Richte Mich Gott (Psalm 43)
(SA) I Don’t Feel No Ways Tired
(TB) A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map
Winter Concert
We are looking forward to our final concert of the semester, next Tuesday, December 5th at 7pm! Student call time for this concert will be 5:30pm dressed in their formal attire and seated in the auditorium. As a reminder, all concerts are worth 4 major grades and are required of all students.
Upcoming Events
November 28th - Pre-Area Auditions
December 4th - NYC Rehearsal
December 5th - Winter Concert
December 8th - Winter Social
Bolded events are required of all choir students
Volunteer Application
If you plan on volunteering with the TMHS Choir at some point in the school year, or traveling with us on any trips, including NYC trip, please complete the volunteer application below.
NYC Payment Schedule
The official final price of the NYC trip is below. Please check your Charms account to see the balance you owe for the NYC trip, and if you have any questions please email Mr. Ragsdale and Ms. White.
Final costs:
Student cost: $2,585
Parent Chaperone (double): $2,585
Parent Chaperone (quad): $2,085
Students and chaperones should be paid up to $2100 by the end of November.
Remaining payments listed below:
November: $300
December: Final Balance
If you have missed previous months payments, you can make multiple purchases of the current month to catch up. Several families are way behind on payments and will be receiving emails this week. We have large payments coming up to TMF, MidAmerica, and Southwest Airlines and do not have enough money to float payments. It is imperative that all families catch up on payments ASAP. Unfortunately, each month's link expires at the end of the month.
Paying through schoolcashonline does include a service charge of approximately $15
Section of the Week
Section of the week will return this week!
TMHS Wildcat Choir
Location: 19100 Northpointe Ridge Lane, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281-357-3230 1106
Twitter: @theTMHSchoir