Daily Announcements
Wednesday , November 17
Upcoming Events
- Wed., Nov. 15-19 Clothes Drive/Class Competition
- Wed., Nov. 17 Alpine Ski Club Meeting Join us at 3:45!
- Thurs., Nov. 18 Foreign Language Club Meeting 2-3
- Mon., Nov., 22-23 - Follow a Monday, Monday Schedule
- Tues., Nov. 23 -Ithacapella
- Wed., Nov. 24 - Fri., Nov. 26 - Thanksgiving Recess - No School
- Sat., Nov. 20 Annual & Nordic Ski Swap at MS
Interested in learning about a career in Sports Management and Marketing? Plan on attending a Zoom session with Mr. Eric Friedman, Director of Ticketing for the Rochester Red Wings, on Monday, November 22nd during 3rd set. See Mrs. Rollins for details.
Foreign Language Club Meets This Thursday!
Foreign language club is meeting Thursday from 2:00- 3:00 in Mrs. Pawlak’s room. We will be learning about Day of the Dead! All are welcome.
Join the Ski Team! Go Alpine!
All level skiers are welcome.
Library Newsletter for November
Clothing Drive Competition- Donut Breakfast to Class Donating Most Clothing
Stem Club Suports the Kade Project w Collections for Toys For Tots!
As the Holiday Season approaches, please consider helping the STEM Club support The Kade Project in collecting donations of new, unwrapped toys for needy kids in the area. We all know of families in need, families with illness, job loss, or other issues. Some of these families go without gifts for their children during the holidays. A small toy, doll, LEGO set, or stuffed animal can go a long way to ease the burden on parents who are struggling. Let's support our students as they work to impact their community during a special time of year.
The High School donation box is located in the main entrance vestibule by the Main Office. Donations will be accepted until December 10th. The STEM Club will help transport the boxes from all the HF-L schools to the Community Center after school on December 10th.
Attention all students- the SADD Club is looking for new members. There will be an introductory meeting on Thursday December 2nd at 2:10pm in room 339. Join Mr. Taccetta and learn about the SADD club. All students are welcome.
Attention all nerds and role players- There is a brand new club starting up. Please join the Dungeons and Dragons club! The first meeting will be held at 2:15pm on Wednesday December 1st in room 339. Come meet the advisors and fellow classmates looking to enjoy this new club. Are you new to DnD or want to try? This is a great time to learn about this amazing tabletop role playing game. Are you experienced in DnD? GOOD! We need you too. See Mr. Pierce or Mr. Taccetta with questions.
Sophomore Holiday Fundriaser
Senior Central Newsletter!
Please click on this link for the Senior Central Newsletter. All the information you need for your senior year will be located here. Updates are in progress!
Delphi Rise Prevention Counselor's Monthly Newsletter and Calendar
Please follow this link for November's Newsletter:
Alexis Bilger
Delphi Rise Prevention Counselor
Honeoye Falls-Lima Central Schools
Scenes From Making Connections/ Hobby Day
Making Connections/ Hobby Day Exploring Electronic Music
Making Connections/ Hobby Day- Origami
Making Connections/ Hobby Salsa Dancing
Making Connections/ Hobby Day Popcorn Making
Making Connections/ Hobby Day Guacamole
Making Connections/ Hobby Day - Chinese Language
A shout out to the students from the NYC Chorus trip for the beautiful hand-written note and personal delivery. It was our pleasure to accompany each of you and your card was very touching.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey on November 23, 2021.
The Monroe County Department of Public Health and the Honeoye Falls-Lima High School are conducting the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey on November 23, 2021. Students in grades 9-12 will be asked to take this online survey during first set. This survey will assist HFL, and schools across Monroe County, to identify behaviors that increase the risk of adolescent physical and mental health problems.
Student participation in the survey is voluntary; students can skip questions they do not want to answer. We encourage students to participate. Student responses will allow for timely and accurate information that can be used to create comprehensive programs at local and county levels to address teen needs.
Student responses are confidential. The survey is completed online with no personally identifying information attached.
Attached find a Frequently Asked Questions document and Parent Permission form. If after reading you would like to have your child opt out of the survey, please complete and return to the Counseling Center by November 22, 2021.