Jaguar Journal
January 2024 Edition
Dear Jaguar Families,
Our second semester is off to a very smooth start and our students and teachers are connecting with one another in positive ways in our core classes and electives. Students are actively participating in campus life on our basketball and wrestling teams and coming together to make friends in a variety of clubs such as Multicultural Club, E-Sports Club, Creative Writing Club, Club Rainbow and more. Our Leadership students are doing a great job coordinating fun activities for us. We enjoy seeing our students show their Jaguar pride and spirit!
A big “thank you” goes to our PTC leaders---Heather Santopadre, Tera Whaley, Leah Purnell, and Kymberly Hawkins---for their generous support of our school’s programs and activities.
You will receive your student’s 2nd quarter grades shortly by mail. Please reach out to your student’s teachers if you have any questions or concerns. We want to partner with you.
Wishing you the best, and Go Jags!
Tom McHale, Principal
Joe Cooney, Assistant Principal
Jackie Carmona, Dean of Learning Support
Para los padres/tutores que hablan español
Important Dates
- 1/17 - Quarter 2 Report Cards Mailed Home
- 1/18 - Winter Sports Rally
- 1/31 - Winter Coat Drive Deadline
- 2/19 - 2/23 - President's Break - No School
- 3/29 - 4/5 - Spring Break - No School
Order your YEARBOOK now
Yearbooks are on sale for $35!
8th Grade Parents: Purchase and design your yearbook ad online at yearbookordercenter.com ; Order number: 6316. Last day to order is January 31st!!
Short-Term Independent Studies
Short-Term Independent Study may be an option for students who will be absent for three consecutive days or more, up to 14 days maximum in a school year. Applications for Independent Study are available at the Jepson Front Office and linked here (English and Spanish). Please call Jepson office at (707)453-6280 if you have any questions about this program.
- Contracts must be submitted to the office 10 school days before the student leaves.
- Contracts may be denied if requested less than 10 school days before the absence begins.
- Applications may be denied based on the following:
- Academic or attendance concerns
- Failure to complete previous Short-Term Independent Study contracts
- Conflict with state testing schedules or the last week of school
- If the student does not meet the eligibility requirements listed in the contract, the absences will be considered "unexcused" and will affect their attendance rate for the Rule of 90.
- All work must be returned within five days the student returns to school.
Counseling Groups:
We will be offering a stress and anxiety management counseling group again for students who were unable to attend the first one. The groups will be offered one per grade in which students will learn coping strategies to help manage stress and anxiety! Counseling Groups meet weekly for a short period of time to help you gain skills in order to be successful here at school.
This group will be held once a week for 5 weeks on Thursday’s during study hall (non-instructional time). The groups will run from January 25th to February 22nd. If your student is interested in joining the group, please complete the form below as space is limited. After you fill out the form, we will call students into counseling to provide them with a consent form that a parent/guardian will need to sign.
Form Link: https://forms.gle/sQGRhBFQWzyE4Zms8
💥💥Attention 8th Graders! 💥💥
Important High School Registration Information.
Check Counseling Google Classroom or link for more details: High School Registration Timeline
- Counselor Presentations in Science classes January 17, 18 & 22. - 8th grade Counselor will be reviewing important details to prepare for high school and the registration process. Slides will be posted in Classroom following presentation.
- Buckingham Student Presentation during Study Hall January 23. Sign up in Google Classroom
- Buckingham Parent Night - January 25
- VHS counselors at Jepson February 5th - Aeries window open for selecting classes for Vacaville High School - February 5 - 11
Buckingham Collegiate Charter Academy's enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year opens on January 8 and closes on February 2 at noon. Buckingham is a free public charter school that is part of the Vacaville Unified School District. It's a great option for students who are interested in a smaller setting with a college readiness focus. Buckingham will host an Open House Event on January 25 at 5:30 PM. All 7th and 8th grade families are welcome to attend and learn more. Those who are interested in applying should go to the website: https://buckingham.vacavilleusd.org/admissions/enrollment_information.
Athletic Clearance for Spring Sports
If you want to try out for soccer in February or participate in Track and Field in April, please be sure to get athletic clearance beforehand. You can visit our website and look for athletic information. Just follow the instructions! Thank and we hope to see plenty of you on the fields in the Spring!”
Jepson Music
Our talented Jepson musicians and singers brought us into the holiday spirit with festive Winter Concert performances. We celebrate our Concert Choir, under the direction of Kenna Guy, Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Jazz Band led by Justin Au, and Orchestra directed and Mariachi conducted by Sergio Cabada. We are very fortunate to enjoy a rich music program with exceptional teachers at Jepson, and we look forward to our students’ future performances.
North Bay Honor Band
Congratulations to Justin Au and our talented musicians who earned membership to this year’s North Bay Honor Band:
8th graders: Alexander West, Emily Hudson, Katherine Mix, Kennedy Qirreh, Mia Hawkins, and Zoey Jones.
7th graders: Nolan Torres and Stella Mitchell
The band will perform on January 21st. Zoey Jones, is to be commended for being accepted to the CMEA Capitol Section Honor Band as well.
Spelling Bee!
Thank you to English Department Chair Jeanine Thiessen and her department colleagues for organizing Jepson’s Spelling Bee. More than 50 students demonstrated great skills at our event. Four students will represent our school at the Grace B. Powell Vacaville Citywide Spelling Bee sponsored by the Vacaville Rotary Club in February.
7th Grade: Joseph Monta, Lailani Cruz
8th Grade: Ian Edwards, Anna Liu
Quarter 2 All Stars
Congratulations to our 2nd Quarter Jaguar All Stars! Students were selected for their academic achievement and positive contributions to our school. We are very proud of their efforts. Thank you to everyone for celebrating these fine students.