NVE Paw Print Newsletter
February 9, 2024
Upcoming Events
- February 17 - Science Saturday (info below)
- February 19 - No School (Presidents Day)
- February 21 - Club picture day (rescheduled from 1/19)
- February 23 - Pre-K day (info below)
"NVE Pre-K Days are back! If you have a child that will be attending kindergarten at NVE next year, we invite you to visit our school on our "Pre-K Panther Cub Days" to get important information regarding Kindergarten and to help introduce your child to our school. We have a number of fun activities planned designed to engage your learner and help them get to know our school. Our next day for Panther Cubs to visit is Friday, February 23 at 9:00-10:00am. If you are interested in joining us that day, we ask that you RSVP by completing the attached form and returning it to school. You can send it in with other children you have at NVE, you can mail it to our school or you can email it to smcfall@jcsc.org. We hope to see you there!"
North Vernon Parks & Rec
Registration is now open for spring soccer through 2/14/2024. Go to nvpr.recdesk.com to sign up. Any questions call the park office at 812-346-9371. Baseball and Softball sign-ups will begin soon.
Soccer ages: 2 -12 yrs old
Softball ages: 5-16 yrs old
Baseball ages: 5-12 yrs old
Student Drop Off / Pick Up Reminders
As we refresh for the second half of the year, we want to remind our families of drop off and pick up procedures. Please make sure you are following this and pass this on to anyone who may be picking up or dropping off your student:
- Pull all the way up to the next available spot.
- Students should ALWAYS exit the car on the right side. Stepping into the drive is very dangerous for them and other cars.
- If the driver needs to get out of the car to help the student load or unload, please park in the visitor parking and walk them in. Having people walking in the drive holds up other riders and can be very dangerous as people are pulling in and out.
- If you have a change in routine, the office must be notified no later than 2:00, in writing. You can email nveoffice812@gmail.com or text 812-379-8841 with those changes.
- All pickups will need a car tag. If you forgot yours or do not have it, you will be asked to park and go into the main office to sign your student out.
- Please be patient as you wait through the pickup/drop off lines. With everyone working together and following the procedures, we can be very efficient but we need your help by staying calm and being patient with other riders and our staff.
Calling Parent Volunteers
JCSC is reviewing curriculum adoption materials for math for kindergarten through 8th grade. If you would be interested in serving as a parent volunteer for math textbook adoption review, please contact Carrie Manowitz, JCSC Director of Curriculum and Instruction by email at cmanowitz@jcsc.org.
Thanks and Happy Friday!!
Park Theatre News
February 9-11 Valentine’s Day ($1 admission for all)
February 16-18 Hoosiers ($1 admission for all)
February 23-25 Ordinary Angels
Movie times are regular-Friday at 7, Saturday at 2 and 7, Sunday at 2
March 1 - Hollywood Revue at 7
March 3 - Hollywood Revue at 3
Tickets for Hollywood Revue are on sale now. Adult $10 - Children 12 and under $5
Tickets are going fast!
😀PTO News😀
Catalog fundraiser: Orders due on Wednesday, February 14.
PTO meeting: Thursday, February 15th at 6:30 PM in the NVE cafeteria
Title Tidbits
Ask your children what they studied in class today, what they liked and what they learned. Asking questions shows that school is important.
STEM at Home
Build Something with Blocks or Legos
When you finish write out the steps that someone would need to follow in order to recreate your design.
Boys & Girls Club Contact Information
Registration can be found at www.bgcsey.org
NVE AM hours are 5:30-7:30am and PM hours are 3:20-6:00pm.
Reminder: Pickup begins at 4:00pm. Adults will not be permitted in the building until that time.