I-29 Moo University
A newsletter for dairy producers - March 2016
Prevention – The Result of Successful Vaccination Protocols
There are many goals to vaccinating your herd. Purposes for vaccinations include:
- Provide optimal immunity for disease prevention in individual animals and the herd.
- Protect animals from imminent pathogen invasions and diseases present in the environment.
- Administer to animals at highest risk of contracting a particular disease.
Email: rmbreuer@IAState.edu
Website: www.extension.iastate.edu/dairyteam
Location: Orange City, IA, United States
Phone: 712.737.4230
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ISUDairyTeam
Twitter: @ISUDairyTeam
Every Dairy Needs an Employee Handbook
One of the most important resources a dairy can develop to enhance and grow employee communications and retain employees is an employee handbook. A handbook can be as simple as the job description, lists of benefits including paid time off, medical insurance, expectations of each employee and the employees hourly wage. Continue...
Email: kimclark@unl.edu
Website: Dairy.unl.edu
Location: Lincoln, NE, United States
Phone: 402.472.6065
Facebook: facebook.com/NEDairyExt
Twitter: @NEDairyExt
The Art of Handling Cattle Becomes a Life Lesson
As a kid, I had a tendency to move faster (a lot faster) than I do now.
Whether in the field or cleaning the barn, the faster my brothers and I worked, the faster we could move onto something more interesting, such as hunting gophers or adventures yet to be discovered.
The concept here was the faster we worked, the more we would get done, at least until it came to handling cows. Continue...
Email: JW.Schroeder@ndsu.edu
Phone: 701.231.7663
Impacting the Perfect Harvest
The Animal Care Wednesday Webinars kicked off another year on January 6th. This year’s theme is “Husbandry Practices in the Spotlight”. The first webinar focused on the well-being challenges that arise when livestock are taken from the farm for processing to a harvest facility of any size. Continue...
Email: Heidi.Carroll@SDState.edu
Location: Brookings, SD, United States
Phone: 605.688.6623
Calendar of Events
8 - Veterinary Feed Directives webinar at 10:00 am through Nebraska Extension. Connect at Connect.unl.edu/DairyTuesday. Sign in as a guest.
23 - 2016 Transition Cow Field Days hosted by ISU Extension; LeMars, IA
24 - 2016 Transition Cow Field Days hosted by ISU Extension; Cascade, IA & DyersVille, IA
29 - 2016 Transition Cow Field Days hosted by ISU Extension; Fort Atkinson, IA
30 - 2016 Transition Cow Field Days hosted by ISU Extension; Stacyville, IA
31 - 2016 Transition Cow Field Days hosted by ISU Extension; Dundee, IA & Elkader, IA
29 - I-29 Moo University: Dairy Beef Short Course; starting at Central Plains Dairy Expo; Cost is $25/person and includes lunch & transportation. Click here for more details and to register.
29-31 - Central Plains Dairy Expo; Sioux Falls, SD.
31-Replacement Cost Strategy to Maximize Profit; Sibley County Service Center, Gaylord, MN; 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.
6- Show Animals - Challenges at the Packer. Animal Care Wednesday webinar; 10:30 am CST. Connect here.
11-13: 2016 Dairy Calf and Heifer Association Conference. Madison, WI.
About Us
Website: iGrow.org/Livestock/Dairy
Location: I29 Corridor
Facebook: Facebook.com/I29DairyOutreachConsortium
University of Minnesota Extenstion
Jim Salfer (Extension): salfe001@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6093
Jim Paulson (Extension): jcp@umn.edu; phone: 507.251.4694
Betty Berning (Extension): bberning@umn.edu; phone: 320.203.6104
Keela Fick (Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region): Keela.Fick@co.pipestone.mn.us; phone: 507.290.0576
South Dakota State University Extension
Tracey Erickson (Extension): Tracey.Erickson@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.882.5140
Maristela Rovai (Extension): Maristela.Rovai@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.5488
Heidi Carroll (Extension): Heidi.Carroll@sdstate.edu; phone: 605.688.6623
Roger Scheibe (SDDP): SDDairyProducers@gmail.com; phone: 605.692.1775
Nebraska Extension
Kim Clark (Extension): KimClark@unl.edu; phone: 402.472.6065
Robert Tigner (Extension): Robert.Tigner@unl.edu; phone: 308.345.3390
Rod Johnson (NSDA): Rod@NebraskaMilk.org; phone: 402.261.5482
North Dakota State University Dairy Extension
JW Schroeder (Extension-Emeritus): jw.schroeder@ndsu.edu; phone: 701.231.7663
Iowa State University Dairy Extension
Ryan Breuer (Extension): rmbreuer@iastate.edu; phone: 712.737.4230
Leo Timms (Extension): ltimms@iastate.edu; phone: 515.294.4522
Sue Ann Claudon (ISDA): sueannc@iowadairy.org; phone: 515.965.4626
Allied Partners
Midwest Dairy Association: MidwestDairy.com
Minnesota Milk Producers Association: MNMilk.org
Nebraska State Dairy Association: NebraskaMilk.org
South Dakota Dairy Producers: SDDairyProducers.org
Minnesota Dairy Initiative-SW Region