The Core
August 21, 2020, Volume 11, Summer Edition 4
Principal's Notes
Dear Parents,
Thursday was our first day of In-Service for teachers and staff. We started the long road to re-opening. There is an extensive number of things we need to address that range from students arriving at school to accessing meals to learning and playing outside. The next few days will be devoted to working on creating systems to balance the groups of at-school & at-home of the hybrid model. Please know our staff is working hard to have a successful and safe start.
Did you get a chance to see our pre-recorded Q & A video? If you haven't seen it, please check here to get some of your questions answered:: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjAiFM5k4Y8&feature=youtu.be
Members of our Orchard Task Force made a video for wearing masks at school. We strongly recommend having children practice wearing masks for longer stretches of time to get used to how school will be starting. Here is a link to the video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Ob3Or9y0sdBNoZYpuGOzLi108Cr-m8T/view
We are planning another Q & A for Health Topics. Here is the link to a Google Survey if you want to ask a question: https://forms.gle/JEh94FpUtUTk3bEq7
Please keep an eye out for Superintendent Young's emails. They are key to getting you the most updated information. Guidelines for re-opening continue to be updated so the superintendent's emails are important to read through. Two of the most recent important documents are attached below in case you missed them.
Have a great weekend. Stay safe, stay well, and take some time to read with your child.
Mark Trifilio
Update from the PTO
Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2L8ZWMV
Please join us via zoom for our next PTO meeting on August 24 at 6:30 pm.
We will be discussing topics including:
- PTO calendar for 2020-2021
- PTO contributions - masks, canopies
- Fundraising for 2020-2021
- Square One Art
- Orchard gear
- Volunteer recruitment
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 716 541 2021
Passcode: 941754