The Dolphin Whistle
April 29 , 2020 Issue 31
MESSAGE FROM PRINCIPAL LAMBERT - Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected
Dear Parents,
We are in week 2 of Distance Learning! The good news is that we are seeing more student engagement in the online assignments and activities and it is wonderful to see their faces and their work.
We expect students in grades K-2 to be completing a minimum of 1-2 hours of schoolwork each day and students in grades 3-5 to be completing a minimum of 2-4 hours of schoolwork each day. Please communicate these expectations to your child. As always if you are having any difficulties accessing the activities in google classroom or the Zoom lessons and meetings please let us know.
My cell number is (831) 206-9522.
Please attend the virtual Principal's Coffee on Tuesday, May 12th at 3:00 p.m. I will send out the information with the Zoom connection in a Monday morning email. I would love to talk to you and answer any questions and concerns that you have.
We will also be having a virtual School Site Council Meeting this month as well as virtual ELAC meeting. Please look for those announcements in next week's Dolphin Whistle.
I hope to see you all soon,
Best Regards
Theresa Lambert
Principal Mariano Castro Elementary
We miss you!
Here's a video of some of the Castro teachers and staff, missing your from our homes.
CastroNeed help with Zoom?
Call Ms. Calderon or Mr. Alcazar.
Kristen Calderon (408) 404-8166 Roberto Alcazar (408) 780-8615
Chromebook Problems
If you are having issues with Chromebooks issued by the school district, please contact Technology at 650-526-3252 or
If your personal device breaks and you are unable to get another, please contact Ms. Lambert, Mrs. Calderon, Mr. Alcazar, or your teacher and we will do our best to get a device to you.
MVEF news
Google grants $200,000 for MVWSD students
MVEF is grateful for Google’s longtime commitment to public education and partnership with our District and foundation. Google recently donated $200,000 during COVID-19 school closure to ensure MVWSD students stay on track with their learning.
As MVWSD assessed the technological needs in our community made even more clear by the COVID-19 school closure, it’s clear the digital divide still exists. Even after the District distributed 900 Chromebooks this year, almost 10% (615) of our students still need a device, and 5% (247) students still need internet access. Google immediately stepped up with a $100,000 grant to provide technology for students, primarily internet hotspots and laptops, to enable our students to access assignments and online conferences with their teachers during distance learning.
Additionally, MVEF was awarded an additional $100,000 grant from Google to fund STEM initiatives next year at MVWSD’s schools, ensuring MVEF can continue to help fund essential Next Generation Science Standards, hands-on science programming at every school.
Superintendent Dr. Ayindé Rudolph shared his gratitude. “We are in uncharted waters in which our daily methods of instruction look very different. Our students and parents continue to look for a sense of normalcy during remote learning and sheltering in place. Despite all of the uncertainty, I am grateful that we can continue to count on MVEF and Google as great community advocates and corporate sponsors. They not only answered our call to reduce the digital divide in our community, but also demonstrated that our path forward through these trying times is together. On behalf of all of our students, I want to thank MVEF for their continued advocacy, and Google for their continued commitment to our students and community,” he said.
MVEF and MVWSD express its deep appreciation for Google, and for the company’s willingness to help provide an excellent education to all of our children in Mountain View.
MV Parent U: "Angst," raising anxiety awareness
Angst features candid interviews with kids and young adults who suffer, or have suffered, from anxiety and what they’ve learned about it. The film includes discussions with mental health experts about the causes of anxiety and its sociological effects, as well as help, resources and tools.
To reserve your free spot for this online event, please register here by May 6 at noon:
Wifi available in the Mistral parking lot
Incoming middle school parents: Prepare to select electives for 2020-21
Use your PowerSchool Parent Portal Access to select Electives for 2020-21
Beginning April 29, 2020, parents will be able to log on to the PowerSchool Parent Portal to select their fifth- to seventh-graders’ elective choices for 2020-21. You will receive an email when the course catalogs are posted on April 24.
Please make sure you have access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal now by logging on to You will use the PowerSchool Parent Portal for elective selection, grades, assignments and attendance monitoring, and for downloading state test results.
If you have difficulty signing in, please contact your school office.
2020 Census Paper Questionnaires are on their way to Californians!
Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to complete it too. It’s something everyone can do while practicing social distancing at home to make a difference today, tomorrow and the next 10 years.