North Side Family Flyer
November 2023
GROWING GREATNESS through teaching student's about "Gratitude"
This month's vocabulary word is "GRATITUDE". Research shows that when we teach students to appreciate what they have and what others do for them, we are helping them to become happier, healthier adults. Here are some tips for teaching gratitude at home:
1. Teach your child(ren) to say thank you to people who do something for them, no matter how small the act.
2. Tell your child(ren) why you are grateful for them. These words will be so powerful and resonate with them for years to come.
3. Talk about the things you are grateful for as a family. This could be done at dinner time, in a family journal, or maybe during a "family night".
4. Support a charitable event or organization. You do not have to support with a monetary value, show your children that the giving of your time is also supportive.
5. Be consistent. Like all skills, gratitude cannot be taught in one sitting. You will want to model, discuss and teach it over a long period of time until it becomes part of who your child(ren) is as a person.
I would like to share that I am grateful for ALL of our students and families and your support in their daily education. We could not provide the needed learning without your assistance. Thank you for being our partners in your child(ren)s education on a daily basis.
Yours in education,
Stephanie Leasure
Zoomobile visit
Red Ribbon Week - Costume day
Red Ribbon Week - Crazy Socks
Upcoming Events: Project Lead the Way Month
Friday, November 3rd - PTO Popcorn Day (Flyer coming soon)
Thursday, November 9th - FUNDRAISER DELIVERY, 3-5 p.m.
Friday, November 10th - Veteran's Program - 9:00 a.m. (breakfast), Program starts at 9:30
Friday, November 10th - End of Trimester 1
Friday, November 10th - PTO Popcorn Day
Monday, November 13th - PD Day, No School for Students
Tuesday, November 14th - PTO Meeting, 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 15th - Report Cards are sent home with students
Friday, November 17th - PTO Popcorn Day
Sunday, November 19th - North Side Komets Hockey Night (more info coming soon)
Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th - THANKSGIVING BREAK
Monday, November 27th - MOY Fountas & Pinnell Benchmarking begins...
Red Ribbon PJ Day
Red Ribbon wear "RED" day
Red Ribbon "Team Up" day
Front Office Guidance from Mrs. Hilterbrand and Miss Myers:
*Proofs of Residency are now PAST DUE for anyone who has not turned them in. Please call our office right away so we can get this taken care of. We appreciate your assistance with this matter.
*Illness season is here. Please make sure to call your child(ren) in sick to school. You may call before school hours and leave us a message, if needed. Our number is (260) 347-1354. If we do not hear from you, we will call to check in on your child.
*Please make sure to call our office BEFORE 2:00 p.m. if you need to change your child's transportation on the way home for that day. This allows us time to share this information with both the teacher and your child before dismissal begins at 2:40 p.m. Your child's safety and making it home is our priority.
*We are accumulating a large lost and found collection already this school year. If you could put your child's name on tags of coats, sweatshirts, hats, lunch bags, water bottles, and more; it will allow us to return these items to their rightful owner.
Student Learning with Miss T
I wanted to take a moment to emphasize the vital role that reading plays in your child's education and development. Reading is a lifelong skill and a gateway to countless opportunities. It is my hope that, together, we can foster a love of reading at home and in the hearts of our young learners.
Why is reading at home so important?
Enhanced Vocabulary: Reading books, magazines, and even online articles exposes children to a rich and diverse vocabulary. This exposure significantly contributes to their language development, comprehension skills, and writing abilities.
Critical Thinking: Reading requires children to engage their critical thinking skills. They must comprehend the text, make inferences, and draw conclusions. Encouraging these cognitive skills helps your child become a more effective problem solver.
Increased Knowledge: Reading broadens one's knowledge about the world. It can transport readers to different places, times, and cultures, allowing them to experience diverse perspectives and ideas. This knowledge promotes empathy, cultural awareness, and a global outlook.
Improved Concentration: In a world filled with distractions, reading demands focus and attention. It helps children develop the ability to concentrate and maintain their attention span for more extended periods, a skill that will serve them well in all aspects of life.
Strengthened Communication Skills: Reading enhances language skills, which are vital for effective communication. The more your child reads, the more articulate and expressive they become.
Preparation for the Future: Reading is an essential life skill that is required for success in virtually every profession. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning, problem-solving, and adaptability.
How can you promote reading at home?
Set a Reading Routine: Establish a regular reading time at home, whether it's before bedtime or during a quiet afternoon. Make it a cozy and enjoyable experience by providing a comfortable reading nook.
Be a Reading Role Model: Children often mimic the behavior of their parents. Show your child that reading is a valuable and enjoyable activity by reading books, newspapers, or magazines yourself.
Access to a Variety of Materials: Ensure your home has a variety of reading materials, including age-appropriate books, magazines, and newspapers. Libraries and e-book resources are excellent places to explore.
Read Together: Reading can be a shared experience. Read to your child, and encourage them to read aloud or discuss what they're reading.
Discuss What You Read: Engage in discussions about the books you and your child read. Share your thoughts, ask questions, and encourage your child to express their opinions.
Visit the Library: Regular visits to the local library can be an exciting outing for the family. Allow your child to choose books that interest them.
Limit Screen Time: While technology is essential, it's crucial to find a balance between screen time and reading. Encourage your child to read before using electronic devices.
By emphasizing the importance of reading at home, we can work together to provide our children with the essential skills and tools they need to succeed in school and life. Reading not only enriches the mind but also opens up a world of imagination and possibilities. Thank you for your continued support in your child's education!
In Tune with Attendance and Safety with Mr. Perlich:
As we head into the colder months, we start to see a drop in attendance due to various factors. If your student is not feeling well, please communicate with the office staff to keep us updated. We will continue to follow the East Noble Attendance Policy with letters and phone calls. If your child is seen for an appointment outside of school, please turn in the notes to the office as this helps us in our next steps when they get to certain numbers in our attendance chart. I welcome all communication as we work together to make sure your child is in school as much as possible.
October was a busy month for safety drills. We participated in a National Earthquake drill, fire drill, shelter-in-place, and a lockdown drill. We practice drills to make sure all staff and students are prepared in case we are ever faced with an emergency. The month of November will see your students practice a fire drill, tornado drill, and any others that may come up. We take safety seriously and want to make sure your children feel safe while at North Side. If you should ever have questions, please feel free to reach out to me at
The Nurse's Nook:
Hello North Side Wildcat Families!! I hope these chillier days are finding you plenty warm. As the days are becoming cooler and cooler, please remember to make sure your child is wearing a coat to school. If your child does not have a coat and you need assistance getting one, please reach out!!! I have resources and would love to assist you in making sure your child stays warm this winter.
- Side note – be sure to write your child’s name in their coat, hat and gloves. These items are misplaced often. This helps us to make sure we can locate the owners of lost coats and gloves 😊
Daylight savings time occurs in November. The change in time is always hard on all of us. Make sure your kiddos are getting plenty of rest, especially around this time. It’s hard for them to learn when their little bodies are tired. Studies report that children should get 9 to 10 hours of sleep every night.
Friendly reminders:
- Your child must be fever-free, without fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. The same applies to vomiting and diarrhea.
- Please send a change of clothes in your child’s backpack for those occasional accidents or spills. I will do my best to provide your child with a change of clothes, but if I do not have the appropriate size, I will have to call home and ask for a change of clothes.
- If your child has clothes that they have outgrown, I am always accepting clothing donations!! This is how I keep my “extra clothes” stocked. I am always in need of pants and underwear, sizes 6-12. Don’t worry, clothes are always washed before I give them to students 😊
What a fun month October was! We had our annual Fall Carnival, monthly Sunshine Project, participated in Red Ribbon Week, and celebrated the season in the classrooms during the last week. It was so fun to see our North Side community come together and create so many special memories with one another. It took the North Side Elementary staff, students, PTO, and surrounding community businesses to make our carnival a success. We were able to have a petting zoo, two large bounce houses, a concession stand featuring popcorn/cotton candy/candy bars/drinks, twelve carnival games with prizes, a temporary tattoo station, a photo booth, and had over fourteen raffle baskets. It was so much fun!
Thankful November is up next, where we take some time to express our gratitude for the things and most importantly, people, in our lives. Please keep an eye on our school’s Facebook page to see our special shout outs to the businesses and people that help our PTO be the best they can be!
Our PTO is hosting Poppin’ Fridays during November, where we will sell a bag of freshly popped popcorn for $1 during lunch. Make sure your kiddo brings their $1 for an extra special treat during lunch!
Nutrition Notice with Mrs. Yates:
Our food service staff is one of the best around. They have built special relationships with our students and it shows every day when they greet, socialize with, and take the time to put smiles on our students faces.
- Mrs. Leasure -