District 103
School Board Highlights
September 12, 2023
School Safety Discussion
The Board was presented with an overview of District 103’s safety measures that are in place at the schools to ensure a secure learning environment for our students and staff. Dr. Scott Warren, Superintendent of D103 Schools, highlighted these safety measures in a presentation to the Board. Along with the current safety measures, Dr. Warren discussed the district’s Liaison Officer program, provided by the Lincolnshire Police Department and compared this program to a paid School Resource Officer. The Board discussed the school safety plan and concluded that the Liaison Officer position has worked effectively in D103 schools and would not move forward with a School Resource Officer at this time.
Sixth-Day Enrollment Update
The sixth-day enrollment report, required annually by the Regional Office of Education, showed District 103 with 1,854 students enrolled in grades kindergarten through eighth. This number is similar to last year’s enrollment.
Strategic Plan Update
Dr. Warren shared the progress and this year’s focus for District 103’s Strategic Plan centered on Individualized Learning, Social/Emotional Learning, and Infrastructure. The district is in the second year in executing the Strategic Plan goals. Teachers have received professional development regarding inquiry based learning, incorporating Portrait of a Graduate competencies into the classroom, and applying the goals to the curriculum. For infrastructure, the Board has been reviewing a five-year plan for facilities and technology. Additionally, administrators have focused on their recruiting efforts to provide a staffing pool that represents the demographics of our community.
Board of Education Meeting
The next Board of Education meeting will occur at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 26. The notice and agenda can be found on the District 103 Board meeting website page. D103 board meetings will be live-streamed each month on our YouTube Channel. Members of the community should attend the meeting at 111 Barclay Boulevard, Lincolnshire if they would like to make a public comment. The public can also contact the Board at board@d103.org.
The Learning Fund Foundation is a group of volunteers who collaborate to bring innovative learning programs and experiences to students across all D103 schools. We welcome you to check us out and learn more at one of our monthly meetings. Contact us at lff@d103.org for more information.
The D103 PTO is a completely volunteer-run organization, dedicated to enhancing and enriching the educational experience of our students. Please visit the PTO store to become a member.
Calendar of Events
Leaders in Learning
Email: ask103@d103.org
Website: www.d103.org
Location: 111 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069, USA
Phone: 847-295-4030
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