George Ranch H.S.
Sunday Longhorn News 2-28-21
Connect With Us!
Website: https://lcisd.org/campuses/georgeranchhs/home
Location: 8181 FM 762 Road, Richmond, TX, USA
Phone: 832-223-4200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WeAreGRHS/?modal=admin_todo_tour
Twitter: @WeAreGRHS
A Message From Heather Patterson, GRHS Principal
Happy Sunday Longhorns,
We made it to the end of the 4th six weeks and not an ice/snow storm on the horizon! #knockonwood I chose this quote above, because it could not ring more true as we continue to push forward in this Spring semester. Just like you/your student, we are TRYING OUR BEST to keep our BALANCE...and KEEP MOVING FORWARD....even when it's not the way we would have hoped or envisioned it would look like. We promise to keep MOVING!
A perfect example is last year after Spring Break our Class of 2020 Senior's world was rocked as they missed out on all the spring semester perks of their senior year...sports, programs, competitions, prom, awards ceremonies, and thankfully in the end we were able to have a graduation, with the many COVID safety protocols in place of course. No, it didn't LOOK exactly the way we had envisioned it, but it was making the best of a "uncontrollable" situation and I am so proud of the grace, thankfulness, and maturity that the Class of 2020 displayed through a tough time.
Fast forward to today...and the Class of 2021. Sure, we still have many of the same restrictions and protocols in place because COVID is not gone, but thankfully through the hard work of our district departments, athletics, and campus staff we have been able to provide F2F and virtual experiences throughout the year that the class of 2020 did not get to partake in. Sports, competitions, virtual ceremonies, homecoming week festivities, State send off celebrations, mini peps on Mainstreet, and now an actual prom opportunity, just to name a few. I am asking that the Class of 2021 show us the same grace, as I promise we are trying our very best to make lemonade out of lemons and it's all for you.
As we all know, with Covid still present, proms cannot look the same, but through lots of brainstorming and checking current CDC and county guidelines, the district has decided to press forward with an open air "Prom at the Park" opportunity for ALL LCISD SENIORS (and one guest). All LCISD high schools will be doing the SAME thing at the SAME venue (The George Ranch Historical Park). Sure, this will be a condensed version of what a typical prom looks like, but we are working hard to KEEP MOVING FORWARD regardless of the many COVID restrictions that we still have to BALANCE so that we can at least provide at opportunity for this Class of 2021 (if they choose) to have some semblance of one last iconic senior memory. This will be for Seniors (and one guest) ONLY prom (no juniors this year) since there will only be a limited number of tickets available (due to capacity guidelines), masks WILL be required, tables will be socially distanced, and sanitation stations will be set up as we continue to work hard to provide a healthy and safe prom opportunity, in a less than optimal COVID world. *Seniors, I will be sending you a separate email early this week with all the logistics, so please check your email.
The 5th six weeks starts TUESDAY, March 2nd! This is when the NEW learning modality changes would happen too. For all of you that are SWITCHING back to Face to Face or going Virtual....Tuesday, March 2nd is when the gradebook rolls over and new schedules are activated.
SAT for JUNIORS will be this Wednesday- See info below - and an email will be sent to juniors and parents to review logistics of how this will work! This is a regular school day for the rest of the campus (Sophomores/Freshman) and parking will be affected because we will have an additional 300 virtual students on site testing. Attention: Staff and F2F Students, if someone is parked in your spot on Wednesday, no worries, just park in the next available spot. This ONLY applies to Wednesday, as every other day you must be parked in the right spot in order to not be ticketed or towed.
TSA has 47 students advancing to state in 21 different events after the Regional Conference! Way to go Longhorns! Way to go Longhorns!
We recognized the BOYS and GIRLS Swim program with a mini pep down mainstreet as they got ready to head to state on Thursday! Boys Swim placed 20th overall at a tough 6A level this weekend, and broke a lot of personal GRHS records! Girls Swim will be swimming on Monday...lets get that hardware ladies! See results below! GRHS had 11 swimmers that qualified to the state finals and we are so proud of the entire team and the swim program's hard work and success!
Masks and social distancing protocols are STILL in place! Keep being smart and stay safe by adhering to the face to face expectations by properly wearing those masks, sanitizing regularly, and following social distancing protocols to the best of our ability. We can't completely control COVID, but we can definitely slow the spread down, and that is A LOT! Any student refusing to follow the rules will be given disciplinary consequences, which will in turn affect their semester exam exemptions. Let's all do our part to keep GR the PLACE to be... especially for those of us CHOOSING to be face to face.
Thank you so much to all our parents and students reaching out to your Assistant Principal for questions and assistance. Please CONTINUE to email your (or your student's) Assistant Principal , as they can assist you the quickest.
Admin contact info:
Chris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
GRHS Counselors: (by alpha split)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Included in this edition of our GRHS Longhorn News:
- 5th Six Weeks starts, TUESDAY- March 2nd- if you chose to SWITCH learning modalities (from virtual to face to face or from face to face back to virtual) March 2nd is the day this starts and you should report!
- SAT Testing for Juniors on Wednesday. Parking will be impacted due to Virtual kids on campus that day. (see below for more details)
- TSA has 47 students advancing to state in 21 different events after the Regional Conference!
- GIRLS and BOYS SWIM Take On State!
- SENIORS UPDATED INFO -CAP AND GOWNS Online Ordering through Balfour-due March 1st!
- Order Your Yearbook TODAY!
- Make sure and visit the Counselor and Career Corner WEEKLY in Canvas- LOTS of INFO!
- Virtual Learner Info - Synchronous days Zoom calendar
- Transcript and VOE Requests Procedures
- CLUB information
- Sports/Fine Arts Coach/Director Updates (Submitted by Coaches and Directors)
TSA has 47 students advancing to state in 21 different events after the Regional Conference! Way to go Longhorns!
11 GRHS Swimmers Heading to State- Mini Pep Send Off!
Our GRHS Boys Swim ended their last race of the year in the A Final for 200 free relay, Reese V. finished off his last high school swim placing 3rd in the consolation finals! A Few Stats from Coach Paden Fontenot: -Boys Finished 20th in the entire 6A state in overall points ranking at the state meet! - 8th fastest 200 freestyle relay in the state! -11th fastest 100 backstroke individual in the state! -UIL has 328 class 6A Texas schools listed. - There are 235 TOTAL class 6A schools in Texas that participate in swimming *Being 20th in the state out of 235 swimming schools puts is in about the top 7% of all 6A schools participating!
If you have chosen a CHANGE IN INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL for the 5TH Six Weeks- this change will START on Tuesday, March 2nd, please REPORT ON TUESDAY! It takes Skyward one night to roll over the grades from the previous 6 weeks and activate new schedules (and this happens Monday night).
Juniors....wondering what to bring on Wednesday for your SAT test day?
Please bring the following:
- #2 pencil (please bring 2)
- Picture ID (school id, drivers license, something proving it is them)
- Snacks/water
Things to remember:
- Calculators will be provided to all students
- Students should be dropped off/picked up in front of the natatorium
- Testing should conclude by 1:00pm for regular rooms.
Since we will have 300 additional VIRTUAL students testing on campus Wednesday, parking will be tricky. FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY - parking will be first come first serve for all students and staff. If you spot is taken, please park in the NEXT available spot for this day only! Thanks for your flexibility and understanding
DUAL CREDIT - INFO NIGHT March 9th - Save the Date!
The gender gap in technology careers has been getting worse, but Girls Who Code is changing that. Check out this awesome opportunity for your student to learn to code this summer. Please review the information below and encourage your student to apply.
Apply to Girls Who Code’s free 2-week Virtual Summer Immersion Program for an unforgettable experience! Current 9th -11th grade girls and non-binary students are eligible to apply. We strongly encourage students from underrepresented groups in tech to apply early, including Black, Latinx, and students from low-income backgrounds.
Why should you join Girls Who Code this summer?
- Learn how to use HTML, CSS, and Javascript coding skills to make an impact on your community. Not a coder yet? No problem!
- Join a sisterhood of supportive peers and make lifelong friendships!
- Meet women in tech from top corporations like Disney, AT&T, Twitter & more.
- You can join for free! Plus, Girls Who Code will provide need-based tech support for those who qualify.
Join a webinar, check out this flyer and the FAQ page for more information.
What are you waiting for? Apply here for your best summer ever! Make sure to list Lamar Consolidated ISD as your Community Partner on the application to receive priority consideration.
2021 GRHS Yearbook Design Below!
TIME TO ORDER YOUR 2020-2021 Yearbook!
PROM AT THE PARK - Friday, May 14th (8-PM-10PM) Seniors Check Email From Mrs. Patterson EARLY This Week for Logistics!
Class of 2021 GRHS Graduation - Save the Date!
GRHS GRADUATION - Saturday, May 22, 2021 @ 8:00 pm
*Rain Make Up May 23, 2021 @ 9:30 am
As the district releases more information (such as #of tickets, etc) based on the COVID Risk Level and the health and safety protocols that will have to be in place in May, I will quickly let you know. This is NOT a campus based decision, nor have any decisions been discussed or made. Thanks!
Time to Order All Things GRAD...Including Cap and Gown and OPTIONAL Yearbook Ads!
Seniors and parents it’s time to order your graduation and cap and gown! Below are links to Balfour’s grad catalogs that contain everything you need for the class of 2021.
CAP AND GOWNS- Due MARCH 1ST - Delivery/Pickup on campus by the second week in April! Due to COVID restrictions we are recommending that you place your orders online at by March 1st. You must have CURRENT CAP AND GOWN SET (as BALFOUR rotates fabrics every couple of years and last year 2020 was a new fabric)
Yearbooks are now for sale on the Balfour Website. https://www.balfour.com/texas/richmond/george-ranch-high-school
SENIORS ONLY- OPTIONAL purchase of AD SPACE space in this year's yearbook. Contact the yearbook staff at georgeranchyearbook@gmail.com for ad submission requirements. In the subject line of your email, please include student name and order number (find order # on the receipt received at your email at the completion of this order).
Counselor & College Career CANVAS Resource Page! Click link below! The place for all things - including scholarship opportunities!
GRHS Virtual Learning Plan (PDF) Click below!
Canvas Support and Tech Support!
Parents needing support with CANVAS, please click the link below:
For parents needing support with TECHNOLOGY, please click the link below:
See Any BAND Student to Purchase! Link COMING THIS WEEK!
ONLY 3 PEOPLE allowed in the front office at one time due to proper SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCOLS. MASKS are always required, even if dropping something off. If the office is full, please wait until someone walks out and you are buzzed in. We appreciate your patience in advance!
2020-2021 Bell Schedule
2020-2021 Instructional Calendar
Parents, if you know your student is not going to be at school when they are normally face-to-face, please email Ms. Hancock: dhancock@lcisd.org You must include an ID#, as well as, the date the student will be out. This must come from a parent/guardian ONLY for the day to be moved to virtual.
It is so much easier on teachers for a student to be marked virtual by the office. In addition to that, please have the student email each of their teachers so that they will know that they will need to check the student’s attendance on Canvas.
If the reason is connected to Covid in any way, please let us know that as well.
This year, with COVID protocols in place, we have a rare opportunity for students to be able to work virtually when uncontrollable circumstances happen, and not get marked absent (as long as they are COMPLETING THEIR WORK VIRTUALLY) however, we need for students and parents to work with us on keeping it all straight.
Have a New Driver? Need a VOE? We have you covered, even remotely!
If you are needing a VOE, we are able to help you remotely by clicking this button above! Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Please allow 24 hour (business day) turn around on all requests.
Early Pick Up & Early Dismissal for Registered Drivers!
If you need to pick up your student early from school for any reason, please follow these procedures prior to 3:20 pm
- Students are not released after 3:20pm
- Call (832) 223-4234 to request your student and WAIT IN YOUR CAR
- You will be asked to provide student identification information
- Your student will be called out of class to the SSW (student service window) to sign out & go straight to your car
If your student is a registered GRHS driver and needs to leave school for any reason, please follow these procedures:
- Email Ms. Duran at iduran@lcisd.org TWO hours in advance of the time you need to leave
- Your student may pick up their pass from the SSW (student service window) and sign out prior to leaving
GRHS Admin Team Support
Our Admin Team is ready and willing to help! We are available (via email) during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm) and will be promptly getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours.
Please feel free to reach out to your child's Assistant Principal (alpha split by last name) for student specific concerns or assistance.
Heather Patterson - Principal hpatterson@lcisd.org
Brian Forshee - Associate Principal bforshee@lcisd.orgChris Cuellar - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split A-Dan) ccuellar@lcisd.org
Carrie Yanta -Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Dao-Hou) cyanta@lcisd.org
Jessie Eilenstine Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Hov-Mom) jessie.eilenstine@lcisd.org
Judy Momanyi - Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Mon-Sac) judith.momanyi@lcisd.org
Quantas Floyd Assistant Principal (Alpha Split Sad-Z) qfloyd@lcisd.org
Nicholas Cavallo - GRHS Campus Athletic Coordinator ncavallo@lcisd.org
Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar Squad!
Our GRHS Counselors, College Career Facilitator, and Registrar are available during regular school business hours (8:00am-4:00pm). The best way to contact them is via email and they will be getting back with you for assistance within 24 business hours. From schedule questions, college questions, transcript requests, to any student concern our GRHS team is here to assist you and your child. Feel free to email them with any questions or concerns. (Alpha Split by Student LAST Name for Counselors)
Jamie Rufo (alpha split A-Dan) jrufo@lcisd.org
Stacey Richards (alpha split Dao-Hou)stacey.richards@lcisd.org
Abraham Vil (alpha split Hov-Mom) abraham.vil@lcisd.org
Marci Macha Dual Credit & (alpha split Mon-Sac) mamacha@lcisd.org
Ashley Hunt (alpha split Sad-Z) ashley.hunt@lcisd.org
Carin Reeves 504/AP creeves@lcisd.org
Lauren Ford - College Career Facilitator (CCF)- lauren.ford@lcisd.org
Jean Abboud -George Ranch Registrar - jabboud@lcisd.org
Follow Us on Twitter! @WeAreGRHS
This week, GR SLC learned about the migration of birds and how scientists have people count birds they see in February, to help with their research. Then we made bird feeders!
We are so lucky to have this team protecting and serving our Longhorns and staff at the Ranch each day! Dedicated, student focused, and always willing to have a little fun! Check out their new logos on our newly formed LCISD police vehicles! Looking sharp team!
Congrats to Ms. Jenny Timberlake for being named by the LCISD Special Ed Department as a EXEMPLAR model of what an amazing SLC Classroom looks like! We are blessed to have her as part of our GR Staffamily! She is all about her kids and her team!
Off to Competition and ALL SMILES....Behind Those Masks!
Investigation Review using GIMKIT in Mrs. Dunn's Class!
Pharmacology Students "dispensing medications" and counseling patients. (Mike and Ikes and M&Ms) Fun hands on with a treat at the end!
Videographer Maria Solano Cruz getting help with her vision of a PSA for FBHHS.
Another Fire Thursday Breakfast Club workout from the 90s. “Whoop There It Is”
Getting ready for March madness...con música!! 350+ schools, 44 states and 8 countries will be participating.
Feeling Thankful, Grateful, and Blessed to have a PTO that supports this staffamily! Tacos and Cups of Coffee Smiles to welcome our staff back right after the week off due to bad weather, loss of water, and many busted pipes. You are so appreciated!
Please find the latest Coaches Sports Updates (all info is submitted and provided by individual coaches each week)
The Longhorn tennis team competed well and brought home many medals from the JV Humble Tournament. Be sure to check out our individual results below! A Boys Singles: Matthew Freeman Consolation Winner B Boys Singles: Nicolas Farish 3rd Place B Boys Doubles: Hayden Gazaway & Ryan Chow 3rd Place B Girls Singles: Madison Bradley Consolation Winner B Girls Doubles: Julia Byers & Lauryn Ward 3rd Place A Mixed Doubles: Victor Gonzalez & Andrea Kalil 1st Place B Mixed Doubles: Diego Martinez & Katie Huang 1st Place B Mixed Doubles: Zayne Smith & Faith Melching 2nd Place
Big wins at the GR quad on Friday 2/26! In girls’ singles Zia Osman took 3rd, Cristian Johnson and Tyler Gray came out with 3rd in boys’ doubles, Josh Minotti earned 3rd in boy’s singles and Nico White and Charlize Wilson came out on top with 1st place in mixed doubles. Successful day of tennis as the Longhorns continue to work their way through the spring season!
Overall Record 1-1 The George Ranch HS Varsity Longhorn Softball team put up a fight throughout 7 innings of tough competition against the Tompkins HS Falcons. Junior Seleste Compian went 1 for 2 with a stolen base in the effort while freshman Karlauhn Deas lead the offense batting 2 for 3 with a stolen base as well. Freshman pitcher Zariah Turner threw for an entire game and fought hard on the mound. Unfortunately, the Falcons topped the Long Horns 4-2.
Overall Record 1-1 Like the Varsity, the GRHS Junior Varsity Longhorn Softball team put up a valiant effort in their loss to Tompkins HS, 3-2. Freshman Blaine Belitz pitched a strong game, aiding the defense with 5 strikeouts. Freshman Abby Bergeron lead the offense batting 2 for 2 and freshman SJ Housel and junior Cheyanne Herra had a hit a piece. All three had a stolen base as well while making it hard for Tompkins to walk away with the win.
Victory Pics!
SOCCER - Girls and Boys
The Longhorns started the second round of district play Tuesday night when traveling to Elkins. The JV squad took a early commanding lead over the Knights defeating them 4-0. The Varsity team follow suit in a extremely physical game defeating Elkins 3-0. Cassidy Hoang scored 2 goals along with Ande Swan. Karlee Davis assisted 2 goals with Swan providing 1. Excellent defensive play came from Medinat Lawal, Madeline Antley, Bailey Crouch, Alyssa Merkt and Marcela Martinez. The girls will host Travis on Friday. Come out and support your Longhorns!
The Longhorns girls soccer team hosted Travis Friday night. The Junior Varsity team took a solid win over the Tigers winning 5-0. The varsity girls followed suit by taking care of Travis 3-0. Marcela Martinez, Ande Swan and Cassidy Hoang all scored for the Longhorns with Erica Phelan, Cassidy Hoang and Karlee Davis all providing assist. This girls start off a busy week as they travel to Austin on Monday to continue district play.
The Longhorns soccer program had a good week. The JV won both their games beating Elkins and Travis 2-0 respectively. The Varsity beat Elkins 3-0 with Alessandro Navarro earning the man of the match. On Friday Varsity beat Travis 3-1 with Justin Buchwalter earning the man of the match. Saturday your varsity played Austin and tied 2-2. Join us Monday and Tuesday as our boys battle for district.
Varsity Tournament Play:
Reese Beheler hit his first home run of the year and finished the game with 4 RBIs as the Longhorns ended the first game of the Spring Branch ISD tournament in an 11-11 tie.
Johnathon Canter pitched a strong 2 2/3 innings and got out of a bases loaded jam. Dalton Kobza has a 2 RBI single to start a 4 run rally to come back and tie College Park.
Cole Murphy pitched 5 solid innings but Klein Collins pulled ahead late to win 9-7. Ben Lea hit a solo home run and Cole Murphy hit a two-run blast while Justin Nays pitched a strong 6 1/3 but Cy-Fair scores two late to win.
Diego Vinton pitched 4 strong innings and Victor Clay had 2 singles and scored 2 runs against Stratford.
JV Tournament Play:
The Longhorns took home a loss to Strake Jesuit in their first tournament game of the 2021 season. They now have two games coming up Friday, April 26 against Shadow Creek and Ridge Point as the LCISD JV Baseball tournament enters day 2.
The Longhorns took on Shadow Creek in their first game of a Friday double header. The offense managed a walk-off hit by Hayden Degyeter to notch their first win of the season. Other standouts included Chase Adams and Cody Ford who came off the bench and helped make the difference in the game.
The Longhorns took on Ridge Point to close out action Friday night. Jonas Gonzales led the offense going 2 for 2 finding gaps in the Panther defense. The Longhorns ended up losing 10-2 despite a late rally.
The Longhorns wrapped up the final day of the LCISD JV tournament losing to Katy Jordan 11-0. Standouts on the mound included Alex Evensen and Ashton Guevara who both pitched in relief and held the Jordan batters at bay.
The Longhorns wrapped up the final day of the LCISD JV tournament losing to Katy Jordan 11-0. Standouts on the mound included Alex Evensen and Ashton Guevara who both pitched in relief and held the Jordan batters at bay.
Senior Spotlights!
TRACK - Girls!
Elkins Knights JV track and field invitational.
The Girls JV Track team travelled to Elkins to take on the best of Fort bend County. The ladies turned up the heat and posted a whole slew of personal best marks in their path to an overall team victory. Tune in next week as the Ladies will travel to Stafford high school to defend their status as the fastest crew in fort bend. Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 • Ashley Pierson – 1st • Alex Martinez – 2nd • Grace Howell – 3rd 4X100 – 2nd • *Relay members: Eshunti Murrell, Gracyn Coffman, Jaqueline Alvarez, Joan Osho 800 • Kianna Stamps – 1st • Hannah Namutebi – 2nd • Anagha Surendran – 6th 100 meter hurdles • Andrea Gutierrez – 1st • Raina Thomas – 3rd • Hazel Nabo – 5th 100 • Victoria Obayusi – 2nd • Eshunti Murrell – 4th • Isabella – 6th 4x200 – 2nd • Relay members: Chloe Moczygemba, Gracyn Coffman, Jaqueline Alvaraz, Joan Osho 400 • Anagha Surendran – 5th • Akira Brown – 8th • Blessing Ogbu – 9th 300 meter hurdles • Ella Ngo – 2nd • Hazel Nabo – 5th • Raina Thomas – 6th 200 • Joan Osho – 4th • Gracyn Coffman – 6th • Jaqueline Alvaraz – 7th 1600 • Clara Bodnar – 1st • Ashley Pierson – 2nd • Grace Howell – 4th 4x400 – 1st • Relay members: Raina Thomas, Ella Ngo, Kianna Stamps, Hannah Namutebi Long jump • Sally Evbuomwan – 3rd • Ashley Akarue – 5th Shot Put • Kyler Hervey – 4th • Gabriella Toribio – 5th • Kira John – 6th Discus • Kassandra Kee – 2nd • Kyler Hervey – 3rd • Emorie Proctor – 6th Triple Jump • Sally Evbuomwan – 3rd • Ashley Akarue – 4th High Jump • Taliyah McDaniels – 1st • Raina Thomas – 2nd • Tracy Kaya kaya – 4th Pole Vault • Chloe Moczygemba – 1st • Annabelle Lanik – 2nd
Clearbrook Wolverine Winter Relays –
Girls Track and Field results Unfortunately, due to complications with the weather, the Field events were canceled. But that did stop our running Longhorns from rallying around our field event athletes and bringing home the win for the team. Check out the list of results below. Overall girls team results Team – 1st place 4 by 1600 meter relay – 1st place * Relay members: Lexi Harkrider, Hayley Moffit, Madison Haldiman, and Britton Belitz Swedish Relay – 5th place * Relay members: Kalen Goodman, Shanaje Cummings, Samantha Smith, and Mya Swanigan 100 meter Hurdles • Ruth Oguntope – 3rd place • Bethany Hoskins – 5th 4 by 100 meter relay – 3rd place * Relay members: Gabriella Ayiteyfio, Alexis Tilford-Rutherford, A’marie Khan, and Kalen Goodman. Distance Medley Relay - 2nd place * Relay members: Hayley Moffett,, Madi Gentles, Ava Curtis, and Madison Haldiman 4 by 400 meter relay – 6th place * Relay members: Mya Swanigan, Samantha Smith, Journie Franklin, and Vanessa John-Miller 4 by 800 meter relay – 2nd place * Relay members: Lexi Harkrider, Ava Curtis, Chystal Osakwe, and Britton Belitz. And Skylar Herrera laid out some of her best times yet with an impressive time of 26.7 in the 100 meters, and a 1:49.5 in the 400 meters.
Cypress Springs Invitational:
The Girls Track team traveled to Cy Springs high school to take on some of the best competition in the Houston area on Tuesday. The girls were ready to move and came out swinging. The lady longhorns were tearing up the track all night with stellar performances by a well-rounded team of strong senior leaders and a crew of up and coming freshman talent. Keep up the great work ladies! Girls Results – 1st place overall team 3200 • Maddison Haldimon – 1st • Haley Harkrider – 2nd • Haley Moffit – 4th 4X100 – 3rd • *Relay members: Kalen Goodman, Alexis Tilford Rutherford, A’marie Khan, and Gabriella Ayiteyfio 800 • Ava Curtis – 1st • Britton Bielitz – 3rd • Chrystal Oswake – 4th 100 meter hurdles • Bethany Hoskins – 4th • Ruth Oguntope – 5th 100 • Gabriella Ayiteyfio – 3rd 4x200 – 3rd • Relay members: Samantha Smith, Journie Frankllin, Shanaje’ Cummings, Mya Swanigan 400 • Madi Gentles – 3rd • Chrystal Oswake – 4th • Vanessa John-miller – 5th 300 meter hurdles • Britton Bielitz – 3rd 1600 • Haley Harkrider – 1st • Madison Haldiman – 2nd 4x400 – 2nd • Relay members: Ava Curtis, Madi Gentles, Vannessa John-Miller, Jounrie Franklin Long jump • Genesis Griffin – 4th • Kalen Goodman – 5th • Madi Gentles – 6th Shot Put • Erika Gipson – 5th Discus • Bethany Hoskins – 4th (*New School Record!) • Ava Ward – 6th Triple Jump • Alexis Tilford-Rutherford – 1st • Genesis Griffin – 2nd • Kalen Goodman – 3rd High Jump • Gabrialla Ayiteyfio – 1st Pole Vault • Olivia Raymond – 1st And Skylar Herrera continued her dominance streak this time setting a Personal record in both the 100 and 400 meters with times of 24.8 seconds and 1:45.43. She was also able to throw a season best in the shot put with a distance of 12’ 7.25”