The PAW Print
September 5, 2021
Mark your Calendar
September 6: Labor Day (schools and offices are closed)
September 23: Two-hour early dismissal
September 24: Professional Day (no school for students)
School Office Hours 7:00 AM until 3:30 PM
Bus Passes
Parents who need to pick up their children early should call the front office no later than
2:00 PM.
Please Label Everything!
Please label items with first AND last names.
We already have a collection of lunch boxes and water bottles without names. These items are on the stage in the cafeteria and should be claimed by the owners during lunches.
MTSS Back to School Dance
Aloha Dance
Friday, Sep. 10, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Margaret Brent Middle School Cafeteria
All proceeds from the dance are used for
MTSS supplies and incentives for students.
Additional information
Margaret Brent Middle School will host a Back to School Dance for all MBMS students on Friday, September 10th. Permission slips to attend the dance will be handed out on Tuesday, Sept 7th during the students’ advisory period. Students will turn in their form and pay at the door to enter the dance. In order to attend the dance, all students must have a signed permission slip and $5.00. Students must wear a mask at this event unless directly eating and/or drinking. Families are responsible for transportation home from all school dances. Refreshments will be available for purchase!
PTSO Corner
This year's meetings will be held in the media center at 3:00 PM. The meeting dates are as follows:
Sept. 15
Nov. 17
Feb. 9
May 18
PTSO 2021-2022 Fundraisers
Joe Corbi (August 30-Sept 17)
Spirit Nights (Throughout the school year)
Kona Ice (During Open House- August 26)
Quarterly Student Dances (10/19, 12/10, 4/29, from 3-5 PM)
Winter Formal (February 25)