TEKSbank Resources

TEKSbank Classroom is an assessment application inside of your LMS that provides access to thousands of high-quality assessment items developed for the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which can be used to help discover students' areas of need and strength in order to make instructional decisions.
TEKSbank Classroom is included with current TEKSbank subscriptions!
DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION: Please fill out the form on the TEKSbank Classroom Website for access!
TEKSbank Classroom can also be purchased by districts that do not currently have TEKSbank.
TEKSbank Classroom | Webinar 11.15.22
TEKSbank Classroom Help
Step-by-Step Guides
Focus Assessments allow assessment authors to easily identify passages containing at least four (usually more) questions targeting the measurement of proficiency on a specific standard or skill.
Janna Smith
Region 5 ESC
Program Coordinator
Instructional Technology