NorthStar Lights
North Syracuse Central School District's weekly e-news
Issue #50 | January 28, 2022
Hello North Syracuse Central School District Parents, Guardians, Teachers and Staff,
A quick reminder that next Monday, January 31 is a half day of school for all students in the District for staff workshops.
It is hard to believe, but this week at our Board of Education Meeting, our Associate Superintendent for Business Services Don Keegan, presented an initial budget. We are very optimistic about this year's budget and look forward to sharing details as things develop.
Next week marks the start of February, which is Black History Month. Click here to see updates sent out from Cicero-North Syracuse High School earlier today. Also remember to share your pictures and videos about Black History Month activities with our Communications Office for an upcoming newsletter. Stay warm and stay safe this cold winter weekend!
Daniel D. Bowles, Superintendent of Schools
2022 Wall of Distinction Ceremony Postponed - New Date TBA
The North Syracuse Central School District is postponing the 2022 Wall of Distinction Induction ceremony, which was originally scheduled for Friday, February 11. A new ceremony is being planned for May at Cicero-North Syracuse High School. This year's inductees will be announced at a later time. For additional information about the Wall of Distinction, please contact Christopher R. Leahey, Ed.D., Associate Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, North Syracuse Central School District at 315/218-2148.
Technology Education Students Learn Robotics
Students in Lynn Zajac’s 7th Grade Technology Education classes at Roxboro Road Middle School have four major projects during their half-year course at the school. Technology Education courses have long been known for providing students the opportunity to BUILD things. For their current assignment though, students in Lynn’s class are being graded on how well they DEMOLISH structures.
Mental Health Professionals Help Students Explore Overall Wellness
Kristen Stanton is the District-wide School-Based Mental Health and Wellness Coordinator for the North Syracuse Central School District. Along with a team of mental health professionals throughout the District, Kristen has been working to provide wellness activities for all students.
For the month of January, the team set a theme of “Pathway to Wellness” which explores the six areas of wellness: environmental, emotional, intellectual, physical, social and spiritual. Kristen said, “Sometimes when people think of wellness, they think only of physical health but overall wellness is so much more.” A Wheel of Wellness helps student see the six different areas of wellness.
“School Age Education Experience” Class Offers Real Life Teaching Experience
Students in the North Syracuse Central School District are fortunate to be able to participate in a wide variety of elective course throughout their educational careers. As students grow and learn, it is important for them to have opportunities to explore careers in their areas of personal interest in order to select career paths that will serve them well.
Elective courses in Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) education are designed to provide students with focused perspective on families, work and their interrelationships. The District offers 25 different FACS courses with subjects including everything from Interior Design and Clothing Production to Independent Living and Foundations for College and Career Success.
North Syracuse Junior High School Presents “Godspell” January 28 and 29
The NJSHS Drama Club production of “Godspell”, originally scheduled for Friday 1/14 and Saturday 1/15 has been POSTPONED FOR A SECOND TIME
New dates/times for our performances are listed below:
- Friday, January 28 at 7:00 PM
- Saturday, January 29 at 7 PM
Performances held in the NJSHS Auditorium, doors open at 6:30
Roxboro Road Middle School Student Council Collecting Valentines
Roxboro Road Middle School teacher Melissa Potratzis working with the school's Student Council to spread some Valentine's Day joy. Students at the school are asked to create Valentines that will be delivered to pediatric cancer patients, cancer patients and their families and caregivers. RRMS students and families wanting to participate should send their Valentines to Ms. Potratz in Room 32 by Wednesday, February 9. Click here to learn more.
Employment Opportunities Available with the NSCSD
Send Us Your Photos and Videos!
C-NS Celebrates Black History Month
Cicero-North Syracuse High School FACS (Family and Consumer Sciences) teacher Pam Woznica shared the above photo of C-NS students Marisa Frascatore and Emily Unger from her School Age Education Experience class. They created a bulletin board for Black History month in the FACS hallway.
Executive Principal Jamie Sullivan also shares that the school's library is highlighting some African American authors to celebrate Black History Month. On display in the library is a selection of books that includes fiction and biographical titles. Each book has a little snippet attached to it letting the viewer know a little more about each book. The high school also plans to have a bulletin board set up in the library entryway with highlights about additional African Americans throughout history highlighting their accomplishments in activism, in the arts, sports, and science.
Looking for Athletic News? Subscribe Now!
Did you know that the North Syracuse Central School District's Athletics Department has a weekly email newsletter? If you'd like to subscribe to the newsletter, click here to fill out the necessary form.
Subscribe to NorthStar Lights
The North Syracuse Central School District produces a weekly digital newsletter, "NorthStar Lights," to share important information and good news with NSCSD families and staff. Parents and staff members automatically receive the newsletter through SchoolMessenger.
Grandparents, community members and all friends of the NSCSD are welcome to subscribe by providing an email address by clicking here. Newsletters are emailed each Friday when school is in session. Help us share the good news and the great things happening in the NSCSD!
Staying Home When Sick and Getting Tested
In accordance with CDC guidance, students, teachers and staff who have symptoms of infectious illness (influenza or COVID-19), should stay home and be referred to their healthcare provider for evaluation care and testing. Individuals who are absent from school will need to provide either a medical note or proof of a negative COVID test (PCR test).
Students or staff members who develop symptoms during the school day will be sent home immediately. Parents of students will be contacted immediately to come and pick up their child.
Please remember the symptoms of COVID 19 include:
● Fever or chills
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
Nationwide Service Disruptions Impacting School Meals
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are seeing nationwide disruptions to manufacturing, supply and distribution channels. You may have experienced this yourself when you’ve tried to order something online or buy something in the store and what you’re looking for isn’t available right now.
What does the shortage mean for school meals? In short, it means that we’re having trouble getting certain foods and supplies. Your student(s) may notice that we’re serving different items than we’ve served in the past or different items than were listed on the menu.
School districts across the country are experiencing these shortages and unfortunately, we cannot control the problem. We are doing our best every day to come up with solutions to these challenges.
PAC Meeting
The Parent Advisory/Awareness Council encourages open communication between parent representatives from each school and District-level administration. PAC meetings take place every other month and there is no commitment. Meetings take place via Zoom or in-person at the Jerome F. Melvin Administrative Office Building (5355 West Taft Rd., N. Syracuse), beginning at 9:30 a.m. Meetings are open to any parent/guardian of a child attending North Syracuse Schools.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Maria Borte by email at
Wed, Feb 2, 2022, 09:30 AM
BANFF Film Festival Fundraiser for CanTeen
Wed, Feb 9, 2022, 07:00 PM
CanTeen, New York 31, Cicero, NY, USA
North Syracuse Central School District
Location: 5355 West Taft Road, Syracuse, NY, USA
Phone: (315) 218-2100
Twitter: @NSyracuseCSD