Trailblazer Newsletter
March 28th, 2022
Information about 2022 Perception Surveys in Gwinnett County Public Schools
Each year, to help improve our schools, Gwinnett County Public Schools collects feedback from our families, students, and staff members about their school experience. This year, the school district is giving Educational Effectiveness Surveys (EES) to get feedback on nine characteristics of high-performing schools. Those characteristics are:
- a clear and shared focus;
- high standards and expectations for all students;
- effective school leadership;
- high levels of collaboration and communication;
- what we teach, how we teach, and how learning is measured and aligned with AKS standards;
- frequent monitoring of learning and teaching;
- focused professional development;
- supportive learning environment; and
- high levels of family and community involvement.
In addition, the surveys ask about two other areas associated with high-performing schools—district support for improvement and respect for diverse cultures and backgrounds.
Links to the student, parent, and employee surveys will be available in the appropriate GCPS portal (Student Portal, Parent Portal, Employee Portal) during the time each survey is live.
March 15-March 25: Staff Surveys are open
March 21-April 20: High School Student Survey is open
March 23-April 20: Student Survey is open for students in grades 4-8
We encourage families, students, and staff members to share their feedback through this process. In addition, we want to provide our parents and caregivers the opportunity to preview the questions that will be asked of students. Please click here to learn more about the Student Survey and the process to follow if you do not want your child to participate in the EES Student Survey.
Paul Duke STEM Student Survey - March 2022
Paul Duke STEM students, we would like to get your feedback and input around engagement, belonging, and motivation at Paul Duke STEM as we plan for next year. Please complete this short survey to share your thoughts with the principal and leadership team. Thank you!
PDS March Survey - https://forms.gle/Sp3b9KSZEGmJXefx6
As a means of improving results for children with disabilities, the Georgia Department of Education is required to survey parents of students receiving special education services. You are receiving this notice as the Parent/Guardian of a student receiving services in Gwinnett County and therefore, you are able to participate in this year’s survey process. This is an opportunity for your voice to be heard. The feedback you share will help guide local schools’ efforts to improve Special Education services and results for children and families. The survey is available on-line and can be accessed on the Georgia Department of Education website. You may enter the following direct link into your browser - https://survey.gadoe.org/SPEDParentSurvey or you may utilize the QR Code provided below: Survey responses must be submitted by May 31, 2022. If you do not have access to a computer or smart phone, you may contact the Georgia Department of Education, Special Education Help Desk at 404-657-9968 in order to complete the survey by telephone. We look forward to your responses, Dr. Nicole White Executive Director of Special Education and Psychological Services If you have any questions, please contact the GCPS Parent Mentor as indicated below. GCPS Special Education Parent Mentor: Dawn Albanese Dawn.Albanese@gcpsk12.org
COVID-19 Surveillance Testing
Routine COVID-19 testing (also called surveillance testing) can quickly detect individuals who are positive with COVID-19 and trace contacts who should quarantine. The testing, which is free and will be conducted on a weekly basis at the school, uses a short Qtip-type swab to collect a sample from inside the nose. This testing will allow GCPS to test, receive test results (within 24 hours), and notify individuals of a clinically significant reading. By participating, students and staff members can help to minimize the spread of the virus within our schools, which benefits us all.
Although participation in surveillance testing is not required for students or staff members, it is strongly encouraged. Participation will contribute to the success of this mitigation strategy and our schools’ ability to limit the spread of COVID and keep students learning in person.
Learn more about the COVID testing being offered to Norcross Cluster students and staff by reviewing our frequently asked questions.
At Paul Duke STEM High School, our mission is to ignite and foster success and creativity in all students through a challenging STEM curriculum, which connects students to their future through technology and relevant learning experiences. We do this through project-based learning, problem-based learning, integrated lessons, investigative research, and public performances.
We are excited to host Paul Duke STEM’s Spring Student Showcase, which will happen on April 12-13 and April 19-20. This is an opportunity for our students to highlight and showcase their work and present their work to a public audience. All students at Paul Duke STEM will present one of their favorite STEM lessons in each of their seven classes.
We are cordially inviting parents, community members, and industry professionals to come and participate! You will be able to choose which classes you want to experience based on the schedule that day. During that time, we ask you to give presenters honest feedback on the content and presentation style. You can give that feedback in the moment, and we'll also have a tool you can fill out and give back to us. For more information, visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!
Stephen Cochran (CTE)
"It's appreciated how he's one with the students and tries his best to help us understand something that we aren't able to. He earns the respect of his students by being respectful himself."
Christine Pulliam (Media Specialist)
"Reader's Rally Amazing Team and Win and just the best person to work with every day!"
Lunches for Teacher and Staff of the Month (March) are generously provided by the Ward Family and the Syvertson Family.
Congratulations Trailblazers!
Graduation Rates
GADOE released graduation rates for 2021, and the Paul Duke STEM grad rate is 92.5%, which is well above state and Gwinnett averages. We are so proud of our Trailblazers! #LearnTogetherLeadTomorrow
We cannot believe how quickly the year has gone by and before you know it, you will be walking across the stage at graduation! Make sure everyone knows how hard you have worked to achieve one of the best moments of your life and announce your graduation with class. Below is the direct link to order you Official Paul Duke Stem Personalized Graduation Announcements, so don’t wait.
Not only will your announcements have your official school crest, they will also be personalized with your name in the text just like collegiate announcements. We also created packages to make ordering even easier, but you can always add more to them so no one is left out. Orders will begin to ship directly to your house by mid-March with plenty of time to send them out to all your friends and family members.
We are so proud of you and honored to celebrate this milestone with you!
Is that time of the year!!! Celebrate your senior and order a yard sign today! #classof2022
Regions Black History Scholarship Essay Contest
High school senior ($5,000) or college student ($3,500); 30 WINNERS in each
To enter, you must submit a 500-word (or less) Written Essay or a 3-minute (or less) Video Essay that addresses how a Black American individual has been an inspiration in your life, and that discusses the contributions of that Black American individual. https://www.regions.com/about-regions/diversity-and-inclusion/supporting-our-communities/black-history-month/essay-contest-scholarship?fbclid=IwAR1R1P4VctkcEXOzD5pUmAu41kBFvr9vh5Ny51sVJllEqkrc7vOFYp6PHr8
You do not need to have an affiliation with the bank
Latino Athlete Scholarship (Soccer)
$3,000 (2 winners)
$500 (4 winners)
Deadline April 17, 2022
All High School Students (Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) enrolled in the 2021-2022 school year.
GPA of 2.5 or above
Must provide proof of home address in the State of Georgia
$2,000.00 (6 winners)
Metro Atlanta area
High school senior
Hispanic decent
Deadline May 2, 2022
Yearbook for Seniors
We finished the first month of the final semester! Only four more months to go before graduation!
We wanted to remind you that now is a great time to order your yearbook. We do NOT order extras and we expect to sell out. Make sure you get your copy today!
The price is currently $75 and you can order your copy at www.balfour.com.
We have a special opportunity ONLY FOR THE SENIORS this year. Since this senior class has been with us for all four years - we have a few copies left of some of the previous year's yearbooks and want to offer the books at a discounted rate.
- This deal will likely not happen in years to come.
- We will provide the books on a first come, first served basis while supplies last. Don't wait.
- The more you buy, the better the deal! Cost per book outside of this deal for each year is $75.
- 1 book - $45 (you save - $30)
- 2 books - $60 ($30 each - you save $90)
- 3 books - $80 (~$27 each - you save $145)
- Make the payments in MyPaymentsPlus and then see Ms. O'Connor in room 401/Marketing to select the year(s).
If you have questions or concerns, please email Lauren O'Connor at Lauren.OConnor@gcpsk12.org.
Need a recommendation for college admissions or a scholarship? Click here for the Counselor Recommendation form (please allow two weeks to complete)
Henderson - A - Gon
Percy - Goo - L
Patel - O - Z
College Admissions season is upon us. Here are the links that might take away some of the mystery behind how colleges make their admission decisions. Watch for new additions each week!
Georgia Tech's College Admission Brief Podcast - https://admission.gatech.edu/podcast
Georgia Tech's Admissions Blog https://sites.gatech.edu/admission-blog/
University of Georgia's Admissions Blog https://www.admissions.uga.edu/blog/
The University System of Georgia's (which includes 26 colleges and universities) Freshman Admissions Requirements - https://www.usg.edu/student_affairs/assets/student_affairs/documents/USG_Admission_Requirements_2022.pdf
Need one, take one
The Care Team has created a wish list to help keep our "Need One, Take One" personal care supplies stocked. It's been a tough year, and some may find themselves having to pick and choose what makes it into the grocery cart each month. We have placed a bin in two of our female restrooms, hoping to share items in a more discrete way.
Thank you for your support of our students!
The Care Team cannot thank the Paul Duke families for their donations that continue to come in for our toiletry drive. Because of your generosity, we are well stocked on everything except deodorant (boys especially)!!!
We have updated the Amazon Care Team list to reflect our current needs.
Much thanks on behalf of our students ❤️
For only a $5 donation to the Counseling Care Team!
Form found in MYPayments Plus under School Fundraisers
PTSA Scholarship for College Bound Seniors
PTSA Scholarship Applications are now online! The Paul Duke PTSA offers three scholarships each year: $1000 to a college bound senior, $250 for a Service Award and $250 for a Trailblazer Award (open to sophomores and juniors!). Please visit the PTSA section of the Paul Duke website for the applications and requirements. Scholarship candidates must be a PTSA member by April 1st and should have all supporting documents (transcripts and letters of recommendation, etc) submitted by March 31st, 2022. Don’t delay in filling out the applications and good luck!
J. Wetherington Trailblazer Award
The J. Wetherington Trailblazer Award ($250) was established to recognize students that embrace the Trailblazer spirit and invest their time and talents to make significant, innovative and positive contributions to the Paul Duke Community in any number of areas including but not limited to: Click here for more information!
Antonowich Community Service Award
The Antonowich Service Award ($250) was established to recognize students that have invested their time and talents to make significant, positive contributions to the Paul Duke Community. Click here for more information!
Are you a student and would like to apply for a PTSA Scholarship Award and are not currently a member?
Parents, are you interested in getting more involved, serving on a committee or would like to join us for the members only coffee with Dr. Wetherington in April? If so, click here to join the PTSA. The PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association) is a volunteer organization comprised of parents, teachers and school administrators, as well as students working together to make every child’s potential a reality. Please email pdshs.ptsa@gmail.com with any questions you have about roles, commitment, etc. Thank you in advance!
Are you interested in volunteering just an hour or two here and there or do you want a big project, there are plenty of ways to get involved in person or from home. Click here to sign up and receive volunteer opportunities as they arise.
Chick-fil-A Peachtree Corners and Rivermont Station is hiring!
Camp MAGIK - SPRING 2022
Camp MAGIK, a healing camp for bereaved children and adolescents, is announcing its spring 2022 camp session. Our spring sessions will be held at The Cherokee Retreat Center in White, Georgia (about 45 minutes north of Atlanta) April 29 – May 1, 2022. Applications need to be postmarked, emailed, or faxed to us no later than April 20, 2022. We will provide free transportation to camp based on need.
Camp MAGIK is well suited to all youth ages 7 through 18 who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling or other close loved one, especially youth who have experienced traumatic death. Professional bereavement counselors, trained in grief and trauma, lead all counseling sessions. This is our 28th year providing this evidence-based service to the community.
There is also a retreat available for adults who want to process their own grief with other adults who are grieving – please see attachment.
Our camp sessions are FREE OF CHARGE to all participating children and adolescents.
STEM High School Recruiting Mentors for Internships & Problem Solving
Paul Duke STEM High School, located one mile from our Innovation Center, is looking for people working in STEM fields to help mentor, coach and inspire students by engaging them in real world projects. It is difficult for kids to imagine a career in STEM when they don’t know how to connect subjects they study in school with actual professions and careers. You can help. There is an immediate need both for internship mentors for individual students and for examples of actual company problems that teams of students can form consulting teams around to develop creative solutions. Doesn’t this sound more relevant and fun than typical classroom work?
Off-campus internships pair students with an outside mentor who welcomes the student into their workplace for a few months or the whole school year. Previous internships have included: video production, project management, app development, coding and advanced vehicle research.
Recent internships include:
The President & COO of Peachtree Corners-based audio visual company Avyve served as a mentor and taught a student about his industry and skills crucial for business success – task management, managing the checks and balances between company departments and more. Additionally, each Friday, the student moved around the company to learn and assist with different departments. Click here for more on this internship example.
Curiosity Lab connected a student with a Kennesaw State University computer engineering professor to work together on vehicle-to-everything technology.
“When we are looking for mentors, the most important thing is their willingness to work with our students – 17- or 18-year-olds who may not have ever worked in a corporate environment before,” said Dr. Jonathon Wetherington, principal of Paul Duke. “We are looking for people who can speak frankly with students, mentor and guide them and provide them with tasks that fit their skillset and age.”
He also said that it was very common for student interns to spend much of their Fridays at the internship site working with their mentor, allowing them to view more of the office activity and participate more than if they only went to their internship after the school day ended.
For the SEE Consultancy, Paul Duke asks community organizations to pitch some of their lingering and large problems to students. Students then form consultancy teams and spend time building proposals to help solve these authentic issues. In the 2020-2021 school year, Paul Duke received pitches from MARTA, the City of Norcross, Molecula, Curiosity Lab and the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources.
For example, the Gwinnett County Department of Water Resources asked, “How might we source and mitigate the unexplainable algal bloom in Ozora Lake in Tribble Mill Park to allow more recreational use and promote watershed health?” Check out the students’ video to learn how they approached this problem.
“We often put multiple student teams on the same consultancy project, and those teams will take a divergent approach and explore different ways of tackling the problem,” said Wetherington. “One path may be something the company has already thought of, but the other path is brand new. It's a great way to get some different perspectives, particularly for a small organization or those interested in hearing from a younger generation.”
Paul Duke is always on the lookout for people and organizations interested in becoming mentors or participating in the consulting challenges. More information is available on Paul Duke's website. Those interested in participating and helping students grow their skillsets and potential can apply via this link, too.
If you have any questions, contact SEE Coordinator Laura Calkins at laura.calkins@gcpsk12.org or 470-323-3602.
Do you like making money?
Would you like to earn school credit while making said money?
Will you be a senior during the 2022-2023 school year?
A Certificate of Enrollment is required to test for both driver's permit and driver's license. Students must submit a request form to receive this document. The request forms are available in the front office. The cost for this document is $3.
If you lost your ADAP certificate, you may get a replacement from the front office. ADAP certificates can be replaced for $5.
Please note there is a 48-hour turnaround for Certificate of Enrollment and replacement ADAP certificate requests.
Eligible licensed student drivers must provide proof of insurance, a valid driver's license, and a completed parking application. Click here for an application. Additionally, students must pay $35 (Spring semester) for their parking pass. Click here to pay through MyPaymentsPlus. Students parking without a valid parking pass will be subject to disciplinary consequences including a boot on their car.
If you are 15 years of age or younger, your employer may require a work permit. Work permits are all done online and must be completed by the student and the employer first before receiving the permit. Once both parties have completed their online portions, the student must bring in the confirmation, or MSK code, to the main office for their work permit.
Are you planning on doing some community services but don't know where to start?
Contact Ms. Dobbs in the Parent Center or email at olaya.liranzo@gcpsk12.org
We need students who:
*Love their community
*Have a passion helping others
*Bilingual preferred but not required
Hey Trailblazers! Are you registered to Vote?
If you are 17 ½ or older.
Register or check you status here:

To receive assistance with food, visit foodfinder.us

Gwinnett County Public School System’s (GCPS) Parent Mentors help provide parents of students with disabilities information, guidance, and resources to support students.
For more information click here

You can support Paul Duke STEM PTSA and our school by shopping at Kroger!
Simply visit http://www.kroger.com. Once logged into your Kroger account, search for Paul Duke Stem HS PTSA either by name or SI217 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. If you do not have a Kroger rewards card, please visit the customer service desk at any Kroger. The closest Kroger to Paul Duke STEM High is at 3455 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard

Paul Duke STEM and our PTSA are now on AmazonSmile! Already shopping on Amazon? Switch to AmazonSmile, a website operated by Amazon with the same products, pricing, and shopping features as Amazon.com and our school receives 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. Go to smile.amazon.com or click here to register PTA Georgia Congress (our charitable arm). Thank you and happy shopping!
Click here to view a video on how to add an Amazon Smile "app" to your phone