The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - October 15, 2020
Important Dates
Fri., Oct. 16 NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
Mon., Oct. 19 NO SCHOOL - Fall Break
Tues., Oct. 20 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Wed., Oct. 21 Picture retakes (Uniform or weekend mass appropriate dress)
Wed., Oct. 21 PTO Eat & Earn at Panda Express from 5-9pm (N. May)
Thurs., Oct. 22 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades)
Fri., Oct. 23 8:15 am School Mass (1st-4th grades)
Sun, Oct. 25 Happy birthday, Mrs. Wilson!
Mon, Oct. 26 SALT Christmas poinsettia and wreath orders/payment due
Tues., Oct. 27 Spirit Tee AND 2 o'clock Tuesday (2pm dismissal for all students)
Wed., Oct. 28 PTO Eat & Earn at Johnnies (Memorial & May/Britton locations)
Thurs., Oct. 29 8:15 am School Mass (5th-8th grades)
Fri., Oct.30 8:15 am School Mass (1st-4th grades)
Fri., Oct. 30 PTO Six Feet Trunk Creep
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more!
Happy Fall Break!
No school Friday the 16th or Monday the 19th! If your family is traveling or planning to attend large gatherings, please fill out the Travel and Large Gathering Report. Recent COVID-19 spikes have been traced to multi-household gatherings. Please be careful in the choices you make while enjoying Fall Break!
Lunch Menu Changes Next Week
Tuesday, Oct. 20
Ham & Cheese with Veggies & Dip, Chips and Fruit
Wednesday, Oct. 21
Papa John's Pizza, Fruit and Animal Crackers
Sack lunches still offered both days.
Parent/Teacher Conferences and Report Cards
School Picture Retakes
SALT Poinsettia & Wreath Fundraiser
PTO News
Sign Up to Host a Trunk at our Halloween 6 feet Trunk Creep! PTO has made some modifications to the annual Trunk or Treat to help families enjoy the evening safely. Save the date for the evening of October 30th. Families will sign up for a 30 minute time slot to creep, crawl, or walkabout and see themed trunks and show off costumes. Treat bags will be given out before each family leaves. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HOST TRUNKS TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS!
Sign up to share your decorated trunk
CSSE Family Feature!
Meet The Schoen Family! This is their first year at CSSE. Daughter, Sophia, is in Mrs. Price’s class.
Why Did You Choose CSSE? This is the parish we found our home in. We then baptized our children here and knew it would be a fantastic place to have our children attend school.
What is your favorite thing about CSSE? We love that the teachers and parents work as a unit to provide the best for each child. Also we love how welcome we have felt as a new CSSE family.
Is there anything else about your family you would like to share? Our names are Morgan and Ben Schoen. We have two kiddoes named Sophia (almost 4) and Drake (19 months). We also have two sweet angel girls, Jordan and Laila, watching over us in heaven. We have two dogs, a golden retriever named Honeybelle, and a black Lab named Beau. We love to play outside and be with friends and family! We look forward to meeting so many people this year!
Welcome to CSSE, Schoen Family!
We would like to feature a school family in every issue as a way for our community to get to know each other, even though we are practicing social distancing. If you would like to introduce your family to the rest of our community, please fill out this form and submit a family photo!
Eagle Excellence
Let us know about your student's achievements so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
Parish News
Amazing Possibilities with Matthew Kelly! For the first time ever, Dynamic Catholic is hosting an interactive virtual event with Matthew Kelly. Join us on November 5, 2020, at 8 PM (EST) for a night of inspiration, live music and prayer! Stay tuned for registration details for this FREE event. Something wonderful is about to happen. What? Join us on Nov. 5 and let’s find out together!
Mass is still celebrated daily at St. Eugene, and with the exception of school mass, masses are open for all to come and participate while following COVID precautions. Weekend mass times are: Saturday: 5:00 pm (English), Sunday: 9:30 am, 5:00 pm (English), Noon (Spanish), 7:00 pm (Spanish).
All public masses are streamed on the church’s Facebook. You may also stream via the church’s YouTube channel for weekend masses.
Please Pray For...
Please pray for the great uncle of Olivia and Amelia Metz who has been diagnosed with liver cancer and is awaiting a liver transplant. | Please pray for Mrs. Lupp's cousin, Jeff Scales. He is currently on a ventilator due to complications from COVID-19. | Please pray for the father of archdiocesan priest Fr. Daniel Grover who has passed away after battling Covid-19. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the Faithful Departed rest in peace. Amen. | Pray for all those who have been affected by Covid-19, whether by sickness, loss of job, isolation, or loneliness, etc. May all find strength, comfort and healing in this difficult time. | Pray for our staff who have been putting in many extra hours to prepare for the upcoming school year. Please pray for students and their families. May God grant us all patience and wisdom as we navigate a very different school year. Help us put our faith first and give grace to all.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at
School News On Repeat
My Child is Ill. What Do I Do? Allergies or COVID? Stomach bug or COVID? It can be hard to decipher what ailment might be affecting your child. We have created some graphics and flowcharts to help you navigate what steps to take when your child or someone in your household is feeling unwell. Please report concerns or questions about illness to Mrs. Goldsworthy at, and she will consult with our response team - Mrs. O'Connell and Mrs. Rischard. ALWAYS fill out and submit the Absentee Form (or call Ms. Patrick in the office), then notify your child’s homeroom/house teacher each day of absence.
Absences Please use the Absentee Form to report absences AND email your child’s teacher/house homeroom. It is important to communicate why your child is missing school with the teacher and document through the Google form. Please be meticulous in following directions if a child, household member, or close contact has recently tested positive for COVID or is awaiting results of a COVID test. NO ONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD MAY ENTER THE SCHOOL BUILDING if COVID exposure is positive OR in question. Mrs. Goldsworthy MUST clear your household for return to school in all cases where the possibility of COVID is involved. Please use for correspondence regarding illness updates to Mrs. Goldsworthy.
Screening Questions and Carpool Please remember to have your questions answered DAILY and results ready to show on your phone. Students should be masked, on the passenger side for temp checks, and ready to go as soon as carpool teacher opens the door.
Spirit Tee Tuesday is EVERY Tuesday! - Students may wear their regular uniform or a St. Eugene spirit tee with jeans or uniform bottoms. Don't forget ALL students dismiss at 2pm EVERY Tuesday!
Looking for a Volunteer Musician!
We would love to have music in the church again! We are looking for a volunteer or two to play the piano or guitar for either or both school masses each week. If you or your student is willing to play some of the liturgical music, please let Mrs. Goldsworthy know.
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067