Luther League Happenings
Luther Memorial Church
A Strange Year but we are still Here
It has been a strange and hard year for our youth ministry and community. We haven't been able to do things like we have in the past or go on fun adventures. Now that we are getting the Vaccine and restrictions are being lifted, we are able to once again come together for fun and faith. The first thing we get to do is a fun overnight to a neighboring community for some fellowship, teambuilding, service, and fun. Our staff have been working hard to put together a this fun adventure and make it fit into the summer schedule the best they could. Through the year we were also able to do some smaller adventures and fun gatherings closer to home. Through this addition of we will look back on the fun we did get to have and get a glimpse of the ELCA Youth Gathering that will take place next summer, July 20-25, 2022. Please mark the dates for this event and keep it clear so the youth will be able to attend this once in a lifetime event and experience.
Now let's see
Playing at the "Barn"
Wonder who will win?
Scavenger Teamwork
Scavenger Hunt Challenge
More Big Kids
Scavenger Hunt Challege
Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe
Crossing the Minefield
World in our Hands
Valentine's Day Crafts
Barns are made for Gathering
Valentine's Day
Crafting at the Barn
Community Thank You Gifts
Giggling all the Way
Dalton and Sydney
How well do you know your Senior?
ELCA Youth Gathering - Minneapolis, MN
Every three years, 30,000 high school youth and their adult leaders from across the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America gather for a week of faith formation known as the ELCA Youth Gathering. Through days spent in interactive learning, worship, Bible study, service and fellowship, young people grow in faith and are challenged and inspired to live their faith in their daily lives.
What is the ELCA Youth Gathering?
2021 Minneapolis Welcome | ELCA Youth Gathering
Event Information
ELCA Youth Gathering - Minneapolis, MN
Save The Date!!
For this fun and enriching event. This next year we will be talking and working hard to get us back to the Gathering. We hope to get as many of our High School Youth to attend this once in a lifetime event. Don't miss out.
Wednesday, Jul 20, 2022, 07:00 AM