Eagle Eye - February 2023
Middle/High School Community Update
Student Senate
Student Senate is available to students in grades 6-8 & grades 9-12 at Windom MSHS. Our MS student senate operates on a sign up basis. The HS student senate is an elective body that represents each grade level. Class Presidents and Vice Presidents are members, along with elected student senators. There are "at-large" positions in the student senate available by advisor appointment. Our student representative bodies provide students opportunities in leadership, advocacy, collaboration, organization and representation. Our student leaders learn much about the democratic process and ways to make a meaningful difference in their school community.
This month's principal message highlights our student senate in the MS & HS and introduces you to a couple of student senators as they are finalizing plans for our February 6-10 Winterfest celebrations.
Upcoming Events
Kevin Honeycutt
Kevin Honeycutt will be visiting Windom on February 8, and he will be working with our students in grades K-12. Kevin will bring a message of purpose to help our students explore their path in this world. Kevin specializes in helping each student find their purpose. Here is Kevin's website to learn more. Here is the schedule for Kevin's visit.
Counselor's Corner
ACT prep courses have begun. We are spending time 3 days a week helping students better prepare to take the March 7 ACT.
We are excited to take all sophomores and the juniors in the AVID III course on a college visit March 1. Here is info for the day:
College day for sophomores/juniors
Leave Windom 8:15
9:40-10:00 am Check In MSU
10:00-10:20 am Admissions Presentation
10:20-11:30 Campus Tour
11:30-12:30 Lunch
Mav Ave includes options like Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, Union Grill, and more! Mav Ave prices vary by meal. Please keep in mind that restaurant locations set their own hours and not all locations may be open the day of our group visit.
12:40 Load Bus
1:00-2:15 Student's Select if they will be going to South Central College or Bethany Lutheran.
2:20 Load Bus and travel back to Windom
Ready, Set, FAFSA!
They’re back: Free virtual financial aid events for Minnesota students and families!
The series, running February 7 through 28, will cover general financial aid information, details on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the Minnesota Dream Act for undocumented students, and other ways to pay for college. A fact sheet for schools is attached.
- All sessions will have simultaneous interpretation in Spanish, Somali and Hmong. Information for families about registering for the series is available here.
- Students who attend a session or watch one of the recordings will be eligible to win a $500 scholarship!
- These sessions are a collaborative effort between the Minnesota Office of Higher Education, Minnesota Department of Education, ECMC The College Place and Minnesota Goes to College.
Mrs. Leah Lovell, School Counselor
Email: llovell@ISD177.com
507-831-6910 ext. 346
Mrs. Kylie Nielsen, School Social Worker
Email: knielsen@ISD177.com
507-831-6910 ext. 105
Mrs. Jennifer Squires, School Counselor
Email: jsquires@ISD177.com
507-831-6910 ext. 103
Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
CEO Update
Culture, Climate, Belongingness Survey
Our students in grades 6-12, along with our MSHS staff, are completing a culture, climate & belongingness survey to help our leadership team gather data about our school. This data will be shared with our student leadership teams and our MSHS staff leadership team. We will use this data to create an action plan and make positive change in our school as we head toward the end of the 22-23 school year but also prepare for future school years.
Daily Announcements
Our daily announcements contain many items for our 6-12 grade students. Parents can view the announcements by clicking on this Link. Announcements are updated by 8:00 AM everyday.
Attendance is vitally important to student success. After all, the world is run by those who show up! If your student will be absent, please email attendancemshs@isd177.com, or call the office at 507-831-6910. Did you know you can also request an absence in the Skyward system? In your students portal on Skyward (while in parent view/family access) click on the attendance tab, then click on Request Absence and you can enter the details. Submitting this request sends an instant alert to our office and automatically updates our system.
Absences that are not excused are made up through after school detention. In addition, students who are chronically tardy make up time during lunch or after school should the situation become severe. Thank you for your help in supporting your students on-time presence in class!
Contact Us
Email: bjoyce@isd177.com
Website: https://windomasdmn.sites.thrillshare.com/
Location: 1400 17th St. PO Box 177 Windom, MN 56101
Phone: (507) 831-6910
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WindomAreaSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @Windom_Eagles