Knights EXCEL
March 20th-March 24th, 2023
Spring is officially here and we are 13 days from Spring Break!!
Calendar Conversation
March 20th-Baseball/Softball vs NE @ SGMS
March 21st: Track vs Allen @ Smith HS
March 22nd: Math 8 Interim Assessment 3 AND MATH 6 INTERIM ASSESSMENT 3 THIS IS AN UPDATE.
March 23rd: Baseball/Softball @ Jamestown
March 24th: Spring Pictures; Cheerleading information session 3:30-5:00
Math surveys for students and teachers through math classes: March 27th-30th
** MAP goal setting due by Spring Break--ask your child what they are trying to achieve
March 27th: Fallon team to HS 9:30-11:00; Core 3 and Encore dismiss at 2:00 pm for HS registration 2 pm-end of day in cafeteria
March 28th: Pope team to HS 9:30-11:00; Core 3 and Encore dismiss at 2:00 pm for HS registration 2 pm-end of day in cafeteria
March 29th: Track vs Jamestown @ SGHS
March 30th: rising 6th grade visit-(10:15-11:15); 6th and 8th grade schedule changes--We did find out Friday evening only 40 students can attend at this date and time so this will only be for students in Prattis's 8th grade classes at this time. We will look at other opportunities for Stevens and English's CTE classes. More info to come. Baseball/Softball @ NE; END OF QUARTER
March 31st: Teacher Workday
Looking ahead in April:
April 3rd: Baseball/Softball vs Jamestown @ SGMS
April 6th: Success assemblies--Parents are invited to attend in person or virtually
April 7th-14th Spring Break
April 17th: Student Council meets
April 19th: Student Council reading at Elem School;Track at HP Central
April 20: Baseball/Softball @ AJ Park;
April 22nd: GCS Chess tournament @ SGMS
April 24th: SMILE dental program--parents are encouraged to send in forms or register online for their child to see dentist; Baseball/Softball vs AJ @ SGMS
April 25th: 8th grade Civil Rights trip part of grade level
April 26th: 6th grade grasshoppers; 8th grade Civil Rights rest of 8th grade level; Track vs Allen @SGHS
April 27th: MAP Math?; Track vs Allen @ SGHS; Baseball/Softball @ AJ Park
April 28th: MAP ELA-?; Dance 4-6 pm; Student council door decorating
📷 Picture Day Information
Students will have pictures taken during school hours on Thursday, March 24th for any student with payment or New students
- Monitoring your childs work completion and grade progress
- Your child is present daily if not sick and remaining for the full day
- Aware and reminding your child of the morning arrival routines (All 8th graders except Smith/Prattis HR should enter front doors and use media steps; All 7th graders and Huie's HR should enter front doors, come through pit and exit out middle pit steps; All 6th graders except Huie and Smith Prattis HR's should enter front doors go around pit and use left and right sides of encore side)
- Reminding your child to have their ONE card daily
- Reminding your child Breakfast is available every day as they enter and should be picked up before going to HR
- Reminding your child that laptops are for learning and should not be for playing online games or destroying the laptop as they are issued by GCS. Fees will be implemented and restrictions on computer usage will be in place if problems are persistent with your child and their device.
- Practice self care and uplift each other--positive comments only--no social media, or text about others
- Practicing and showcasing how to EXCEL it's always a great day to be a KNIGHT even when its a challenge.
- Epitomize integrity; eXpress respect; Commit to learn, Exercise responsibility, Lead with courage
🍎 Teacher of the Month
If you would like to nominate a Teacher of the Month, please do so using link below: