Timber Talks
River Mill Elementary - March 10, 2023
Congratulations to our Innovative Students of the Month!
Dear River Mill Families,
This next week is an exciting one for our school district. On Tuesday, March 14th, we have the honor of hosting 41 other represented school districts from around the country who are coming to learn about how we incorporate continuous improvement into our regular school days. These visits will be similar to those we have hosted through the course of the year, but at a larger scale. Our students and staff are excited to showcase their hard work and have the opportunity to help others learn how they can implement these practices at their district. This event is one to celebrate with your child, so be sure to ask them about their experience concluding the day's event.
Another quick note, if your child has heely shoes with the wheels in them, these shoes are to remain at home as they are not allowed at school. Thank you for your support with this.
Below you can find the link to register for this week's Bingo Night! Bingo cards will be $2 and concession will be available for purchase. We can't wait to welcome you and have some fun together. If you have any questions or would like assistance getting your HomeTown Ticket for the event, give us a call!
Corinne Johnsen
Principal, River Mill Elementary
RME Bingo Night & Silent Auction
We are so excited to welcome you to our 2023 Bingo Night & Silent Auction. If you have any questions about the event, please let us know!
There is no charge to enter.
Doors will open at 5:30pm with the event to begin at 6:00pm.
Bingo is from 6:00pm - 7:45pm.
Auction will end at 7:45 then winners will be announced. Auction winner does not need to be present to win, if no longer at the event, you will be notified.
Bingo cards can be purchased for $2 each. Concessions will be available for purchase.
Thursday, Mar 16, 2023, 06:00 PM
River Mill Elementary School
Conferences are coming!
Spots are available on a first come, first served basis, so please sign up right away.
This Week's Schedule
- Monday, March 13th, Regular School Day
- Tuesday, March 14th, Regular School Day
- Wednesday, March 15th: Regular School Day
- Thursday, March 16th: Regular School Day
- Friday, March 17th: REID Day, by invite only
A look ahead:
- March 24th - No School, Grade Day
- March 27th - 31st - No School, Spring Break
- April 3rd & 4th - No School, Student Led Conferences
- April 6th - Read-a-thon pledges due
Presenting our First Read-a-Thon!
Funds raised will directly help pay for our One School, One Book event that we will hold a little bit later this year. Classes will have the opportunity to earn a popcorn party for classes with the highest participation, highest earnings, and most minutes read. We can't wait to see the amazing amounts of reading that our students will do. If you have any questions, let us know!
We are Hiring!
Sports Challenge 2023!
A tradition unlike any other! This year, we will be holding the 35th annual River Mill Sports Challenge!
The sports challenge is a competition for all 5th grade students where 4 teams compete in a series of 10 games and relays that emphasize teamwork, sportsmanship, cooperation, and collaboration. Two teams will compete on Monday March 20th and two more teams will compete on Tuesday March 21st. These semi-final competitions will take place at 6 PM in the River Mill Elementary School gym.
The winners of each night compete against each other during the school day on Thursday March 23rd to be crowned Sports Challenge champions. One team will also earn the title of Best Sportsmanship. The recipients of the Sportsmanship Award get an opportunity to compete against a team of teachers during the last week of the school year.
We welcome and encourage parents to come and attend to support their students! We are also planning to hold an alumni competition each night in this milestone year. On Monday, we hope to host and honor the 8th grade students who missed out on their opportunity to compete in Sports Challenge in 2020. On Tuesday, we hope to host teams of adults who competed back when the competition was held at Eagle Creek Elementary. We hope to see you there!
Who: All 5th Grade Students
Where: River Mill Elementary Gym
When: Monday & Tuesday, March 20 & 21, @ 6:00 p.m. and
Thursday, March 23, @ 8:00 a.m. (Championship)
¡Reto Deportivo 2023!
¡Una tradición como ninguna otra! Este año, ¡tendremos el 35to Reto Deportivo anual de River Mill!
El reto deportivo es una competencia para todos los estudiantes de 5to grado donde 4 equipos compiten en una serie de 10 juegos y relevos que enfatizan el trabajo en equipo, el espíritu deportivo, la cooperación y la colaboración. Dos equipos competirán el lunes 20 de marzo y otros dos equipos competirán el martes 21 de marzo. Estas competiciones semifinales tendrán lugar a las 6 PM en el gimnasio de la escuela primaria River Mill.
Los ganadores de cada noche competirán uno contra otro durante el día escolar el jueves 23 de marzo para ser coronados campeones del Reto Deportivo. Un equipo también ganará el título de Mejor Deportividad. Los ganadores del Premio a la Deportividad tendrán la oportunidad de competir contra un equipo de maestros durante la última semana del año escolar.
Invitamos y animamos a los padres a que asistan y apoyen a sus estudiantes. También estamos planeando celebrar una competición de alumnado cada noche de este año que marca un hito. El lunes, esperamos recibir y honrar a los estudiantes de 8vo grado que perdieron la oportunidad de competir en el Reto Deportivo en 2020. El martes, esperamos recibir equipos de adultos que compitieron cuando la competencia se llevó a cabo en la Primaria Eagle Creek. ¡Esperamos verlos allí!
Quién: Todos los estudiantes de quinto grado
Donde: Gimnasio de la Primaria River Mill
Cuando: Lunes y Martes, Marzo 20 & 21, @ 6:00 p.m. y
Jueves, 23 de marzo, a las 8:00 a.m. (Campeonato)
Illness & Returning to School
This Month's Standard of Excellence
My School Bucks - Meal Service Payment System
My School Bucks is an online payment service that provides parents the ability to securely pay for meals, monitor student cafeteria purchases, and receive email notifications for low account balances.
Please note: currently, a convenience fee of $2.75 will be applied for each transaction.
All transactions are processed and applied to students' accounts nightly.
To enroll, please click the link below and have your student's ID number handy.
My School Bucks can be accessed via the link below: https://login.myschoolbucks.com/users/register/getsignup.action?login_hint=&clientID=schoolbucks
River Mill Elementary
Principal Corinne Johnsen
Go Timbers!
Email: johnsenc@estacada.k12.or.us
Website: www.rmes.estacada.k12.or.us
Location: 850 North Broadway Street, Estacada, OR, USA
Phone: 503-630-8517
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RiverMillElem
Twitter: @RMTimbers