AEHS Weekly Newsletter
January 20, 2024
Good evening, Titans!
I hope you all stayed warm this weekend and enjoyed the snow days we had last week. Tomorrow we will be in school, on time, for our regularly scheduled school day. As a final reminder, this is the last week of the second marking period and the first semester. Parents, please be sure you know where your students stand regarding their grades. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out directly to your students' teacher(s).
Have a great week!
Mark Brown, Jr.
AEHS Calendar Items
Reminders & Dates (UPDATED)
- Fri. Jan. 26 - Last Day of Semester
- Mon. Jan 29 -. Prof. Day. No School for Students
- Mon. Feb. 19 - Presidents' Day. No School for Staff and Students
- Fri. March 1 - Early Release & AEHS Career Fair
- Follow the AEHS Website - Upcoming Events link to see more events that are coming up at AEHS
- MCPS SY23-24 Calendar
Happening at AEHS
2nd Annual AEHS Career Fair - March 1, 2024 (NEW)
On Friday, March 1st, we will host our 2nd annual AEHS Career Fair. Our goal is to have one professional in each classroom, during each class period. Last year was a huge success, and we are hopeful to follow up in a big way this year!
Please consider volunteering your time to be a presenter, a sponsor, or just lending a hand the day of. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Also, questions can be direct to assistant principal, Alyson_L_Gordon@mcpsmd.org.
Complete the FAFSA (NEW)
Einstein will offer help completing your FAFSA on Tuesday, January 23rd from 5:30 to 8 pm. FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. All eligible seniors must complete it. Make sure you have an FSA ID for both student and parent/guardian, your 2022 tax forms and a computer. Sign up for help here (bit.ly/3REnTgg).
How to create a FSA ID?
Help AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral Students (NEW)
Help AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral Students Attend the Spring Trip to Quantico & Williamsburg!
Hello Titan families!
The AEHS Instrumental Music and Choral students have a great opportunity to perform at the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico and attend music and choral clinics at William & Mary University in Williamsburg in April 2024. Please help students cover the costs of this 3-day trip by making a donation!
This is an incredible opportunity for our AEHS musicians. Travel and other associated costs are not covered by the school, so we need your help. Please consider making a donation to PACE, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.
If you are supporting a specific student-musician, please check the "Write us a comment" box on the donation form and enter the student's full name in the comment section to ensure your donation will help cover costs for that student. Contributions without a comment will be used to support the entire experience and students who are most in need.
Please share with your family, friends and neighbors! Every dollar contributed will help offset the costs of this trip for our hardworking and talented student-musicians.
Thank you!
Karin Rudolph
PACE Theatre and Choral Liaison
Sylvia Augustein
PACE instrumental Music Liaison
Einstein's Closet (REPEAT)
Einstien's Closet (previously Project Prom) is collecting donations until April 1st. We are only in need of men/women's suit jackets and pants as well as long prom/bridesmaid dresses. Donations can be dropped off in Ms. Klenk's Room (150). Any questions you can reach Ms. Klenk at: katelyn.a.klenk@mcpsmd.net
English Language Proficiency Testing (WIDA ACCESS) for EML (ESOL) Students Only ~January 9 - January 26 (REPEAT)
Students who are part of our English Language Development (ELD/ESOL) program must complete the state mandated WIDA ACCESS English Language Proficiency assessment this month. Students will be assessed in four domains: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. This test is for every EML student, including those who have opted out of ELD services. Families will be notified when their student(s) are scheduled for testing. Students will receive a pass to attend their testing sessions, and a letter to bring home. The letter explains testing details. No preparation is required, but it is very important that students bring a charged Chromebook to school on test days and try their very best on every domain. The scores show how much progress students have made on learning English. and are used by Counselors to place students in the correct classes next year. Any student who scores 4.5 or higher overall will receive a report that shows they have attained English proficiency and exited the ELD program. Please send any questions to Leah B. Michaels, ELD Resource Teacher at Leah_B_Michaels@mcpsmd.org
Happening Around MCPS
HBCU College Fair (REPEAT)
The 16th Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair will be held on Friday, February 16, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m.
The in-person event will take place at The Universities at Shady Grove for students in Grades 8–12 and their families to meet with representatives from over 50 historically black colleges and universities. The HBCU College Fair will include the following:
- Workshops on financial aid, assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, and scholarship opportunities.
- A panel discussion on college life with representatives from the Montgomery County National Pan-Hellenic Council Fraternities and Sororities.
- Workshops that include scholarship information from the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and an overview of HBCUs and how to find your best-fit HBCU.
Volunteers are needed to help with monitoring workshop sessions and logistics. The volunteer registration information is located on the HBCU Fair website.
Important Dates:
- Friday, January 19, 2024, registration opens.
- Friday, February 16, 2024, from 6:00–8:30 p.m., HBCU Fair
School Bus App (REPEAT)
The school bus application for families and students to track the real-time location and arrival of their bus will be available to all schools at the end of January of 2024. This smartphone app will support important two-way communication and enhance safety for students while they wait and ride the school bus. To support a smooth implementation, students and families at 10 pilot schools (AEHS is not a pilot school) are currently using the application. Additional information about registering for the bus application will be sent next week.
Only those parents and guardians listed in Synergy with the “HC: Parent has custody,” and “RT: Student can be released to this parent” designations will be able to access their assigned student transportation information via the Edulog Parent Portal App. AEHS will be working to ensure information is accurate in Synergy.
SAT School Day - (UPDATED)
The SAT will be administered to all AEHS Grade 11 students on Tuesday, March 19, 2024. The SAT will remain free of charge for all Grade 11 students who entered as first-time ninth graders in 2021 (FTNG 2021). All Grade 11 students are expected to take the exam. Non-diploma bound students and students in English Language Development Levels 1 and 2 are not required to take the SAT, but should be offered the opportunity. All make-ups exams must be completed by April 22, 2024.
AEHS Grade 11 students will attend the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) college fair on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Access to both the NACAC college fair and a paid SAT exam is important for all Grade 11 students.
Junior Day: Prepare for the Journey Ahead and College Fair (REPEAT)
At Wheaton High School sponsored by the NAACP Parent Council and Johns Hopkins. Free event and transportation is offered from high schools.
Student led event at Quince Orchard High School. Free event and transportation is offered from high schools.
Student Learning Opportunities
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (REPEAT)
Volunteers are an essential part of operations at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, staffing the Visitor Center and Lighthouse, conducting wildlife surveys and assisting with biological studies, presenting interpretive walks and talks, constructing and maintaining refuge facilities and trails, improving habitat, and more! Bring your skills, talents, and energy; we’ll supply the rest, including training and uniforms.
Learn more following this link https://www.fws.gov/refuge/chincoteague/get-involved?fbclid=IwAR0Cn5M4owJIIlOjv4fhtAYvDO6r9nbaqNfsbu7Iy7dTKrZPRTmGvIY55Ow
Webinars for SSL Hours (UPDATED)
The webinars below are hosted hosted by MCPS. Please note that students who attend and participate will receive TWO SSL hours; each webinar will be 1.5 hours in length.
Remembering the Holocaust: International Holocaust Remembrance Day Student Webinar
Description: Middle and high school students are invited to participate in a webinar to learn about the Holocaust and the artwork of a Holocaust survivor, Esther Nisenthal Krinitz. This program is in collaboration with Art & Remembrance.
Date: January 25, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Location: Zoom Webinar (Zoom Registration Link)
2 SSL Hours
HS Environmental Literacy (REPEAT)
SAPPlings (Student Advocates Protecting the Planet) and One Montgomery Green are hosting the Green Inventors Challenge, a contest where teams of 2-4 students are invited to create an invention, product or service that addresses a problem related to one of three major environmental challenges of our time: climate change, water pollution, or food waste. All participants will receive a certificate and earn SSL hours. Top scoring teams will earn additional awards and gift cards.
Registration is open through Jan. 10th, and final projects will be presented to judges on Jan. 29th. More details and a student interest form can be found here.
MCPS - Things to Know
Thurs. January 18 (UPDATED)
Dear MCPS Students, Families, and Staff,
Here are things to know for Thursday Jan. 18. Get information about a bus tracking app announcement, upcoming virtual Parent Academy TO GO workshops, upcoming events, reminders, and more.
Non-MCPS/Community Information
Steam Ahead 2014 (NEW)
Happy New Year Students, Parents, and Administrators,
The Greater Washington Urban League Guild is pleased to announce year two of Project STEAM AHEAD! This immersive experience will teach basic coding skills or allow students to sharpen and enhance already existing skills in a fun and interactive way with the end result being the production of a video game with storyline and illustrations. The key is to fully engage the intellect and imagination! The program will run for five weeks from Feb 10 - March 16, with a celebration and presentation on week six. We will meet at the Greater Washington Urban League Headquarters on Saturday mornings from 10 - 11:30. If possible participants should bring a laptop, but if you don't have one don't let that be a barrier! Come prepared to have fun and learn a new skill or sharpen the ones you already have.
If you are interested please Click to complete the form and indicate your interest in "Project STEAM AHEAD," (some of you may have completed the form in the past, but please complete it again.)
Feel free to email any questions you may have, you will find the link for the interest form included in this email and an information flier attached.
We hope to see you in February and please share with any friends in grades 8-11!
All the Best,
Dr. Lynn
Youth Education and Development
Committee Chair
Emerging Leaders (REPEAT)
Good evening and happy new year,
My name is Sarah Jiatz and I'm an intern with the Montgomery County Commission for Women (CFW) and I wanted to get the word out about an opportunity available to high school students. The CFW's 44th annual Women's Legislative Briefing will be hosted on January 28, 2024 at The Universities at Shady Grove. The WLB features an Emerging Leaders track with programming designed specifically for middle and high school students. Student tickets cost $10 and students can earn 3 SSL hours with this opportunity.
We were hoping this information could be shared to your high school students through newsletters, school newspapers, social media, and the college and career center. I have attached a graphic for you to share. Please visit here for more event information.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Sarah Jiatz