Key Communicator
January 22, 2024
3rd and 4th grade students reported on their bake sale and market day sales.
The Board approved the employment of Veda Mascarenas as part-time reading teacher, and a contract addendum for Jose Velasquez, Spanish Teacher. They also approved the following for extra duty pay agreements for the 2024-2025 school year: Peter DeLaCerda, HS Head Cross Country Coach, Haley Summers, HS Assistant Cross Country Coach, Jonathon Medina High School Head Football Coach, Mike Behil, HS Assistant Football Coach , Sami Cotten, HS Head Volleyball Coach, Shelley David, Assistant HS Volleyball Coach, Mike Behil, JH Head Football Coach, Eduardo Gonzalez, JH Assistant Football Coach, Peter DeLaCerda, JH Head Cross Country Coach, Haley Summers, JH Assistant Cross Country Coach, Kacie Cobb, JH Head Volleyball Coach, and Melanie Squire, JH Assistant Volleyball Coach .
FY 2024 Final Budget
Approval was given to the fiscal year 2024 final budget by the Board of Education. The general fund appropriation is $7,068,168; the total appropriation is $9,451,405.00. The total appropriation includes insurance, food service, grants, pupil activity, bond redemption, and capital reserve .
Elks Hoop Shoot Winners!
We did a preliminary contest for the Elks Hoop Shoot during PE class! Here are our first place winners!
Girls 8-9
Emerie Schmittel
Boys 8-9
Greyson Romero
Girls 10-11
Maicee Schmittel
Boys 10-11
Mason Price
Girls 12-13
Isabel Silkey
Boys 12-13
Jayden Felix
All students shot 25 free throws, the winners made the most free throws in each age division. These above students will move on to the next round where they compete against other schools!
Kindergarten and 1st grade are too young to participate, but we did a shooting contest just for fun with them!
Winners for kindergarten were Ryder VanBibber, Charlotte Reynolds, Jeseral Sigala
Winners for 1st grade were Kanon Fielder and Tytan Lowder
CASB Policy Overhaul Board Policy Section C- Second Reading
- CBA/CBC-Qualifications/Powers and Responsibilities of Superintendent (Job Description)
- CBB- Recruitment of Superintendent
- CBD- Superintendent’s Contract
- CBF- Superintendent’s Conduct
- CBI- Evaluation of Superintendent
- CBI-R- Evaluation of Superintendent- Regulation
- CC- Administrative Organization
- CF- School Building Administration
- CH- Policy Implementation
- CHCA- Handbooks and Directives
- CHD- Administration in the Absence of Policy
They repealed the following polices for a second reading:
- CHB- Board Review of Regulations
- CB- School Superintendent
- CBIA- Public Inspection of Superintendent’s Evaluation
Toy & Food Drive
SYS and elementary STUCO worked together to host a toy drive/ food drive. 220 food items were donated and 3 totes full of toys that will be delivered to Hope and Home. The food went go to the Monte Vista Food Bank. So proud of students! It’s a great day to be a Farmer!!
Sargent Farmer Parents
Attention! Extra! Extra!
The DAC needs your voice to make our district the best it can be!
What is DAC? The District Accountability Committee is a state
mandated committee that is made up of voting members that are
parents, community members, former students, etc. The DAC has
specific duties to review in its purview such as; budget, calendar, and
teacher assessment. It can decide other objectives as well that it sees
fit. This is the place where parents and community members can
make their voices heard, as well as, receive important updates on the
business of the school district.
When does DAC Meet? Every two months through out the school
year (5 meetings) the DAC meets usually on the first Tuesday of the
month at 6:30 in High School Library.
Why is DAC important? Besides serving as an advising group to the
school board and the district administration, this is an important place
for different community members to have in put. Sargent is 70 to 80%
out of district students, yet only in district community members can
serve on the school board. This committee gives a voice to out of
district parents and other supporters of the school.
Why me? DAC is another opportunity for caring community members
to serve the district, educate themselves about the workings of the
district, and share their skills and knowledge in making it excel!
Contact Committee Chair Kyler Brown for more information:
kowboykjb@gmail.com or 719-480-9684
Donation of Service Truck
The board accepted the donation of a 2011 Ford Truck with service body from Mike Mitchell Farms, LLC to be used district wide.
Sargent High School and Junior High School First Semester Honor Roll
Discussion Items
Next Meeting
The next regular meeting will be February 26, 2024 in the high school library. If you would like to sign up for community input please email srklecker@sargent.k12.co.us prior to the meeting.
Sargent Elementary Student of the 2nd Quarter
K - Ryder V.
1st - Tytan L. and Diem R.
2nd - Forest S. and Delaney D.
3rd - Kasyn P. and Camrey B.
4th - Rawling M. and Jake G.
5th - Kayla L. and Kynzleigh H.
6th - Zoey B.
PE - Titus O.
Technology - Olivia P.
Music - Kieri W.
Art - Elise G.
Library - Brady F.
Secondary Student of the Month for December
Brooke H. - 12th grade, Darius G. - 8th grade Juliah M. - 7th grade, Jessica B. - 11th grade, Kyra G. - 10th grade, Durae N. - 9th grade