3-School Newsletter
Cooper Landing, Hope, and Moose Pass Schools
November 7, 2022
RSVP for Course/Program Informational Meeting
One of our priorities is to make sure that our students are aware of the options they have within their education. Do you know what academic options are available for your middle & high school aged children? Please come and listen to KPBSD’s Career and Technical Education Coordinator, Annaleah Karron. She will travel to Hope School and share information about JumpStart, Middle College, Educators Rising, other university partnerships, and possible career pathways courses that we may not be aware of. We urge you to attend and aren’t above bribing you with food. COOPER LANDING & MOOSE PASS STUDENTS & PARENTS ARE WELCOME ALSO. RSVP required, so click here to reserve your space. See you there!
DATE: Tuesday, Nov. 8
TIME: 3:45 – 4:15 + additional time for questions
WHERE: Hope School
Moose Pass School: Mark Your Calendar
Friday 11/11: Early Release Day- students released at 1:45
Monday 11/14: Site Based Council Meeting at 3:30PM in Ms. Barron's room or Zoom room #3069395959
Tuesday 11/15: Picture Re-Take Day
Thursday & Friday 11/24 &11/25: Thanksgiving Holiday No School
Tentative Alyeska Skiing Days:
February 7, 14, 21, 28, and March 7 and 21
T-Shirt, Mug, Tote Bag Sale Still Open:
Check out this awesome design that the students made with Ms. Laura last Year: https://www.bonfire.com/store/moose-pass-school/
Share the link with friends and family!
Cooper Landing School Updates
Christmas Performance/Potluck/Raffle
Mark your calendars! We are bringing back the Christmas Performance on Thursday, December 8 followed by a potluck. We are also planning a raffle for that evening to raise money for the students' ski lessons at Alyeska. Parents are soliciting donations/prizes from local businesses and community members. If you or your business are able to donate, we would very much appreciate your support. Items can be dropped off at the school or we can arrange to pick them up. Thank you so much!
We are now taking orders for the annual Christmas Swag fundraiser! Please email dtucker@kpbsd.org or call the school at 907-595-1244 to place your order. The swags will be ready just before Thanksgiving.
Early Release
This Friday, November 11 is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 1:45.
Picture Re-Take Day
For those who would like their picture re-taken or if you missed picture day, LifeTouch will be back on November 17. We do not yet know the time, but will communicate it when we do.
World Record Cup Stacking Event
The students will be participating in the World Record Stack-Up event on November 15, 16, and/or 17th.
Thanksgiving Holiday
There will be no school on November 24 and 25 for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Dates will be February 7, 14, 21, 28, and March 7 and 21.
On occasion, we may need help transporting students other than your own on field trips, as we do not have a bus. If you are willing to help out, a background check is required. Please go to https://kpbsd.org/departments/assistant-superintendent/instructional-services/hr/volunteer/ to complete the form. Thank you in advance!
Hope School Happenings
Hello Students and Parents,
Please JOIN US:
We have a special speaker coming to discuss Course and Programs offered to students starting a young as Grade 7 through Grade 12. Please be here RSVP using the scan bar provided below. If you have any problems with the bar code, please contact me at 907-782-3202 and I will be happy to assist you with registering.
What: Course & Program Exploration Meeting
When: November 8th, 2022 3:45 to 4:15 plus time to answer questions
Where: Hope School
Hope’s PTO/Site Council meetings will be on the first Tuesday of each month from 3:45 – 4:30, beginning with Tuesday, October 4th. Come join us!
PTO Swag
Swag orders were taken up through October 31st, 2022. We would like to thank you all so very much for continuing to support our students by your donations and participation in these fundraisers. PTO has so much more planned. Please keep your eyes and ears opened for the latest.
It’s time to think about appropriate weather gear already!
We care about your child’s health and comfort and want to take this opportunity to share a reminder. Children will play outdoors daily unless air quality poor or the temperature is below -10 (wind chill factor included). Please make sure your student has appropriate gear for outdoor play so they may participate fully.
- Snow: heavy coat, snow pants, snow boots, hat and mittens/gloves, etc.
Your Volunteer Status is key this year
We would really like each and every parent to come in and visit with their child this year, participate in field trips and help out. Please sign up to volunteer so you can come participate, help out, join in and make a difference.
Volunteers and Substitute Teachers
Hope School is always happy to have substitute teachers and volunteers. Opportunity is available for both positions currently. Please consider one or both positions https://www.applitrack.com/kpbsd/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Volunteer+Screening+Process
Here is a link to your new school calendar for this school year.
Important Dates:
11/08/2022: 3:45-4:15 + time for questions afterwards at the Hope School please RSVP
11/11/2022: EARLY RELEASE - 2:00 PM
12/09/2022: EARLY RELEASE - 2:00PM
COVID POLICY: Covid information available on district website: https://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/content.aspx?id=42180
Hope School Staff